Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 83: -Do not read- jump to Chapter 85

Chapter 83: -Do not read- jump to Chapter 85

3 weeks later

The city hums as merchants with colourful fabrics and spices and meats trade near its high walls. In the distance sits a grand circular fort. Red with history and blood and of course the well shaped clay. The fort can be mistaken for a palace in the morning light. However the clay detailing the families history on the outside of the First wall serves a reminder everyone of the path this house took power. Inside the "Blood Palace" as most locals called is a garden. This garden has a small Bangoulap like cabin, accented by the lovely Jacaranda tree which has stood at that the very centre since The Great Shewolf herself planted it here over six hundred years ago.

In the six roomed cabin, is a young boy. He is troubled by many things. His Olive taliored shirt hides his insecurities much like his well formed jaw and muscles. His fire red hair is not natural. The red clay is applied every morning by the servants. His pants black, tight in all the right places. Sipho is at the dining room table reading a note from his father.

"How am I suppose to tell her this?" Sipho says to himself after reading the note.

"Tell me what?" A feral soft voice, parched by a lack of drink for three weeks says. Sipho turns his heart is beat so fast that it feels like a spider in his throat. She, Nomagugu is even more beautiful than before. The silk night dress just sheer enough that he can almost see the contours of her plump yet petite bosom.

Sipho stands rushing to her side smilling, he is a head taller than her. Good too since she stumbles a little falling into the familiar embrace of his arms. His muscles rippled through his clothing and as always gave that sensation of warmth and safety. They stayed for moment just the two them in each other's arms. He is enrupted by her warmth her touch gentle and welcomed.

Then Sipho guided Nomagugu to the couples table that had a large bouquet of crimson Wolfsbane, light amber with an array of foods not made for a small table. The table is made for a couple as it only sits two comfortably.

"Can I?"As the words left her mouth when several well dressed servants wearing the red and black Kikoi with the embroidered three fangs a sign of the lower house crest. The servants came with drinks of wine, freshly squeezed berries and water of course properly coloured to red.

The red water reminded Nomagugu exactly where she was. The red water is a symbol of house Nandi, named after the first great mother wolf. Her blood runs through all kingdoms in one way or another. Nomagugu felt herself getting a little light headed. Sipho's hand provided comfort as if he too somehow felt that she was not yet entirely well.

Sipho snapped a finger the table was cleared leaving only a small assortment of hams, and other cold meats along with the red water. The smell is that of happiness and excitement her mouth watering as her empty tummy grumbled much like Sipho's stomach does during an Obsidan hunt. He never enjoyed them much.

Nomagugu picked at the various meats, delighting in ever sensation. The soft boil quill meat a particular delight to her. Sipho gazed at her lovingly, she remembered his soft yet intense gaze. How his bright brown eyes would always greet her. She gasps.

"Sipho your eyes they came in!" She was both happy and filled with a bit of dread after all when a wolf's eyes came in it means they have killed someone, usually from one of the rival scared beast clans like Vampires or Kishin and Jaegerbar. The Great Hunt is a tradition carried out by all the scared beast clan.

Sipho looks a little sad to her. She places a hand on his head, his red eyes felt more like deep volcanos. She blushed when She realised she like these eyes better as she felt like he was truly looking at her for the first. She warmed a little at the thought a deep murmur throughout her body. They had never been intimate in that way but it still exciting to think of with Sipho. Especially now that his eyes came in, she above all else valued strength.

"Tell me what happened?" said Nomagugu, when it came to the tradition Sipho tended to shy away from discussing it with her however today he started talking as if she was also a part of the clan. A welcomed change as it was also one the reasons their relationship had stalled. He had never been fully honest always saying "clan business or wolf tradition." family status had only been that just a status.

Sipho said with a pain expression peaking in almost a growl "I killed Thabo, that's how I got these." Nomagugu nearly dropped her grey plate filled with delicious bacon bits. She knew it is not easy to speak about killing someone more so when it's someone you know. One secret that she had shared with Sipho when she was most vurenable five years ago was how she had stab one of captors. She has been kidnapped by the man and spent an entire year with him before finally getting a chance to escape with the assistance of letter opener to the man's neck.

She edges closer to him, close enough that they touched again, he relaxed a bit and explained his father role and the battle in detail.

Nomagugu was calm she had not known Kwanele at all and she always found Thabo to be a bit of an ogler. Not that means he deserves to die but she was never quite comfortable being in a room alone with the pup.

