Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 71: Dungeon part 11: End of Madness

Chapter 71: Dungeon part 11: End of Madness

wrap all the fights with dragons everyone is losing 

Ninth immortal self-sacrifice to save them 

she activates the tattoo and bams nothing changes 

the leviathan is actually a spell by lower dragon 

touch on sky ocean hunter start explaining the attacks are focused 

Tyr memoirs about the power how they operate and how they have to handle it 

cliff hanger

An unnatural wave of power spews across Liguria. A young woman surrounded by swells of magic power the area around sapped of life of energy even unlife has been reduced to ash. SKY Ocean Hunter and a mother player both eyes shine bright. A vision of this young woman bathed in the power of utter ruin. Somehow she looks at both of them reaching into their and says, "I'm coming!" 

SKY Ocean Hunter stiff as a bed of bricks, grabs his head. He is sure she is a player. She is very far away and yet he can feel her clearer than he does Tyr and Styx. She must be related to one of the other Monarchs. Her power radiates in him threatening even at this distance to ruin him. She has a strong connection to magic. He ponders if she might be the Monarch of Magic, The Monarch of Shadows makes sense if he concealing himself somewhat as nothing more than a vague image comes to mind. Pressing his new insight by piggybacking on the Magic connection. SKY Ocean Hunter is only able to loosely determine his general direction. 

SKY Ocean Hunter feels a new pressure the Monarch of Magic wants them to know she is around and growing stronger. SKY Ocean Hunter says, "guys we have to move faster." The Southern side of the Shifting Island is the easiest and until just now. SKY Ocean Hunter is happy to let the guild players get used to the game and develop the necessary skill. He sends Medium Bunz a message. 

                                      ---Message to Medium Bunz From SKY Ocean Hunter---

/SKY Ocean hunter - Hey please find hints to the following items. Imperial Jade Lotus, Royal Lion Spirit Lily, Phoniex Feather, Thunderhawk Claw, Ses Serpent Tail, Four cut Tongue of Sea Snake, Concrecrated Gravel, liquid Life and Moon Goddess Tear. 

/Medium Bunz - On it! It's starting please let me know if the guild is affected.

                                      ---End of Message---

From Nineth Immortal high perspective she can see that they are almost all out of mana. she can't let them suffer she decides to attack. Her only hope is that the reason why the Leviathan didn't attack her even though it is huge strong and scary. Is that it can't channel magic usually limits other attack methods. She also needs to figure out how they were all captured because it can still do that at least. 

Nineth Immortal swims down towards the gigantic monstrosity. Her heart pumping in her chest. A tidal wave of power explodes at Nineth Immortal the Leviathan responding to her presence. It starts a small whirlpool out of its arm. The strength of the whirlpool captures her immediately dragging her down towards the Lavethin. The lake floor water is clear and still warm the whirlpool rotating violently pushing the water back.

Nineth Immortal lifts her arm hoping that the tattoo will respond to the Leviathan. The leviathan growls as immaterial energy strikes at it. It leers at her mouth bubbling in fury, "You! I won't go back!" 

Unlike before the Leviathan sounds whinny to Nineth Immortal. It is extremely jarring to hear a dragon be fearful. The idea is pushed at the bringing is unclearly muddled by a wash of emotions.  The only she can do is to check with her [Monster Analyses]. Nineth Immortal can believe what she is seeing. It should be possible the feeling is exactly as the time before. This link is like at the edge of her senses like how the wind feels when all the windows are closed and yet somehow you still that chill. Unfathomably nothing has changed unlike before where the tattoo limited the dragons' strength. She can feel its power enveloping all her senses. She is being pulled into a suggestible state, she tries to growling made in dragon. Hurling insults and mad ravings at the dragon. A strange pulse of fear and terror from the Leviathan. 

