Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 74: A thought

Chapter 74: A thought

The player base in the Pike and The kingdoms of Asrugo, The Hungara Combine and The Thane Imperium are all shocked. A golden banner with dazzling stars has lasted for over two minutes. Independent players have the most mixed reaction. Whenever an upstart show up there is bound to be scraps for them. Others laugh and belittle Sunken Reef mad leader looking up the little known guild sends them further into a frenzy a true upstart with no announced backing. Some smaller guilds bemoan their luck at being too far away to reap the benefits from a battle that is about to break about. The bigger guilds don't even register this banner as a provocation. To them, Sunken Reef is about to be as dead as the Sea God. 

The buzz around pike is in even higher ferment. The local players all plan to be scavengers this is the third announcement around Sunken Reef. First was their establishment, seconds is the kill order on their guild. Now, this open challenge has to all is utter madness. Bheki and Olethu who are Bue Orichirum Island are discussing this very thing.

Waving his newly blue hand around Bheki says, " Those guys are dead meat, they must be new to gaming. If it was me I would leave Sunken Reef now while there is still time." 

Olethu munching on a fruit he picked up from a Baby-Blue-Bonobo he just killed says, "You are watching the forums just play the damn game. Who cares about sinking reef." He spits out the skin that is brittle like glass but sweetly flavoured.

Bheki says, "This is why you need me. You always have to keep an eye out on the horizon. If we offended a real power we would be doomed." 

Olethu with a portion of food in his mouth says, " SO what it's a game we can just move or something." 

Bheki says, "You see my friend if only it was just a game. Do you remember the Stanley Corporation? They are a required study in my virtual economics." Olethu face twists thinking as hard as he can almost popping a vein. Olethu shakes his head confirming what Bheki already knew. Puffing up his chest and sounding even more pompous than before. 

Bheki says, " Most people don't know the real reason behind of the fall of the Stanley Corporation. Let me let in on a little secret my friend. At the very top at the highest levels of government and private enterprise. They place bets and play a zero game using company shares and valuable resources. I'm telling you that this is the ultimate game, better than the game of kings, the decision made here will affect the entire galaxy." Olethu starts laughing his friend sounds insane. 

Olethu says, " You are one of those conspiracy theorists right. I have heard this one before and they use every iteration of the game to develop a super top-secret technology." Bheki puffs up his fat cheeks folding his arms. 

Bheki says, "It's the truth I'm telling you man! Don't be blinded by those obvious propaganda vids. Think Olethu every major of ours revolves around Cantos Gaming systems." Olethu looks unconvinced he might be stupid but he is no fool. 

Olethu says, " Fine man believe whatever you want but I know that there is no way a government would play with its citizens lives for-profit things like that just don't happen." Bheki shakes his head at his foolish friend. 

Bheki says, " Ask yourself then how did the number three come to power. " He is still afraid to say the names of any of the top eight doing so is said to bring disaster. 

Olethu says, "that has nothing to do with Odyessy. We all know Unity was flawed that's why they closed it early." Olethu has eaten the company line hook line and fish. 

Bheki harrumphs, " Just jump done the damn hole we have an element to find. If you can't see how every Cantos game has changed our society it's no wonder you believe the way you do. As an economist, it's impossible to miss the clear signs. There is a direct link between Unity, Stanley and the rise of uhm you know number three." 

Olethu says, "don't start with your PhD this and that it's just a piece of paper. So what if you studied for four minutes in folded spaces if I dedicated a day I could also get one. The guys At Reynard News channel tell us the truth! I trust Pucker Carson."

Bheki says, "Pucker fucken Carson. Yesterday's news tomorrow Pucker Carson that isn't even a news station they are worse than tabloids. Olethu I'm sad that you believe Reynard and even watch Pucker I need to introduce to real news. MNN is only the way."Bheki is almost furious at his friend though he quickly calms down. In front, of them inside a deep well is the entrance to what where they are supposed to be going. 

Olethu says, "MNN is just corporate lies, Reynard is free media." 

Bheki laughs out loud flapping his jelly arms around, " they are owned by one of the big eight dude! Dammit man, open your eyes to your corporate masters. They control the world through Odyessy." 

Olethu says, " Still doesn't explain why that has to do with Sinking leaves." 

Bheki says, "It's Sunken Reef dimwit."

Olethu says, "Just cause I'm normal intelligence doesn't make me stupid we all can't afford those vat-grown smart organs. Still, answer the question calling me names doesn't make you right."

Bheki says, "It's like this since even before unity. All the governments and corporations of the world were at war." Olethu scoffs loudly shaking his head in disbelief.

Olethu says, " What war nothing in the history books." Bheki slumps his shoulder he had forgotten how thick his friend is sometimes. 

Bheki says, "Think of it as the cold war then. ITs why so many orbital colonies and satellites schools or even some cities got destroyed." 


Bheki says, "Im a transhuman! don't distract me anymore. Like I was this shadow becomes too costly to maintain so they created Cardinal." Olethu stops and turns to his friends. 

Olethu says, "Everyone knows Cardinal is a myth." 

Bheki frowning says, "Don't be stu...sorry I mean to say that's its a code for the programs that they used to build Cantos Industries. Since then all the most powerful entities in our space have used Cantos as a way to settle scores and conduct war. I know what you want to say Olethu I'm your friend and I'm telling you to see what is right in front of you." 

Olethu says, "You expect to believe all that fine still how does it relate to the guild." The two continue to face one another each scowling at the other. They are both trying to intimidate the other into giving up. 

Bheki says, "That's rather simple since all the major powers are involved in Odyessy. Sunken Reef is basically saying that they are strong enough to fight all the powers in the solar system. Let's say the eight ignores them because they are the big eight. Also, the Ten Glory guilds ultra solar powers like them are not going to it seriously. Nor will any of the SPhere league guilds pay attention. So that leaves national powers on mars alone. Each Planita acts like a nation, then we have regional powers and local powers." 

Olethu says, "those government-sponsored guilds are nothing more than drones. 

Bheki says, "Yes that's true but a government still has a lot of power and they are not afraid to disappear a few people to keep that power. Plus there are Corporate guilds that operate for small to medium businesses don't underestimate them too." 

Olethu says, "That sounds like a lot of enemies. Why would anyone do such a thing?" Olethu is genuinely curious about why anybody would take such a stance. 

Bheki says, "I haven't the foggiest mate gamers are not normal just look at us we are following a clue that might lead to our deaths. What I do know is that they are doomed the nail that sticks out gets hammered that is the way of the world."

Olethu says, " I like hammers they are cool, a real man's weapon. " He mimes swinging a hammer around. 

Bheki says, "Alright big guy you are about to take my head off with those big arms of yours." The two friends descend further into the unknown. All the way discussing the probable fall of Sunken Reef. 

Tyr, Rena and Nineth Immortal are locked in a brutal fight for their lives. Each cover for the other when the dragon attacks they have to work together to survive. Nineth Immortal finally can't bear it anymore. Her arm is about to explode with pain. Her tattoo is throbbing madly and demanding her attention. 

Nineth Immortal jumps back leaving Tyr and Rena... 


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