Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 136: The Rub

Chapter 136: The Rub

The association Patreon is wearing several garish items on his body in a secure area like this on the open seas it really doesn't make sense for him to wear so many items. Also with his weight, the necklace he has is a magical item that looks like a choker barely surviving the rolls of his fat. His thick finger each have at least two rings on them with his middle right, which is outstretched for a handshake has three. Not really wanting to touch the man Tyr makes a circular motion with his hand over his heart. The man's grins at that and with a jovial tone says, "and to you my good man! Not many still remember the old ways. Fewer still so openly present their beliefs. Please sit have a drink with me as is proper traditional. Come come."

The man basically forces Tyr into the soft upholstered chair. Waving his hands for servants to bring drinks on a golden tray inside platinum rimmed glasses. He moves as quickly as his body would allow him. He throws himself onto his crown chair it creaks and moans as his girth fills every part of the chair. It is carefully engraved with a Black and Red stag With silver horns and the initials L.R.L at the bottom. The man continues saying, "Goodmen let me introduce myself, I and Lyolld Reginal Law the seventh, A Baron from Onao, and Patron of this association. Who might you be?" 

Tyr takes a sip of his cold drink, it is a speciality not found in Pike and highly perishable unless kept under certain conditions. Tyr is going over what he just heard as the Patron of this association it means he is also its guardian so Tyr can't underestimate him based on his looks. It takes power and connections for an NPC to become a patron. The title of a baron is of little consequence, it is the lowest level of nobility and Onao is two provinces away to the west. His triple-barrel name could be an issue but Tyr doesn't plan to investigate his family. He is just here to smooth things over. Tyr says, " I am Chapter leader Tyr of Sunken Reef Guild, a pleasure to meet you." 

The man almost chokes on his drink spitting it up and messing it all over himself. he stammers, "I...didn't think that...they would send a..." He coughs more finally able to catch the eyes Tyr a small but visible frown on his face. 

Tyr says, "A what my goodman..."Echoing his words..."What do you think I am." The man pretends to cough some more using the time to compose himself. He knows his initial estimation of Tyr is wrong given his association with animals.  He would take his offer to drink together but it is too late now. After a slightly too long and definitely awkward pause. 

Patron Lyolld says, "Nothing goodman, let us rather get to the business at hand. Your collective is at the moment has presented us with a rather touchy situation which I hope you will be able to rectify promptly." The man smacks his teeth together as he speaks breaking up his words abruptly. He waves his arms about as he speaks papers being passed to him by the servant who entered as soon as he declared the beginning of a business. The thin barely dressed boy has smooth velvet skin and is some bruises around his neck. He has gentle muscles enough to know they are there but soft and subtle not at all the body of a deck worker. 

Tyr says, "We are an officially recognised guild, certified under universal. We also carry a ranking and are operating within the laws of the Kingdom. Pikon is an autonomous zone I will remind you. We will not tolerate you or any other undermining our position." Tyr chooses to ignore the smaller insults and cut the man verbally by asserting his guild ratification under universal law[the system], he is saying that they operate on a high level and The patron is the one who should be careful of how he speaks to Tyr a representative of Sunken Reef a Ranked guild. While they haven't done anything with it being ranked means they are known throughout the continent and there are many powers who like to see them spilt from the control of the Kingdom of Asrugo. The delicate political and economic nuances do not escape the baron he is well versed in it. 

Patron Lyolld says, "No, no, no goodman do not misunderstand me. We here in the kingdom follow universal law as is proper, however, we have a more...decerning eye. While it is very true that your collective is recognised by under universal. You all still need approval from my office to operate in the rest of Asrugo as it were. As such, I hope that you will not need to confer with your masters to bring this situation to an amicable end." Tyr clenches his fist cracking the glass he is holding. Slavery is technically outlawed by universal but the kingdom has found ways around that calling his friends masters is Tantamount to calling them slavers. Ironic since it is mostly that boy who is a servant is actually a slave just by another name. The man manages to control himself but he is clearly on alert now. 

Tyr says, "Well depends on your behaviour goodman. Any further insult will find this meeting and you will be my friends much less accommodating than I. Tell me why I am here and what it is you want." Tyr drops the polite act trying to be more direct and get what it is exactly that this guy wants he has managed to carefully talk around the reason he is here. He put the glass down folding his arms and waiting for the fat to respond. The man is a little unsettled at that it is highly uncommon for commoners to speak to him like that. He is the patron of this association it is offensive and rude plain simple rude. he thinks to himself, 'No wonder he associates himself with lowers probably a tainted anyway." 

Patron Lyolld says, "I suppose I could. Your collective needs my approval and to earn it you need to give us access to Red Iron Island that Red...that woman the blood elf your legion commander I presume. made it very clear we are unwelcome on Red Iron Island." Tyr almost laughs a that what could she possibly have done. He is part of the association they go were they want. It would be like the king asking him for permission to enter Pike it's almost ridiculous. this can't be the reason. 

Tyr says, "Shirley you can't be serious?!" his father would say that because his mothers' middle name is Shirley. named so after a temple singer or something. Tyr never quite understood his parents' fascination with the past. But as a child under their care, he watched a lot of vids from that period and has some special quirks because of it. 

Patron as expected goes into full ridiculous mode, "I am completely serious she is the one who forced us out here. We should be on the island right now! I demand you give us access or I will be forced to retract your status in our territory. This will cause you all a lot of headaches." Tyr is a little confused and sends a message to Lux making a show of it taking his time basically he is doing anything he can to irrriatate the man further. Tyr, doesn't care for the association status especially within a backwater like asrugo. However right now is not the time to get into a political battle with the ruling authority. Even if Lyolld is pushing his authority they are technically still part of Asrugo. Lux sends him a video of The force she commanded to clear a nuances guild also clearing out the association by using earth Elementalist to break off the part of the island they are connected to and throw it back into the ocean. Tyr can't help but chuckle at that. Lux had essentially removed them without needing to attack them which would have brought to them an entirely different set of headaches. Tyr is glad she at least had enough sense to do it the way she did. He turns facing the man looking at the last bits of video. 

Tyr gets an even worse idea, since they are in for a penny they might as well be in for a pound there is a simple way around the association. He sits back down eyeing the man like the filthy pig he and says, " I see nothing wrong here goodman. Pikes' laws allow for such action I suggest you find a smaller more appropriate place to plant yourself. You see here is a nice piece of land you could settle on no one to bother you. This land is ours."

  1. I'm not on Patreon anymore so please go to my page leave a donation for me please so we can have way more /lonelyauthor page.


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