She took a while to process the information, sorting carefully reminding herself to be appropriately shocked at some of the gruesome details. She had learned early one that Sipho likes to think of her as delicate however if he knew the things that happened to her in this house over the past five years under the Omega he would never again think her weak or delicate.

She rubs the back of his head, he smiles a bit then almost as if absent mindedly he hands her the note. She nearly choked on her chicken gizzards when she read it. The note was read as follows


I First of house Elen, Alpha of Pack Nandi, Warmaster General Of the fifth Fang, En titles continued [etc]. Write to you this letter in hopes that you are well for the your engagement party to my son Sipho. On the first of half moon.

She looks disbelieving at the note. "This is a very elaborate joke Sipho you can't marry a human." She reminding him of one of the many things that separate them socially.

"Hey," he holds up her face to makes they are looking at each other eye to eye. "This is real, It's crazy I know but the old man is all of a sudden determined to make this happen." Sipho says puzzled his strict father's about face.

In fact he had not explained any thing at all Sipho. When Sipho had woken a few weeks ago Second and The Alpha had already left on some sort of mission from the empress herself.

"We can't be engaged, what would people say?" Sipho chuckled a bit he expected her to react better than this after all the Omega. Nearly killed the Alpha when she found out. Sipho tries to explain as best he can without exaggeration.

"It's what we always said we would do but we don't have to run anyway more. You are going to be my wife is that not something to be happy." Sipho is trying to find joy. A large part of it is Nomagugu it's in fact the very reason he didn't apply to the outter fringes of the Empire and join her Majesty's Fangs to fight bright fiends in the Eternal Blizzard.

The leap he is asking her to make is possible especially since the engagement party is only two weeks away. Dresses have to be chosen, ceremonial swords and matching fangs crafted. She also needed classes in proper court etiquette amongst the multitude of preengagemnt, engagements especially the high tea with the Omega.

"I'm happy about the engagement however rushed it is. I just want to know what that father of yours is thinking and what going on. We still need to talk what happened to me you saying you don't know is not good enough." She decided to be blunt Sipho could be stubborn for no reason sometimes and underplay important things especially if they don't affect him directly this has been a sore point in there relationship for a long time.

Nomagugu who finally felt full after eating her seventh plate of Ham and a delicious succulent meat she had never had before.

"I'm not sure how to say this exactly but I feel the same their is a lot we need find out. Also I have the bath prepared for you after all you have been sleeping for the past three weeks." Sipho says his face losing color in embarrassment, Nomagugu didn't know that the First had ordered that Sipho take care of all her needs personally while she was recovering.

"Fine I will see you a little later, p..." said Nomagugu when to her joy the boy pulled out a small bone. The wishbone from a Serine Lovebird which when bonded melt together forming a complete wish the one in his hand. He stood in front of her more serious than before. She also stood they had discussed this so Sipho knew exactly what to do even if it's not the cliffs of New Petty at least they are together.

"Nomagugu Sethu, will you be my bonded mate? Bond beyond blood, tempered in the fires of loves and the anguish of joy. I son of Malazan First of his house seek your permission to enter my house." She felt her heart flatter, a sweet tingle in knees with every word she never truly believed that this day would come. He proposed to her in the style of her people. He was suppose to ask.Her father but she was alone after all.

They embrace the anticipation of the kiss to come is palpable. A stiffness in his pants could be felt through the embrace Nomagugu didn't mind after all Sipho is easily excited after all it wasn't the first time her embrace had this effect on him. Her nose touched his their lips growing ever closer.

Suddenly a furiously rotund woman bubbled into ththe room. her black apron stained with what one can only hope are food stuff. The couple jumped apart embarrassed and happy. Monica one of the older maids had stumbled in she had not been told that Sipho was in and she planned to fix the Blood Princes betrothed.

"Great Hunter, I didn't realize..." Instead of moving out she moves closer. Collapsing at his feet kissing his feet. Sipho could only leave, Monica knew that unlike the Omega's Childern. Sipho had not grown up in the proper traditional high society thus extreme contrition makes him uncomfortable.

Nomagugu laughed it seemed to her, 'she could learn a few things from this maid. ' That thought made her smile. She waves as her fianc leaves.

"Blood and guts, we must to prepare you with immediate urgency." Monica said pulling Nomagugu to bath house. The name was not an fluff it is a house that has only baths in it all for her. Flagged by three female servants also wearing the kikoi fabric from before.  She chooses the bath closets to the door hoping against all hope Monica just an over zealot servant.

