Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 43: Tower Sisters

Chapter 43: Tower Sisters

Rena the dwarven girl. Swings a massive fist at the swordman. She smacks her fists together and says, "We told you guys already leaves us alone we are not interested in your party." her fist start to go glow Tyr smiles Rena the Fanged Tower is right in front of him. During his research in his old, she was a strong player. All of them were. The Lion Titan Rena, The Leopard Amalya and The Tiger Lucinda. The sisters have always specialized in defensive builds.

The leader who has just flipped on his arse says, "We deserve some compensation for helping you guys." his face is red and his ass a little sore. Rena is also anger this idiot and his band of thieves have already stolen most of the loot.

-You have been added to the Infinite SKY Chapter!

---Message in chat Infinite SKY chapter---

/Nineth Immortal - Please move to these coordinates. Tyr you are back up.

/Amalya - okay

/Lucinda - what about you.

/Don't worry as soon as he tries something he will die!

---End of messages---

Rena turns around seeing that she and all her sisters have been added to the party by Tyr. Tyr is grinding and the Arkenia is moving towards her. Her silver wings extend out from her hips. With her eyes, red Rena says, "You guys stole the other spirit pendants." Tyr eyes flash with understanding in his research this hadn't come out but it makes sense especially since in front of him is the White Wolf Warrior Werner.

Werner says, "We are cursed because of you." The warrior waves his swords in anger.

Rena says, "It was your own greed! Amalya did say don't touch the spirit stones altar."

Werner says, "bitch! Look at me this is your fault!" His shirt has an ugly green colour under it. his skin is becoming more ghoul-like. All their skin is the sisters included. Tyr shakes his head these girls have made a mistake but there is a lot of time to fix it.

Nineth Immortal says, " As her new team leader. Anything you have to say to my guildmates should be said to me rather." The three reefs, shaped like clouds are new. So not many people know it is the symbol of the Infinite SKY Chapter of the Sunken Reef guild. Most parties, guilds and companies of any fame have legacy badges from their old games. So even when Werner does a quick look up. On the three reef cloud badge, nothing of note is mentioned.

A display in front of him even shows him similar-looking badges with links to other parties. The only link about the Three Reef cloud Badge is that it is distributed by

Werner hesitates he isn't sure who these new people are. He has only come across the tiny sisters before. It is rare to see non-humans in Pike. He knows from the tiny tots that race plays a role in some classes but this spirit curse is different. Werner says, "Whatever just hand make her hand over the rest of the stones and we will leave." Nineth Immortal looks at Rena.

Rena says, "Never! We went there wanting the ghoul transformation." Nineth Immortal puts her hands behind her back making like she is listening to the story. Rena is speaking about how they meet up with Werner and his band. In the special cemetery with the cursed Wraith Lord spirit. By killing his ghouls in his tomb. One can get the Wraith Lord's curse. Which is turning them into ghouls. Ghouls are part spirits unlike Wraiths. Plus Ghouls instead of magic, focus on physical damage which is why they still have physical bodies.

Werner says, "girls you guild is nothing compared to my party. Do you know who you are messing with?" Nineth Immortal stands in between them since Werner is ignoring her. She makes to leave with the sisters.

Werner makes his seconds mistake. His body is thrown back into a wall. He had aimed his sword at Nineth Immortal. Thinking that Nineth Immortal is just interfering and can easily be scared. He is not even sure what happened. Only Amalya and Lucinda are smiling their individual spirit cannons smoking. can use that race change to transform their weapon to a spirit weapon when they become Spirit guardians. The downside is the huge amounts of energy needed to attack. This is why they have the stone to serve as an energy medium.

His teammates are three one a level ten Soulbandit. A specialised class branching out from the bandit advance class. From his understanding, because he is cursed it is mandatory and he cant choose a normal bandit. He is using a deadwood blade because his normal weapons cant be used he needs a spirit weapon. Only the sisters know the method to get spirit stones. He waves Bernard forward as the Harbinger he should have the next highest defence. Plus the effects of the curse don't match with his advanced class so he is only slightly weaker than other Harbingers.

The spirit cannon of Lucinda goes off next. A visage of a tigers head explodes from the cannon. Shooting at Bernard. As a warrior and a psion Bernards' advanced class Harbinger. Is able to negate some but of the damage using force. He has still lost most of his health. Several clicks can be heard as three crossbow bolts are loosed by Ninth Immortal. Herald who had waved Bernard forward unleashes his spell. He is the most adversely affected by the curse as it blocks his Crusader advance class change.

[Psionic skill - Force Shield]

Info: by focusing your Psionic energy, you create a small shield.

Description: Creates a force Shield absorbs 100 damage. Costs 45 Mp Cooldown 10 seconds.

As a cleric, he could not advance. The ghoul transformation happening to him. Has made it that he can not enter consecrated grounds. He can't enter the building needed for his advancement. Or any consecrated ground for that matter including Temples, Cemeteries and even Altars.

Tyr smiles this is why he wanted base artificers. The sisters must have all started as operators which is a little odd. Artificers after all have access to most black powder weapons like the flintlock rifle, pistol and cannon. Levelling up with just cannons is not easy. They have an extreme reload time making it hard to farm.

