Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 34: Living Successor's are OP!

Chapter 34: Living Successor's are OP!

[Author from the future Note: This chapter is a soft reboot of our main boys. Their classes were too similar because of the main quest. In trying to change that and give them more unique classes like the girls please bear with me this will be an extra-long chapter. This is a tough chapter because I'm throwing a lot of things that don't make sense because i didn't have time to build up properly. you can't skip to the this chapter I will make sure at least for the next few chapters to explain how these classes work]

[Unique quest Triggered!]

[Please select two players]

{ADDED Styx!}

{ADDED SKY Ocean Hunter!}


[Race changed to Celestial]

[All items removed!!!]

[All skills removed!!!]

[Personal quest]

---Pay the Price of Power---

Info: Learn about what it means to be Celestial.

Difficulty: ?????

Rewards: Celestial Growth

[Quest Recieved]

Fallen Temples

Info: The three sibling Gods were destroyed under mysterious circumstances. As a celestial born in Liguria. You must help in the resurrection of Temple.

Difficulty: S

Rewards: ????????

A Brilliant dazzle of starlight appears them. They blink out of existence.

The lads all loos colour in the face as they are hit with a notification they are all too familiar with. This is how special zones operate they accelerate time allowing players to experience something without losing out on core gameplay.

[Communication with the outside is blocked]

[Oydessy messenger blocked!]

[Cannot Logout!]

Tyr says, "Cannot log out that's insane, are they trying to us?" In his memories, there are no special zones that block log out."Still, he can't help but be excited. A strange space filled with star three-figure appear. The first is familiar to Tyr its Lord Nogu. He looks middle age a fresh thirty. He has the Killmonger hairdo. Dress in a black a white Shweshwe suit it is embellished with golden fringes. On his forearm sits a crossbow. It opens and closes on its own. It has no front stirrup the limb and riser are combined. The Limb and riser look like scales forming the bow. On his hip are two short spears. They look like several streams of metal spun together to make. He is wearing a crown made of the same black and white Shweshwe. Behind him, the sun shines bright and yellow.

In front of SKY Ocean Hunter, bare-breasted twenty-foot well endowed Gorgon, her skin is bright grey almost silver. Her scales look like flattened stars. Her hair has the distinctive scales of the Lamia, Naga, Siren, Melusine, and, Echidna. These are the main subspecies of Gorgon. Her dress only starts at her waist. It has a belt of gems with rune symbols in them. Tyr mouth falls open at eh belt each of those gems is an Aether stone. Her dress is just sheer enough to hide her secrets, her hips though mesmerizing. The crown on her head is a sky blue crystal that extends over her eyes forward to look like horns. On her forehead is a small gem. She has a massive stone shield with more Aether stone in it The sword appears to be settled into the shield. SKY Ocean Hunter feels an instinctive need to coil his tail around him.

Styx is greeted by an equally bare-chested young man. Cherrywood skin almost violent red. His biceps are enchanting. Pecs that would you slap your mama. He is wearing a plain black kilt. A golden belt with gems embedded. golden bracelets with rubies in them. A golden necklace with emeralds and silver stands. A golden circlet crown hovers above his head a massive Opel at its centre. The man is wearing two long Flyssa on his. The swords are dripping blood that becomes gold when it reaches his feet.

Each of them experiences the same event from the viewpoint of the being in front of them. The memories forced into each of their heads. Tyr is the least affected he has already experienced some of those memories. SKY Ocean Hunter learns who the Gorgan is. The progenitor of water as a child of the Flow of time she has created all the waters that exist in the universe. Her name is Rinele her brothers are blood and fire. Her belly button looks like the moon. She is the most striking woman he has ever seen. Her sharp vicious jawline lined with predator's teeth is tantalizingly inviting. She opens her are inviting him into her bosom.

[Level Reset to zero]

SKY Ocean Hunter moves back and says, "What have you done to me?!" Not only has all his skills disappeared so did his class and race. Looking around he is actually inside of her. His spirit form is that of his real-life body. She appears to him much like in the creation window of his character.

Rinele says, "I'm sorry it was necessary. SKY Ocean Hunter I'm must prepare you." She waves her hands. Tidal waves of water appear flooding the whole area. The water is warm and crystal clear.

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "Prepare me for what?" He is in shock even if it's early in the game. How can a player survive with no skills?

Rinele says with a look of bemusement on her face, "Are you not the one that was seeking me out. You were repelled from my Temple because you were not prepared." She is right about that when he tried to enter the temple early he had been killed some kind of magic trap. He would have tried again if not for Raul calling about Sihle.

SKY Ocean Hunter feels a soothing sensation from the water. It makes him calm and focused like entering a heightened state of being. He says, "Well yes I was then does that mean you are the Water Goddess." SKY Ocean Hunter has never an image of her until now. She is more than he expected everywhere he looks on is more beautiful. The way she swimming right even does cause ripples or waves. Truly she is one with the water.