The bath smelled strongly of Lavender and a scent she didn't know. The water also is felt down to her muscles. Firmer than before yet still soft, she could feel too an inner strength. She sinks her hair in the water.

Monica and Pricilla nod to each other while Florence fetches a towel and a pair of clippers. When Nomagugu came up for air. Monica starts to brush the weeks out of her hair smoothing out her sliver locks. Florence starts at the bottom evening out her hair. Monica is humming to Nomagugu, relaxing she let's the ladies work.

It is only after they try to remove the necklace around her neck, she says "I'm being polite, as a woman to a fellow woman. So please do what you must but remember even a poor woman has some thing others cannot touch." Her eyes unbeknownst to her flashed a bright purple.

Her unexpected calm voice threw Priscilla who had tried to remove the necklace. Monica says "As you wish," pushing Priscilla to move on to the hands and feet.

Nomagugu had spoken as she believed the Omega would, being her Nineth has given Nomagugu many a chance to observe how to talk to those below in station. The Omega is a powerful woman. Her pack is built on power which is why she allows Sipho to live.

The ladies all get done, Nomagugu's Afro is now tied into a two space buns with two braided locks one either side in front of her ears. She is wearing a black and white Lamba. She thought that was odd but it's better than having to Kishin Berber. She slips into sandals Monica giving her a once over.

"There you see you are beautiful," says Monica a small jab she hopes to see those eyes again.

"Hey what's that suppose mean!" Nomagugu is eyeing Monica up and down looking for anything to dress down on Monica. Monica looks well groomed even thou her apron is a mess. Her dress robe and hair are immaculate. Her face paint prom and proper even after working with Nomagugu in the water. Nomagugu can only click her tongue.

"It means you have a very understanding betrothed, very understanding indeed" Says Monica leading the bride to be. Nomagugu follows her back to the cabin. She rubs her mothers necklace. Infront of her is arguably the most powerful women in the empire The Omega.


Nomagugu falls on all fours presenting her arm a sign of deep of respect the Omega stands leaving her cup of tea on the small table. The Omega is a thin lanky woman with high cheek bones and full lips. The dress she is wearing is made from the finest materials. Fairy silk and knitted together using Warlock weaves. The dress a deep grey appears to have no seams or any visible embroidery. Her undershirt a bright purple can be seen from the arms and plunging neckline. Two skeletal fingers pull Nomagugu up by the chin.

Nomagugu and the Omega's eye meet. The Omega frowning at the girl as she takes in her in for the first time. Eyeing her like a slab of meat she is going to butcher. Nomagugu can't help but take a big gulp.

"So your the one?" Says The Omega her eyes unmoved from Nomagugu

"Excuse me?" Asks Nomagugu confused by at the question. Nomagugu has too many things going through her mind to pin point what the Omega is asking.

"Dear girl don't be a dunce, your are his mate or rather fiance. My son you know the first prince lord of all the night, master of the hunt and all that other fancy stuff." The Omega speaks in a practiced tone. Each word precise and thoughtful and somehow also cutting. Nomagugu is sure that the Omega isn't even seeing her. Speaking to Nomagugu the way she does to servants she is going to release from service.

"Yes Omega I am." Says Nomagugu who has to step back as the Omega growls at her.

"You will address me dear girl as mother or Helena. Now you nothing of proper etiquette?" Says the Omega Helena she looks displeased at Nomagugu. Growling before clicking her fingers.

"I will Om...Mother" Nomagugu knows to answer her when spoken too. As her eighth she has at least learned to be useful, silent and unseen.

"Good I don't repeat myself. Your name Girl and speak up if you are the future you need to start sounding like a leader." Says the Omega moving back to the couples table.

"Mother I don't understand?" Says Nomagugu she knows only family can call the Alpha and Omega by mother and father.

" Daughter you will in time." Says Helena waving her over to the table. Monica brings out several full trays of dried meat. Helena's favourite is dried Eland spice with salt and chili. Nomagugu goes to sit by the open chair. Not at all looking at the spread being laid out.

"Mother, maybe you can tell a little so I can better prepare myself." Says Nomagugu she is using her experience with the Omega to help herself out. Helena likes proactive people she has always helped those who try to help themselves.

"Daughter you are the middle of a political and social, please excuse me but my husband puts its  best. A shit storm The royal family is asking for more than we can afford and the Border Wars are not going well. Your engagement has not gone over well at all. I have never seen my husband so forceful towards the elders." Says Helena taking a more relaxed tone. Nomagugu feels something an inkling of trust towards Helena. Who has for the longest time been a source of fear.

