Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 49: This Morning

Chapter 49: This Morning

SKY Ocean Hunter is sitting on the smooth sand of South Beach enjoying the sunrise. To his right his girlfriend a beautiful Blood Elf Spellblade. They sit arm in arm. His tail spiralling around the both of them. Several other parties are also early risers. Groups of humans in squads of three to five players. Are gathering before heading out into the expansive bush are surrounding South Beach.

Lux says, "Are you sure?" She puts her head to his shoulder.

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "I sent that Esame'el she should be enough to handle them."

Lux says, "remind me again which one she is." SKY Ocean Hunter shakes his head.

Alistar says, "GOoooOD morning." He yawns as he speaks. stretching his lanky arms to relieve some of the stiffness in his joints.

Lux says, "What happened to you, did you meet with suck you bus." Alistar has sunken tired eyes. SKY Ocean Hunter whole body rumbles as he laughs. Alistar doesn't get it. His face showing confusion.

Alistar says, "What does a Succubis have to do with it."

Lux shaking her head laughing says, "Nothing! Nothing at all." Soon circles of purple-black light and emerald smoke form into players. Ori and his Booner appear at the same as if they both just came from the real world. Alistar waves him over as the beach fills once more with life.

Ori skipping the morning pleasantries says, "what's the plan oh great magnificent leader?" A boyish smile on his face filled with bright-eyed excitement.

SKY Ocean Hunter says, " You know the girl that was with us yesterday the hunter. She has the void element remember. Her Umbra, Ebony, Shadow, Eclipse and Lordo all chose to get as an alternate reward for refusing the class change from some dwarf."

Alistar, Ori and Lux all have strained looks on their faces. Alistar and Ori look at lux who says, " How do you know all that. Sure I remember her now that shy on you wanted to us."

SKY Ocean Hunter says, " Raul has an assistant that we report all our activity to at the end of the day she gives us an events log. For now, it's every six hours cause everything is so new."

Alistar agrees it sounds like a good system. In his mind, he is envisioning a smooth detailed event logs. This system has clickable links on certain keywords. When he opens it in the guild operations tab he shook. It is even more detailed, player names, places, items, NPCs are all colour coded making it a rainbow sentence that is easy to navigate. Each event even has a timestamp and link to another tab called the World Map.


Alistar shows ORi the World map who also tries to open it. Getting the same result. Lux says, " Why no rather how? we just started."

SKY Ocean Hunter says, " Yeah 'we'[Sunken Reef] are new but we have been doing this since we meet Raul. It's part of his real-world business." Lux scoff she hasn't taken an interest in John Baptists' friends they present little to no threat so she brushed them aside.

Lux says, " You mean Raul...Hermano! *clicks her fingers*" She pretending to speak and mimics herself to Rauls' mannerisms.

SKY Ocean Hunter laughs she looks ridiculous, " Si, signora! *Clicks his fingers too*" They both chuckle. Lux looking at her HUD clock that Siren is still not here. Alistar steps over SKY Ocean Hunters' tail lifting his hand showing him a game window.

Alistar says, "Never mind all that what is this?" A large tail swoops past Alistar's face. SKY Ocean Hunter goes from laughing to serious in a second. Alistar steps back afraid SKY Ocean Hunter rising aginst his tail looming large over the weary human.

Ori says, " He didn't mean anything by it. I'm sure he didn't know." As a Tamer, he knows a bit about Naga since Tamers in ancient times regarded all none humans as beasts of burden and used them as such.

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "I know but he has to learn. It is in the beginner guide I sent all of you." SKY Ocean Hunter needs them to understand these social cues. They are going to be operating out of the Barren Sea and that is Naga controlled.

Lux says, "GO! Wait for that Siren over there. You could have told him you know."

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "This way leaves a more lasting impression. If only they knew how much shit I went through during that week. Lux walk with a bit it's a lovely morning after all." SKY Ocean Hunter and Lux move towards the now land rovers. Overnight the NPCs had set small village. It seems that some of them dug a hole big enough. To put the flat roof level with the beach. The roof then serves as a foundation. While he is not sure of the exact construction method. The now has at least ten more five by five flattop attached to it. giving them enough space to set up. A shop, a repairer shop and an exchange.

Many other players are also marvelling at the construction especially since the rover is parked facing the ocean. Most are at the exchange chatting mingling. It has sort of becoming a mini-hub already.

Esame'el approaches them waving as she spots the pair. SKY Ocean Hunter waves back to the girl who starts rushing over.

SKY Ocean Hunter says, " Morning you know you could have just sent this over. you didn't have to come here yourself." Esame'el is wearing her new Void hunter uniform, unlike normal brown leather, hers is more intricate and has spaces for blood diamonds.

Esame'el says, "You're the guild leader, we have to treat you special like. People already think we are weak." Esame'el fixing her hair. Lux feels her ears burning.

Lux says, "Us weak ha! Who the hell has the stones to say such a thing." She won't ever be associated with weakness this is a direct insult to her. She is handed a piece of paper a player is selling a naga scale belong formerly belong to SKY Ocean Hunter. It dropped when he died from the ambush. More than anything it is an insult because they printed his detail alongside poultry some of the copper.

SKY Ocean Hunters' mind is already trying to figure out why these people are trying to mess with them. Reading over the file handed to him a particular line catches his eyes.

IGN: Lady Frost

name: Unknown

Guild: Crumbling Iceberg

Info: Believed to be an associate of the mainland guild Thaw operating out of the capital of Asrugo.