SKY Ocean Hunter is compelled to join her they start swimming around each other. He tries his best to match her movements. As they swim she looks happy, not like before now, it's the look of someone just living in the moment.

Rinele says, "I am Rinele, The Supreme Flow. Lake Rivier Sea all are me and you! You are my successor?" As she says this a few of her scales fly off her and join themselves to SKY Ocean Hunter.

[Race Enhancement available ]

Do you wish to proceed?


Whether blinded by her beauty or clouded by the sensations of the water. SKY Ocean Hunter agrees feeling joy and excitement in his heart. The water pressure increases on him. Swirling the water around his body.

He is reborn The golden dorsal ridges on his back are bigger looking almost like spikes. HIs crocodile teeth replace with an entirely more expressive Orca like face. His rows of teeth more like a bull shark than an orca. The change is subtle because more of the scales didn't change even on his face. Besides adopting the form they are totally reptilian to the naked eye. His Tail is now twice the length it was before bringing the tail alone to 8 feet. At the end for about two feet is a razor-sharp barb. His main body is still 8 feet. His hands are more human-like with retractable claws.


[You are linked to the Luminary of Water]

SKY Ocean Hunter, Styx and Tyr cannot receive system notifications at the moment. The system is about to cause a stir on the continent of Liguria as a whole.

[System Announcement!]

---A Player has bonded with the water Luminary---

Players are awarded one water element stone, one healing water potion and double experience points for a week!

Liguria will experience good weather for a week.

[System Announcement!]

---A Player has bonded with the Fire Luminary---

Players are awarded one fire element stone, one fireblast scroll and 10 % increase to attack power for a week.

Liguria will have increased luck for a week.

[System Announcement!]

---A Player has bonded with the Blood Luminary---

Players are awarded one bloodstone, one vile of blood enchantment potion and a 10 % increase to regen.

Liguria will have increased fertility for a week.

[System Announcement!]

---A Player has bonded with the Space Luminary---

Players are awarded one basic ring of space.

[Ring of space - Common]

Info: A special ring that can be used to hold none bag items

Description: 10 slots

The players fill the world chat with thanks and praises. For the players that have this great service for them. Several guilds send agents to investigate and find out what is happening and what the Luminaries are. Some of the national guilds send Continental Banner messages that cost one gold each. They want to contact the players who triggered those of course they're offering high rewards. The guilds that can do this number to about twenty have members in the hundred of thousand and by taking half their members money. They have more money than common people thought possible to have this early.

The players around the kingdom Asurgo are in a fever and excitement many don't know that three of the four already came from players in their Kingdom. Players around Pike are even more excited. The Shifting Islands should be even more profitable for the next week.

[Aquired water domain!]

[Water Domain - Domain skill set]

tier 0 Skills - Rainfall

- Water Blast

- Water bubble

Trait: Water Spells under your control can be used to heal allies.

Passive: Whenever you around water regen increased by 50%.

Aura: Allies get a 10% boost regen being around you.

SKY Ocean Hunter is blown away by the domain set skills at tier 0 they are as powerful as a wizard skill which players can only get at level five. Before that, they are classless and have to use the basic attack that comes with the weapon. This also means without any weapons or class skills he can still attack.

SKY Ocean Hunter with only a thought creates a blast that goes over three hundred meters. Stunning him he didn't think he would be this powerful at level zero. Seeing can't believe it is only caused by the domain so he checks his profile.

Name: Sky Ocean Hunter

Race: Celestial

Domain: Water

Class: Monarch Cleric

Job: Crescent Moon Apothecary

Level: 0

HP: 113

Strength - 11

Endurance -11

Dexterity - 11


Intelligence - 11

Wisdom - 11

Willpower -11

SP: 43

Power - 11

Force - 11

Balance - 11

SKY Ocean Hunter remembers that as soon as the quest started his race changed. It seems to have increased all his base stats by ten. That is ninety stats points since players get ten points every time they level up. That's nine levels of power as a level zero. What better even better its seem he will also earn one hidden stat point randomly every time he levels. The hidden stats are luck, charm, fortitude at least those are the ones he knows.

Styx jumps backs avoiding the muscled man's swords. Oberth speaking backwards drops one sword and the blood is pulled out of Styx. IT forms an orb around him that squeezes him. In the Bloodorb he feels no pain only stillness.

Oberth casts Bloodworks in the way he did the Bloodorb. The blood moves About Styx changing his body. He gets a notification from the orb.

[Level Reset to zero!]

[Race Enhancement available ]

Do you wish to proceed?


He already knows that becoming a celestial has made him stronger. Being attuned so finely for combat even small stats change would be noticed by him with the need for checking his character sheet. He agrees since it is an enchantment if it was another change he might have rejected ti the unknown because of the increase in his stats.

[Aquired Blood domain!]

[Blood Domain - Domain skill set]

tier 0 Skills - Blood Drain

- Blood Shot

- Blood Pool

Trait: Bloodspells under your command only use half the required blood

Passive: For each stack of blood you have attack power is increased up to fifty per cent.

