Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 51: Salamander Secerts

Chapter 51: Salamander Secerts

Nineth Immortal soothes herself, 'One day it will be my turn! Stay strong sister!' The damage from the sisters had been increasingly damaging because like any artificer. They didn't attack at exactly the same moment. Any cannoneer knows that their attacks also carry a stagger attack value. So they always attack sequential which also gave them about five seconds extra to attack freely with their normal attacks.

Nineth Immortal from the air can judge that without Tyr. Their fight with the salamander will be extended. The problem is that the sisters' spirit cannon has a long reload. She has to think of a way to maximize their damage. From her vantage point, she can see a strange symbol of its back that is burning the Salamander. It is shaped like the dragon on the map Tyr showed her that speaks about the Rank 5 dungeon. She takes a picture and sends it to the guild info section right now Tyr is too busy.

Nineth Immortal says, "shoot your cannon only when I tell you too. Send me your skills page." Lucinda is about to activate her utility stops. She nods to her sisters who all send the skills list. Besides minor differences in recharge and attack damage, all three sisters share the same skills.


[SpiritGaurdian Skill - SpiritShot [F]>]

Info: Unleash a shot filled with your spiritual power.

Description: Deal 150% damage. Cooldown 30 seconds. Costs 50 mp.

[SpiritGaurdian Skill - Shield Bash]

Info: Can unleash a powerful shield attack to cover some distance.

Description: Can cover up to 20 meters. Damage increased by 100% and has a 30% chance to stun. Cool down 20 seconds.

SpiritGaurdain Utility Skill - Fast Reload]

Info: Allow your cannon to absorb spirit energy at twice the normal rate.

Description: Reload time shortened to fifteen seconds, lasts for one minute. Cooldown 5min. Costs 60 MP.

[SpiritGaurdian Passive SKill - By the Spirits]

Info: As someone favoured by the spirit they have granted you some of their power.

Description: Adds spirit weapon and armour. *Altered by the Wriathlord*

*Unknown Effect*

Nineth Immortal does a few calculations in her head. She hopes that she can apply her previous game knowledge to Odyessy. She shoots two more bolts at the eye of the Salamander. She smiles as it closes its eye to defend. While she would prefer the damage. The few seconds they get that the Salamandar is blind is helpful.

Nineth Immortal says, "Rena Move now to the front of the monster!" The need to constantly readjust is hard for the Spiritgaurdians as they ate not the most nimble. Rena tries her best to remain in front of the Salamander.

Nineth Immortal says, "Lucinda keep it busy." Nineth Immortal wants them to attack sequentially. She also found a critical error in their thinking already. Most amateur or unskilled players.

Tyr can only glance back at the girls and from what he sees he is not impressed. Without him, they are only whittling the health of the Salamander. These Lizardmen are receiving a speed and power boost from the Salamander making it harder for him to deal with them. They are also working together. He wants to tell them but hears Nineth Immortal orders and waits to see what she has planned.

Nineth Immortal had already gone over most base classes skills. Since they ignored that it is easy to conclude that they don't value the skills as much. They don't try to optimise their attacks. She has to have them fight better. Everyone knows that a guardian has to block and dodge. The difference between a normal guardian and a great one is that they can also interrupt. If she can get them to time their skills to match the Salamander, Then it won't matter that their mana pools are only 60.

At this point in the game, they aren't expected to be perfect. She does though want them to consider their class and take advantage of it. Tyr seems to expect everyone to know without telling them. Nineth Immortal does not have that same experience with him so she can't guess. What he wants from a few glances. Like he does with Styx and SKY Ocean Hunter.

Nineth says, "Rena as soon as you have the mana attack when the Salamander is about to attack." Rena is still overwhelmed this is the first time she is properly in the front lines. As a cannoneer, she started way at the back hardly ever seeing enemies close up. NOw she had to attack, run, block, position, remember attack patterns and so much more. It's all a little too much for her. She makes another mistake at this moment.