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "You are with us now gather the others and let's head out." SKY Ocean Hunters' commanding tone makes Esame'el follow them. Calypso is has arrived and Lux is making a straight b-line for her. SKY Ocean Hunter has other ideas grabbing Lux rather forcefully. He points at the Southern Dungeon. According to the forum, it is the key to figuring out to take control of the Island.

They are followed by a group of players all of who is a symbol of Iceberg that appears to be crumbling.

---Message from SKY Ocean Hunter to Styx---

/SKY Ocean Hunter - Less than three hours probably.

/Styx - On it Hermano.

/SKY Ocean Hunter - !!!!

---End Of Message---

SKY Ocean Hunter looks out onto the bushveld in front of him. Flank by his team he sets his eye on the field of experience points waiting to be culled. He lets loose a deep ominous growl. Thoughts on the dungeon to come. Excitement alive throughout his whole body at the dungeon to come.

The Dungeon to come is a field of death and misery. Tyr smiles the first clear will be theirs as long as they work together. The Komodo Dungeon has a pet that Nineth Immortal can use. He turns to Nineth Immortal, Rena, Lucinda and Amalya. The composition of the team is not the best. With three Juggernauts on the team. They are an armoured force he can only hope to clear with skill and teamwork.

The cavernous dungeon sprawls out to a field of Lizardmen. Tyr feels confident it should be relatively easy to clear this floor. Letting the sisters go first as they will tank the Lizardman. Rena takes the lead hold up her huge shield that she just see over.

Tyr takes a look at his stats making sure to check what he has available to him.


Name: Tyr

Race: Celestial [HUMAN]

Domain: Fire

Class: Sovereign of War

Job: Sovereign of War

Title: Sovereign of War

Level: 10

Hp: 132

Strength - 41

Endurance - 31

Dexterity - 26

Mp: 82

Intelligence - 16

Wisdom - 16

Willpower -16

Sp: 87

Power - 13

Force - 19

Balance - 21

[Rulership Title - Sovereign of War [F]]

Info: The Sovereign of War is an unrelenting force. Sovereign reigns supreme in the field they pursue. Fire is your blood, The spear your glory, the bow your destiny.

Description: Adds combat class Sovereign of War. Adds Lifestyle class Sovereign of War.

Can be upgraded

[Rulership combat class- Sovereign of War [F]]

Info: Peace is only a prelude to War. The Sovereign of War was said to be a skilled Hunter reaping lives on the battlefield and on the hunt. Leaving lives of Fire behind.

Warmaster Mastery-

Martial Weapons + 1 rank

Commander Rank +1 rank

Fire Domain added.

[Domain Skill - Fire enchant}

info: Your soul is fire. Your mind a flame, your body a torch.

description: Enchant a weapon with fire. Costs 50 sp

[ Domain Utility Skill - Scorch]

Info: Attack the fire comes at a cost.

Description: When attacked deals back half damage received. Cost 30 Mp. Cooldown 10 seconds.

Utility skill - Torch

Info: You shine.

Description: produce a warm light that illuminates in a ten meters radius.

Passive skill - Through the fire and the Flames

Info: When you immediately know the flame is fire then the meal was cooked a long time ago. Wielding both at the same time.

Description: Fire and flame dual enchantment wielding.

[Base Class - Sun warrior]

Info: A ancient class that is closely linked to the Sun God.

Description: Adds warrior class

Skill: Fire force- Become the torch unleash the flames become the fire.

Utility Skill: Flowing Spear-like Flame - second spear form.

Passive: Suns Shadow

Info: A sun cannot be burnt by fire or flame.

Description: immune to fire.

[Rulership Lifestyle class- Sovereign of War [F]]

Info: You are the shining light of progress. By illuminating the world to those around you learn to shine even brighter.

Description: adds Lifestyle class Sovereign of War

1) Engineering- adds the lifestyle class as pursuit have access to all skill and benefits.

2) Mercantile - adds the lifestyle class as pursuit have access to all skill and benefits.

3) Diplomat - adds the lifestyle class as pursuit have access to all skill and benefits.

Can have one additional pursuit from a follower.

Tyr is a little perplexed at the long list in front of him. legendary classes don't give this many skills and benefits. The Sovereign of War affects every important stat of his. He can see a lot of problems with this Sovereign class. Tyr will have to make sure to not get lost. In the sea of skill and upgrades this class provides. He probably knows better than most of the pitfalls in Odyessy. To make it into a proper lethal class. He has to ensure he limits his early development to what he needs. In his old life, he had never had more than focused class.

Tyr says, "I hope all that training I did will be useful." The girls all turn their heads to him.

Nineth Immortal says, "What training?" Tyr had been so lost in thought he had just spoken out loud. Tyr is still in thought with glossed over eyes, a sign that he is using the hud interface.

Rena says, "He is a little odd isn't he." She has not had a bad vibe from him. Tyr is just a little different and decisive.

Lucinda says, "I like that about him he is also pretty cute for a human."

Rena says, "Oh really, I didn't think he was your type?"

Amalya says, "Everyone is your type."

Nineth Immortal says, "What!?" Looking at the petite Rena in a new devilish light.

Rena says, "It's not my fault men are easy." She is licking her lips. Swinging her spirit cannon at an incoming red lIzardman. This kind of lIzardman has been showing up in the deeper parts of the dungeon. Tyr walks almost like he is on autopilot ever now than sending out a sword slash.

Lucinda says, "I could if I wanted."

Nineth Immortal says, "Well he might not want to..." She is clearly embarrassed at her outburst. Then a red salamander appears!

Lunging at Nineth Immortal who beats her wings just in time, to escape a vapour of scorching flames. Rena uses shield bash!!!


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