"Mother I'm sorry I should be clearer. I mean why am I your daughter that shouldn't be possible." Says Nomagugu licking her lips as the delicious smells of meats enter her nostrils.

"That's a twist of fate turning in your favour daughter. Since I'm not Sipho's mother I adopted you." Says Helena as she nibbles on a piece of meat.

"You adopted me...I can't believe that why would you risk your status." Says Nomagugu her hands to her heart. The introduction into the pack as a family member is very difficult. The elders will always block those they don't care for from entering the family. Her one status as is more as property of Sipho than family member and that cost him at lot.

"Daughter you will learn in due time that my husband takes no risk he cannot win. This scheme of his will see Sipho happy and you daughter will be trained to be as powerful as I am." Says Helena her smile nesting in her eyes. She waves a piece of meat at her Nomagugu grabs it ripping it apart. The flavours dance like endorphins succulent and rapturous Nomagugu has never tasted anything this good.

"The Embrace does a lot of wonderful things daughter, however it comes at a great cost. You will require great strength of character to survive it." Says Helena, Nomagugu thinks to herself it can't be worse than her periods. She has had to work with her stomach feeling like its crushing itself with ever footstep.

"Wait you mean it worked?" Asks Nomagugu by mistake it is the only secret her and Sipho currently have. As expected Helena grabs her through her eyes glowing red her muscles tensing with power. She comes in close so that only Nomagugu can hear.

"You did this on purpose?" Asks Helena her fury obvious to Nomagugu.

"We had no choice mother..." Nomagugu decides to go with the truth, she has it work for other servants who have done something unforgivable and because they told the truth their lives were spared.

"The next words better be nothing but the truth." Says Helena she has Nomagugu pinned up against the wall. Her hand a strong fur less claw.

"I'm pregnant mother..." Says Nomagugu

"And your solution was the embrace can you be more foolish." Says Helena her hand easing from Nomagugu's neck. She rubs it as she is filled with rage.

"My only other choice was death Mother." Says Nomagugu her veins popping eyes shining bright. The purple glow has Helena smiling her husband was right.

"Daughter breathe...death would have been better if this didn't work you would only be a puddle of pain." Says Helena preparing herself for the onslaught about to come. She waves the servants out of the room. Nomagugu's true form must be kept a secret as long as possible. Since she is an embraced the transformation affects her severely.

"I don't care!" Says Nomagugu her body expanding her breathing heavy and her veins glow purple her form is primal the wolf unable to come out. Her arms grow claws and her teeth turn into sharp incisors. They sit neatly in the mouth. Like most babies the transformation cannot complete because they don't know how. The embrace in your Childern or those few turned at later age is all consuming and requires intense training.

"Daughter think try to remember...I will see you later." Says Helena stepping back from Nomagugu. Her form is Lycan in nature but incomplete her skin stretched and ripped instead of being shed for a tougher skin.

Howl! Nomagugu eyes glowing bright purple her claws dripping a strange liquid. Helena removes her dress she doesn't want it ripped. She is always wearing her Tauri underneath. The skin tight leather combat outfit. The tailored design for all were's no matter their transformation. The Omega uses a half bane the room is bogged down with a heavy pressure. Nomagugu fights with all her might.

Nomagugu's mind filled with the anguish of years of suffering under the hill of this woman. She is swimming in an ocean of emotion she is unfamiliar with. Every sound a loud eardrum shattering beat. Even her own blood in her body is audible. The flow of air that is meant to cool feels like skin rippingly cold and yet the heat of how the skin itches underneath the biting cold makes her feel exposed. So cute able that a single slash could kill her. Nomagugu's emotion travel into this ocean and become the ocean a sudden overwhelming of flushing emotions. Fear, anxiety, pain, grief, and anger a sea so wide she can hardly think.

Nomagugu struggles against the pressure that is holding her down. She can't pinpoint a particular place. Her body just feels unnatural to her both the heaviness and the emotions in her. She struggles against both falling to knees as the pressure builds. She can't move she is afraid, terrified at being vulnerable.

"Im going to kill your baby now," says Helena she knows exactly what she doing. The scent and strength coming off Nomagugu changes in an instant. The primal fear of losing a child grips her ocean consuming it. She can't feel anything else not even the blistering cold on her torn flesh. She fights clenching with all power against the force upon her. Blood dripping from her stare ps Helena in the eyes.

"You will have to kill me too," Nomagugu says as she collapses into her mothers arms.

"My girl I'm proud of you. It's seems you have your own..."



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