Tyr remembers that many players made the class playable by figuring out alternate ways to arm the black powder weapons. His favourite is the rogue based Cosiar class which has three flintlock pistols and a sabre sword. He smiles getting excited about going out to sea.

Spirit weapons like the sisters are growth type, while the conventional method. Is to use magic weapons because they are more akin to normal weapons having ranks. Tyr hopes to get the sisters off the Ghouls transformation they will have to figure out how to level their growth weapons themselves.

Ghouls are unpredictable and Frey and Styx will eventually have to kill them. While not all ghouls are evil. They corrupt the spiritual bodies they are in and those around them. The sisters will eventually be unable to operate in the physical world without harming it. Tyr adds this to the large list of things he must do.

Nineth Immortal frowns the shield, the cleric used is not normal. She didn't see any or feel holy power from it. Even before SKY Ocean Hunter become the child of a God. Even his none holy spells had a hint of Holy magic. Herald swings his Zweihander a massive two-handed sword. Nineth Immortal flying forward reloads at the same time. Her crossbow is somewhat special being the size of a flintlock handgun. The diamond company loot gave this to her amongst other things.

The Spirit shield appears again blocking Nineth immortal from cutting him with her wing. She smiles thinking, 'at least he has good combat sense.' Most people are surprised when she attacks with her wings. She has commanded Rena not to fire her lion cannon. The cannons are thinner than normal and appear more like fat lances than a cannon. Nineth Immortal has Rena investigate.

Rena moves in front of Bernard she also has a massive shield like all her sisters. Each shield appeared when they changed into Spirit Guardians. These shields are meant for them to serve as tanks. Her shield is able to negate all of the Harbingers damage.

Bernard's face twists in anger these girls are all responsible for their parties weakening. Bernard's Deadwood Hook sword is not meant for high DPS rather it creates cuts and spreads plague damage. Most Harbingers have some kind of corrupting effect passive on all their weapons.

---Message from Styx to Sunken Reef Guild Channel---

/Styx - Going ahead!

/Tatina - Of course, you are!

/Tyr - see the old man first.

/Shadow - He is such an asshole.

/SKY Ocean Hunter - He is full shit be careful with him.

---End of Message---

Rena follows with [Shield Bash] aimed at Herold the cleric. If she can kill him the others won't matter. Right now the dual-wielding medium leather armour wearing Raider. Is just standing there almost uninterested. The skill makes the eyes of her loin glow, a dance of streams of light push her forward into the cleric.

[Gaurdian Skill - Shield Bash]

Info: Use the spirits to push yourself forward with your shield.

Description: A dash move can travel twenty meters. Costs 10 Mp Cool Down 30 seconds.

"Mxm!" Bernard says as the dwarf barrels towards him. He has lost access to most of his holy spells for some reason. The transformation to a ghoul is accelerated in him. Tyr joins in slashing the cleric from behind. The others quickly retreat.

Rena says, "These weapons are better than I thought." She hadn't once considered that like all her cannon could be used as a lance. Rena moves her cannon around like a lance. It is very heavy for her. It makes sense now. She was wondering how she would fight in between reloads. blocking is good but everyone knows the Defenders also attack.

Nineth Immortal says, " That was odd. Why would they just leave like that." Tyr points at a group of five. Tatiana and her group had been approaching. They wanted to watch the fight to. Tyr should smack himself for someone who has so many memories the game keeps surprising him. A colossal team is pretty cool. Each of the teammates looks to be in part a member of the Titan race. Titans are separated into Giants, Ymir's, Tano's, Mtimkhulu and so on all of the originals are massive beings their descendants in Asrugo. Have the weakest bloodlines in the whole world which is why they still mostly look human.

Tatiana waves as they move away from the old mans' shop. Having collected the quest she also starts to make way her to the island. Tyr on the other hand goes to the only shop on the beach. A bungalow shop set up flank by four women. Unlike the others, he can take advantage of his memories. The old man is wearing a multicolour shirt with a straw hat.

Tyr says, "Hey you old fool!" His tone shocks all the girls with him. He had just told them to be super respectful towards the old man. The old Man sneers at Tyr rubbing the deck of the bar some more.

The Old Man says, " Well ain't you just a bag of squirrel shit dropped on my porch." His brow crumbles his bushy eyebrows. Only thicker than the smoke from his pipe. Tyr pushes Nineth Immortal forward. The Old Man has culture after all. This simple trick prompts the Old man to stand properly. And say, "Hello darling how can I help you."

Ninth Immortal says, " We are heading to Shifting Islands soon. We were wondering if there is anything I can do for...I mean we can do for you." Rena the dwarf steps forward without her armour summoned she looks like a gentle flower. Then a Halfling with similar features in a long sundress appears and finally a dazzling Gnome girl with crazy shorts on.

Hope you'll enjoy the sprint, five or six chapters in a day is not bad. Tell your momma about my book she deserves a good story too. leave a comment or a power stone even better a unique class.


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