Aura: Your attacks have a fifty per cent chance to cause bleeding effect.

Styx smiles as Oberth continues his work. He can't see the others but he is more than happy to brag. He does a once over of his stats since he has nothing to do but wait.

Name: Styx

Race: Celestial

Domain: Blood

Class: Khan Rogue

Job: Starfield Alchemist

Level: 0

HP: 63

Strength - 11

Endurance -11

Dexterity - 11


Intelligence - 11

Wisdom - 11

Willpower -11

SP: 63

Power - 11

Force - 11

Balance - 11

As Oberth finishing up his work. He splits the crystal sword into thin jagged fangs. They replace the ones in Styxs arms before. They start to glow a violent purple that is almost alive.

Oberth says, "You should be ready now." He seems unbothered by the world around him. He is here to do this and return to his slumber.

Styx says, " I'm was always ready but what did you do to me." Styx is hunting for information.

Oberth says, "Only what I agreed a real Khan doesn't break his word ever."

Styx says, "Never heard of it what's so impressive about a khan." He hopes he is not taking it too far. He knows the real origin of the world but being assigned to his class next to a normal class must mean more.

Oberth says, "Where are is your family. This only works if all three of you are here. Ask them I have done my part. The rest will depend on well you do." Oberth figure dissolves into the blood. SKY Ocean Hunter and Tyr are still not back yet

About fifteen minutes later the water, dissipates leaving a dry Naga in front of Styx. He can't help but admires the change. Except for his purple blades, nothing is really different to Styx in the looks department.

Styx says, "You look amazing Hermano!"

SKY Ocean Hunter, "How long do you think he will take we have levelling to do. Oh, and thanks check out my teeth isn't it cool bro?" The pair go over the looks of SKY Ocean HUnter as they wait for Tyr.

About an hour later, Tyr appears he is exactly the same as before. Tyr checks his stats sheet so he can understand all the changes to him.

Name: Tyr

Race: Celestial

Domain: Fire

Class: Sovereign Warrior

Job: Sunlight Forger

Level: 0

HP: 67

Strength - 11

Endurance -11

Dexterity - 11

MP: 67

Intelligence - 11

Wisdom - 11

Willpower -11

SP: 67

Power - 11

Force - 11

Balance - 11

[Aquired Fire domain!]

[Fire Domain - Domain skill set]

tier 0 Skills - Shot Of Fire

- Flare

- Flame feild

Trait: After every successful attack you gain a slight boost in speed.

Passive: Enemies lose 5% attack damage

Aura: Enemies are drawn to you. Aggro is increased by 100%.

Styx says, "So we are Los Celestial Hermanos." He is joking of course.

Tyr chuckling says, "That's exactly what we are. We received a part of their powers. Lord of Fire Nogu, The Sun-god, Solus of creation, Death scorcher, hunters flare. Sovereign of Flames."

SKY Ocean Hunter says, " So what Rinele said was true. So what killed them?"

Styx says, "I don't know but it's powerful enough to rip apart the God of War from his weapon." The reason Oberth didn't talk is that the blood he worked was interlaced with his own and there are memories in their available to Styx.

Tyr says, "The same thing that will kill us if we fail. We should over there seems to some stuff" The great Enemy is all Lord Nogu give him as a clue. The spot he is referring to would be where they first appeared. There is a table with a book, a circlet crown, blood-red stone.

Styx arrives first at the table. He touches the Blood-red stone. It reminded him of the one that Oberth wore. Styx says, "Do you know what a ruler level class is."

[Khan Oberth Blood]

Info: This is a complete inheritance item. Grants the player a ruler level class.

Description: Grants A complete class inheritance.

Tyr grabs the book suddenly holding it up and examining it to make.

[Soverign Nogu Book Techniques]

Info: This is a complete inheritance item. Grants the player a ruler level class.

Description: Grants A complete class inheritance.

Tyr says, "Tyr says it is going to give strong class with very strict requirements. Much like the Trail tower probably why our level had to reset."

SKY Ocean Hunter grabs the circlet crown the golden glows at his touch as he examines it and says "so we just use these and boom then what?"

[Monarch Rinele Circlet of Forms]

Info: This is a complete inheritance item. Grants the player a ruler level class.

Description: Grants A complete class inheritance.

Tyr says, "It will change our combat class and our lifestyle class, the way lord Nogu put it. Is because they helped use to get this power we will have to raise it from scratch again."

The most famous The Titanstar Tailor. In his old life, That player could make underwear as strong as normal armours a real boon for him. As he cornered the sexy armour market. Bikini warriors guild really took after that.

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "what about our levels and these skills from the class are impressive but without weapons, we will be limited in what we can do.'

Styx head flashes, his eyes glow red and he says in an uncharacteristic monotone, "The weapons are in 'the Temple'...Shaking his head..."Yeah, the temple of three our temples." Styxs' head is banging he has just received a rush of memories.

Tyr says, "Let's go get them then." Looking around there is nothing he activates the teleport scroll left on the table. Selecting the Level ten area as their restarting area.


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