Nineth Immortal says, "WHAT ARE DOING MOVE!" Rena made a classic beginner error she stopped to look at how much mana she has. Since she fired her Lion spirit cannon she has had about fifteen seconds to recover mana. Her mana recovers ten mana per second. She should have known that she has full mana after five seconds. Yet she still looked at her mana bar.

Rena being in front of the Salamander driven by pure fear. Lifts up her lion shield to block the attack. The mighty ravenous claw of the Red Salamander impacts her. She is flung backwards, the Salamander pounces forward following her fly through the air. Amalya is about to use her shield.

Nineth Immortal says, "NO! Don't do it wait for it to land then attack with your cannon first!" Nineth Immortal knows the aggro has been jumping between the sisters. If Amalya doesn't take the obvious advantage the Salamander just gave them. Then Rena won't be able to heal before rejoining the battle. Given the short time, Amalaya can't say anything she can only follow the order.

Given the size of the Red Salamander, it is not hard to hit. Nineth Immortal says, " Lucinda also move back a bit. That's right!" The look of confusion on Lucinda's face said it all. Nineth Immortal hopes this will work otherwise Rena is dead. Even her innate racial skill is an option they are at the beginning of the dungeon and with ts one day cool down she has to save it for important bosses.

"That's exactly what I said don't use your skills Azula!" says Tatiana she and her team on the northern beach are fighting teams of armoured menaces. The Turtles here are cursed with human-like bodies and Rogue like skills. They are equipped with weapons and take advantage of the environment well. She is speaking to Azula their Warlock. Tatiana has made sure that they are corralling the Turtles. So that the team can each use their A.O.E. spells. Facing so many Turtles at once is trying at best.

Even though they could see a collection of structures. As soon as they arrived they were attacked and have been under almost constant assault since logging back into the game. At least they drop usable materials.

Omnicornlyre who is hiding and keeping watch spots a group of players start to make a move towards her team. She can already see their evil intent. Omnicornlyre uses her Abyss portal skill to bring one of these players to her. Being a Sleuth she uses [False Ally] to trick the Magician.

Omnicornlyre says, "Why are you guys attacking us?" The Magician having high wisdom is locked in a physical minigame. Depending on how fast he can clear the minigame will determine how long Omnicornlyre has to interrogate him.

His A.I. Controlled body responds truthfully, "We received a notice on your guild." Omnicornlyre doesn't know what he means. She can either ask another question or ask him to clarify. His team are too focused on their quarry and haven't noticed that his absence.

Omnicornlyre says, "Only your guild?" She feels it is better to understand the range of the threat. a notice that makes people act is usually driven by money. Overwatch laws mean that any person using real money has to pay an outrageous amount. The notice itself and the internal contract should at minimum be fifty thousand credits per person depending on the type of notice. She is almost afraid to ask the next after hearing his reply.

The magician says, "It's a regional notice." She lets a sigh of relief, national guilds can sometimes try to kill new guilds. In-game methods are the cheapest however keeping on who they are they, might use real-world money, or even straight player poaching. After all, some guilds like that, refuse to let any other guild even set foot in the area they operate in. Oydessy claimed to limit this but people will always find a way.

As Omnicornlyr stutters...her daggers flash across the Magicians throat, his wiggling of a finger was a signal that he would soon come out of it. Dashing through his pixellating body She throws herself at the party to disorient and give her team time. Her skills should be more than enough for these focused classes.

Tyr parries a Lizardman long Spear into the one behind him. His passive has triggered twice already dealing forty damage in an area around him. He smiles his class is made to mow down many enemies. Nineth Immortal is dashing forward getting in close and fires three bolts into the neck of the Salamander...

[Author Note: Vote for the book please the competition is really good. If we get one hundred power stones this week on . [Ending Sunday fifteenth of August 2021] I will release the Copper Prince One-shot set in the Machine Empire. It's around ten thousand words so about six and a half chapters of robotic goodness.]


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