It growls in a high whine like a dog that bites its own tail. Ripples are felt in all its control spheres.  The gaps in it control are most apparent when a red dragon appears on the side.  A massive tiger in the shape of spirit energy explodes through the water, rushing beyond the red dragon into the Leviathan. A yell disguised as a roar escapes from the Leviathan its control spheres splitting. Heavy crushing water rushing into them. 

Then it disappears fizzling away as if it never existed. The teams all land looking at one another. Even Tyr is surprised he didn't expect to find an enemy that has one of the three sacred elements. Most people believe that the three fundamental forces are space, time and mass while true they are all held together by thought or rather as the Imperial archmage. Discovered during the ninth age of called the Age of discovery. Where the critical theory behind Techno sorcery was discovered. Thought is energy as in all the sentient races are able to affect the world around them by thought alone. 

Nineth Immortal begin the least affected she says, "Guys its level is stupid high we need to leave." The fearful dragon being hurt has given them an opportunity." 

Tyr is first to respond, he says, "How high?" He can't just come out and say this dragon is not as strong as they think. After all the system monitors everything all the time. Helping his sister has already put him on a list he is sure of that. Most people get away because memory is fallible and as long as it's not egregious Overwatch should let her finish. He needs a technomancer, unlike techno sorcery which uses tech to create a magically reactions a technomancer uses magic to create technological advances. The best-known techno sorcerers all come from the Machine Empire in fact one of the strongest Technosorcerers should be advance soon. That player will manage to create in his first week, a spark drive also known as the machine heart or in some circles the machine life. This will allow lower alloys to advance rapidly and lead to many changes in the Machine Empire. In particular, the Gated Nodes will experience a deadly revolution. This lost tech will cause a revolution in the machine empire. 

Nineth Immortal says, "Over 9000!" This is a common term used when the enemy is too powerful to defeat. The sisters finally coming to proper all raise their shield readying themselves for what should be the shortest they will ever be a part of. 

Tyr says, "Then how did we hurt it." If it really is that strong then its passive health will obviously be more than enough to overcome any damage it can deal. 

Amalya already moving says, "Don't care it's going down." The dragon grumbles madly with the water gone they can now see they are in an underground ravine. The Body of teh Leviathan starts to shrink as it can't move without the aid of the water. Its obsicine size proving to be a detriment now. Rolls of muscle and deadly claw evaporate into nothingness like the water just a few moments ago. 

Nineth Immortal is unable to answer his question. She too feels it's odd if her skill didn't show her that the dragons level s over three hundred. She wouldn't believe this monster was fairly strong. After all its displays barely hurt now that she thinks about it besides draining magic power it was completely unable to hurt her friends.

Tyr says, "I believe it uses some form of psionic energy." since it's still the early days of the game none by Tyr have done a real deep dive into ancient magical wonders. Even most NPC only uses their own historical research as a basis for explaining magical phenomena. This leaves them with huge gaping holes in the true purpose of magic and how it came to Liguria. After all the world lived for over a hundred thousand years before the inklings of magic were formed. 

Rena says, "I hate psionics, " SHe has already had a bad experience with one. The ability to so thoroughly mess with someone's mind should not be in the hands of players. Yet they exist and some are learning how easy it is to abuse their power. 

Amalya swings with a rush of simple attacks and says, "Fight now talk later, we should teach this guy a lesson for lying." She had prepared herself for the long haul and the experience points soloing a Blooded Dragon. 

Tyr says, "You need to focus stop swinging like a castrated monkey and find your enemy." A number of any of the dragons could have done this. He needs to make sure it's not one of the strong ones. Tyr is also searching about this Dragon has a great ability to hide and obscure itself.

A small razor shape life-stealing claw, appears on Lucindas' shoulder next to her is a thin yellow, purple and blue Dragon. NIneths' Immortal eyes pop as she says, "Don't move Lucinda!" She said loud enough so that all the others converge on these too.

Tyrs eyes rest on the figure as a moment its name is revealed. 


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