Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 201: Ginger goes on bacon

Chapter 201: Ginger goes on bacon

To Tyr's eye, the palace decorator must be someone with no taste at all. Poorly carved and dreadfully painted statutes of all the past king's line the hallways. The effort they spent on creating this god awful regal atmosphere. Should have been spent on expanding what will become the trade city between the east and the west. The dragon's tooth mountain is thinnest here and the ruin will lead them all kinds of people here. The kitchen is at least practical, made to service a thousand people at a time. They have everything they need with them expect proper ingredients. 

The head cook is heaving his hands violently, beating a dough into submission. "Ah, you're back. Make yourself and take these plates to the High Sword Ary quarters.

" I brought you someone who can help with your problem." The head cook turns, rubbing the flour off his hands by pounding on his remarkably clean apron. Waving away the cook, who has duties to tend. The head cook runs a tight and clean kitchen. Here, at least in his mind, he is king and all must serve. The head cook waves for two cups to be brought along with some wine. 

The servants scurry about, actually creating a clean seating area for the two of them. The head cook's chair is set higher than Tyr's. This extravagant showing tells Tyr that the cook has the final say here. Having magic lifestyles classes servants is something not every kingdom can do. 

Tyr bows lightly in the old ways. The head cook smiles, nodding for Tyr to take a seat. High-quality wine and fruits are set on the table for two. The stone chair is warm, the fabrics soft and the pillow comfortable. Tyr pours the wine for the head cook, showing his willingness to serve. The head cook takes a sip first. 

"I see you are a man of culture." Tyr nods at the compliment. He is analysing everything the head cook does. It gives him clues into the man. Tyr sees Themba, the player who, in several past lives, Themba invented many food items including bleak bread. Tyr could of course make it himself but he prefers to pouch the man who can feed a nation for seven copper a loaf. Themba is hard at work maintaining the fires of the ovens. Many players wouldn't be willing to do this backbreaking labour for the chance to work with a Royal cook. 

"I hope I'm not too provincial." Tyr's self-deprecation is making the head cook smile. If the cook was a sharper man, he would realise Tyr didn't on purpose. The head cook sips on his sweet red rose wine. 

Leaning back in his chair, the head cook relaxes. "Let's have it then," the sudden shift from pleasantries to business, make Tyr bring out a few of the Lifestyle players' dish of the day. The five dishes are simple but because players use modern techniques to create better quality goods. 

He cuts a piece of each from each plate. He hands the leftover to the others cooks, they nod and smile at one another. Players are always more willing to experiment and to players, all the herbs and spices are new.

The talk takes longer than expected because of the head cook's insistence on negotiating down to the copper. Tyr pretends that the head has gotten the best of him. The goods he sold, on average, cost fifteen copper to acquire and produce. They save a lot of money from the supply train between competitive and Lifestyle players. Tyr is selling them on average for fifty copper.

This would normally be a rip off since a one-man shop would incur costs of about thirty-eight coppers. This is also another way that Sunken Reef is getting an advantage. Like most high-level guilds being national level or higher. They have all kinds of streamlined processes that give them operational advantages. 

On his way out, Tyr bumps into a tray driven by a servant, apologising profusely. The servant checks his trolley, making sure all the food is okay. Tyr sends Themba a gift with a simple note: Ginger goes on Bacon, Reef Trading Company, South Market Pike." the gift is a box of herbs and spices with detailed flavour profiles. Themba is not someone who one can approach without piquing his interest. Tyr wants Themba to come off of his volition. 

With everything done Tyr makes his way back to Ori. He is watching Leaper and Salome play fight. He is making a lot of corrections for Leaper. Salome is natural and talented even with the level of disadvantage. She makes Leaper work for every blow. 

"She is really amazing." Ori admires Salome and Tyr stands next to Ori. The chaos only lasts another hour. They travel to the entrance, leaving the goods at the quartermaster's office. They have to make sure nothing is poisoned. 

"I thought we would cause a lot of drama." Ori really wants something epic to happen. to Tyr, he has what he came for and has planted the chest on the trolley he bumped into. When the Selierra runs a trace on the signet should to one of the noble houses. Being a level 202 Lady Organa will definitely destroy the house. This will lead to a vacuum that will pull the king away from ruins. Like any proper functioning kingdom, the king's allies are his biggest competition, and theft of crown property will require his direct intervention. 

"Dude the shit storm that is about to go off here. Is not something we want to be a part of." Tyr takes his road train to Parsis. With three thousand five hundred coppers in hand. His goal of earn two hundred and twenty-three silver. Is even closer, this shows that his original idea of selling tertiary goods. He only has 16 423 more coppers to go before he hits his goal. 

Persis town is not well at all if it can even be a town at all. Tyr finds the councilman for the village, he is also the head huntsman and head judge plus several other hats. 

"What can we do to help?" Tyr didn't need the roundabout greetings and pretending the council man being too busy. 

"Food, water, clothes!" The council gives Tyr a quest. Tyr has the materials ready. The council is glad this is an immense burden off his shoulders, especially at the price Tyr is offering.

+ 100 reputations in Parsis.

After the trade, the council rubs his sore back. Tyr, "Sir, here please try this." The herbalists in the guild having been pumping out these simple potions for the guild since Risen Reef popped up. Having numerous basic goods is one to attract many NPCs to the town. Having a population of less than fifty Tyr supplies, enough for everyone, three times over.

+200 reputation in Parsis. 

"Are you cheating?" Ori is in his party so is also getting the reputation, but he doesn't have the main mission, Tyr has. So he won't be offered Pikon's lordship.

"No, I am providing more goods than necessary at a lower price than required. This is giving us a bonus plus we are humans. So we don't have to go through tedious missions to prove we are loyal to the crown." Tyr 

"Sirs, I have a special request. Our town was once prosperous and a mineral hub. Then the goblin invaded. I thought with the king's men here, we could finally rid ourselves of this scourge. However, their presence has only made the goblins retreat deeper into the mine and set us back years. Is there anything you can do?" The councilman's eyes are full of expectation and glimmering for the first time in many years. 

[Monster Clearing Quest]

Info: Clear the goblin from the iron mines. 

Difficulty: D 

Information: Clear the goblins from Parsis mines 

Rewards: The councilman's favour, 300 reputations, random quality pelt. 

Ori and Tyr set off towards the iron which is only five hundred away from the town. the old wooden mine has deteriorated over the years leaving nothing of value besides the mines. The goblins are mostly between level ten and fifteen, with the boss being a level twenty. They mainly drop raw iron ore. Which Tyr makes to pick up every ore. He will need it in one of the next towns. His route is not only the optimal route lengthwise, but will also make it so that they don't have to go to any town. 

They clear the iron mine in just under three hours, mainly because Tyr let Salome and leaper do most of the work. She is even a level fourteen now. The mayor thanks them profusely with tears in his eyes. He can finally see a future for the small village once more. 

Quest updated!


The Hidden Gems

Difficulty: A-rank

information: Travel to the nine villages and gain the favour of each councilperson.


Tyr and Ori take their rewards and make their way to the next village...


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