Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 64: Dungeon part 5: Nesting Dragon

Chapter 64: Dungeon part 5: Nesting Dragon

Rena taking a moment to compose her shaken spirit says, "That was amazing are all our boss fights going to be like that." In the moment she was terrified and excited but now there is only the pounding of her fast-beating heart. 

Lucinda says, "You can't be serious that was a harrowing experience I'm just glad we gained a level at least. " Most players on the forum claim to level thirteens while most members in Sunken Reef combat teams are level fifteen. It is of course much harder for them as they are grinding low-level monsters. One Omnicornlyre from the Sea Cloud Striders complains a lot in local gossip chat. More interesting to her is the stock updates from Medium Bunz.

Amalya says," Forget that the boss has been holding back on us." The way he fights is nothing fancy exactly as she reviews the battle log quickly. On the surface, it looks like a normal exchange but if you saw it with your own eyes you would know it was no simple matter. He is a talented all-around fighter. 

Tyr smiles then looks at the pile of loot and says, " Nineth Immortal will take the silver, you girls spit the loot according to your assigned type." He tries his best to seem like a leader in their eyes.

Amalya says, "I'm getting the scales but you still have to explain what you just did." She won't let him off easy that kind of damage output. 'He can't just be because he is a Sovereign or whatever right that would soo unfair? I wish I had access to stupid Styx and all his rules. Maybe I can just ask about it some more?' She opens her mouth then closes it breathlessly trying to say something while picking up the loot. 

Nineth Immortal says, "If our loot gains are like going forward we won't be able to take everything it will result in a lot of waste." The space in their inventory can only have a finite amount of material and she wants to maximise to provide as much they can to guild. Alexi is working hard cranking out a small fleet of rafts. So far his shipwright professional class is giving him the highest merits in the guild over and above even the leaders which doesn't sit with her. 

Tyr says, "no worries I think if we just focus on the dragons we should be just enough the five us. So what did you get?" Tyr knows that something is happening to her he just doesn't know what yet. It excites him more than it scares him. 

Nineth Immortal says, "It's between us dragons." A little flirty flutter as flies ahead of the spacious pit for battle has three tunnels leading deeper into the pit of dragons. Following her found dragon instincts Nineth Immortal uses the glow of her tattoo to find the next lower Dragon. Rena is about to step onto the bubbling earth.

Tyr says, "That's no real dragon, Fire can't kill a dragon." 

Rena says, "but you just did do that you killed a dragon with fire." 

Tyr says, "Sometimes I wish I could the writings On the history of Liguria required reading then I wouldn't only have Douglas_crawford to talk to about it. Now there is a player who knows his stuff." Tyr put forward that at least a few books should be part of the Beginner Guide. Douglas_crawford would be in the guild but isn't due to the creator requirement in the guild. Every player in the guild has a profession that crafts something from food, to clothes, to potions, to magic weapons and basic parchment. It is the only universally enforced rule for all chapters that SKY Ocean Hunter instituted for now. 

They are walking along the tunnel following under Nineth Immortal. Tyr does his absolute best to not look up under her skirt. He is after all surrounded by fighting women. The ground is soft like it rained recently even the smell of fresh summer rain is in the air. 

Nineth Immortal says, "Wait don't move!" She just realized that some of the bubbles have smoke in them. When one of those pops she picks something up like a buzzing mosquito just out of reach. She tests the ground even though it's bubbling it is solid enough to stand on with many problems.

Tyr believes it's either a Wyrm or a Drake each has a high affinity with the land just like the Lindwuurm. The bubbling is caused when a dragon is nesting underground. Tyr will have to fight like a gladiator since his spear turn to ash a while ago. Common weapons are not meant o enchanted in the way he does it. If he was maybe an artificer gunner who advance into the Wizard and became a magic gunner then he would turn his elemental ability into a bullet but alas he will have to make do with just hand to hand which is not a problem because he has a plus mastery in all weapons thanks to his passive. 

Nineth Immortal moves carefully along the bubbling sand. Amalya seeing her chance to reinvigorate the conversation during this brief respite says, " So according to the logs, you were not hurt by the dragons fire once does that make you a dragon." Tyr nearly laughs in amusement that is a laughable idea there are many wonderful and deadly creatures with immunity to fire. Even some Elder salamander can develop the ability.

Tyr says, "No I'm no Dragon she might become one though." He points at Nineth Immortal while she is not telling him what exactly is going he can use Amalyas' natural curiosity to get her off his back. 

Rena says, "Do you think we will have to fight even harder those three Brown Lizardman had a lot of health."

Lucinda says, 'how much harder can it get we are barely surviving as it is at least."

Tyr says, "We need to sort that debuff you uys are getting maybe this temple can give us something."

Amalya says, "I don't want to lose this power. ITs not like the whole world is consecrated ground it's just this part of the Dungeon."

Rena says, "True a little of sols is a small price to pay." Tyr can only shake his head bitterly how little they know about what they have truly done. Nineth Immortal fires a couple of bolts into the ground. They are swallowed by the ground and nothing happens no response from the hidden nesting dragon. Nineth Immortal waves them over. 

Each of the girls walks around the bubbles like they are sand traps. Tyr follows undeterred by the bubble simply walking over them. Nineth Immortal reaches out to Tyr screaming, "What the hell are you doing idiot!" Tyr has stepped on a smoking bubble. When it pops he is gone.

Rena says, "Where did the boss go!" They even look into the roof of the pit hoping that it flung into the air. Without Tyr, they all suddenly feel threatened. The growls of a multitude of enemies appearing from the tunnels ahead. 

Lucinda says, "Shit do you think he is dead?" Amalya checks her party link as Tyr is the Party leader if he died it would show something.

Amalya says, " No he is alive wherever he is." His focus is on defending from the oncoming onslaught. Either Tyr triggered something or his presence somehow deterred the monsters that are crawling out of every crack. She can see several Salamanders, various and numerous Lizardman. The wierd scaly wet thing too that they haven't fought yet and four-winged insects with scales.     

Nineth Immortal says, "get into formation. How do you know he is fine." Being in a party happens even if someone dies. 

Amalya says, "Looking at his vitals nothing has changed. HE isn't even suffering any status effects he's just not here." 

Nineth Immortal says, "Check your map does it show an unexplored area. That he is in?" Unlike the foolish Tyr, she wants to be sure they can survive where they are going.

Amalya says, "Of course I'm not a complete noob the beginners list the three checks." 

Nineth Immortal says, "Of course!" She sends a message to Tyr. She chews him first of course listing that he shouldn't have done and that he has to respond immediately. She added others threats the incredible life-like simulations make it easy to forget one is playing a game. Only the fact that she cant fly in real life keeps her mind grounded in reality. 

Some people have argued that VR in its totality should be banned. Studies have shown that continued exposure or Bio bedridden syndrome is something less than one per cent. Also being mostly a mental addiction the ruling governments of all powers have decided to rather provide support and treatment free of charge. 

Tyr doesn't send anything back. Nineth Immortal thinks about what she has to do right they are facing an insurmountable army of monsters. Mad claws sinister growls and hunger eyes approach the girls...


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