Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 127: ten thousand!

Chapter 127: ten thousand!

Serb can't stop now even if the Naga is looking at him like food. Serb rushes forward the Naga should only have one or two more tricks he  can  pull. That crocodile toothed Naga opens his mouth letting loose another jet stream. It should be impossible for Serb to dodge the incoming attack from SKY Ocean Hunter and yet he does! Still moving forward Serb twists his body around the stream of smouldering water. His body looks so contorted one might think Serb was water twisting to go where it can. Serb lands ready to pounce at the neck of the Naga.

Tyr hasn't the amazing stunt Serb has just pulled he is currently fighting ten hell hounds. He thrusts his forward holding his shield as tightly as he can to his body. The spear guts a hell hound and while extended Tyr twists his hand to whip another hell hound trying to get around him. Three of them buckle against his shield. Taking a few steps backs the hell hounds feet cause the water to boil underfoot. Tyr then goes into a series of movements that would his ancestors proud. First, he pushes with his shield before driving his spear into the head of one of the hell hounds. Its flaming eyes go dead. Four steps back is all Tyr needed to fell six hell hounds. His short spear moves with deadly purpose. First step his spear is removed and with the butt from the weapon. A fire spell identical to spear skewers a hell hound. Second step with a slide back he thrusts three times each time a fire spell is attached to it. The third and fourth steps are a pivot movement that allows throwing his shield which also bursts with fire cutting the life right out of the hell hounds.

Styx is more aerobatic with his movements each swing and flip kills a hell hound. His blades always striking critical locations. Styx even manages to slip in-between opponents slicing them into several pieces. Styx manages to dodge every bite and [Hell Fire Spitball] dancing around the hell hounds like they are statues. He is a purple blaze of death absorbing souls as he goes. He finishes up his Hell hounds while Tyr still has two to go. His shield lying across the lab somewhere Tyr uses a skill Styx has never seen him use before. The flames appear suddenly wrapping around the hell hounds. you are making a choking motion with his spear downturned blasting into the other hell hound. By the time he is done, there is nothing but dust left and Serb lying on the ground with his health at thirty-nine thousand!

Serb staggers onto his feet having just had his head knocked in by SKY Ocean Hunter. The Dread Dog growls evilly barking and foaming at the mouth he is fully enraged. SKY Ocean Hunter had used False damage. The skill generates four times the aggro of life lost. That means Serbs believes he is on his last legs and has gone berserk. His fur has turned spikey and his eyes are now blazing with fire. His fangs expand outside his mouth. The red all over his body now makes it look like the tips are white. Serb is even stronger than before he opens his mouth with a terribly loud and ear-popping bark. Then Serb fires three golden balls. SKY Ocean Hunter casts [water bubble] with his magic power it is strong enough to block two of the three toxic gas balls. Not that he can worry about that.

Serb is already moving towards SKY Ocean hunter with deadly intent. Serbs arrive just behind his toxic ball, giving Serb the chance to maul SKY Ocean Hunter grabbing onto the Nagas shoulder. He is able now through brute strength alone thrash SKY Ocean Hunter around like a rag doll. Each blow is compounded by the poison of the toxic. Serb is about to continue thrashing SKY Ocean Hunter around when Styx appears literally out of thin air delivering a spinning kick to the neck of Serb forcing him to drop SKY Ocean Hunter. Serb tries to bite at SKY Ocean Hunter again.

Tyr using his fire like a whip pulls at Serb giving SKY Ocean Hunter a chance to heal up. He had gotten dangerously low on health when he was mauled by Serb. Tyr slashes at Serb moving around his body, Styx is dancing around him to attacking with a mad fury. SKY Ocean Hunter swings his hammer at the mad Serb and they descend into a great battle three against one. The boss Serb now berserk and fully aggroed onto SKY Ocean Hunter lets the boys go really loose. Tyr fights hard blocking the direct path to SKY Ocean Hunter. 

Tyr can't use his fire spells but he is still a decent fighter and his spear is empowered by fire the edges of the Obsidian Spear glowing red. The heat is blister sharp. Styx is flanking reeking as much havoc as he can behind Serb cutting ta tendons that heal instantly failing to proc on any critical location. Serb for the most part is locked on As Tyr dodges one of Serbs' more ambitions blow were tried to trample him. SKY Ocean hunter for the first casts a spell the proper way using an invocation from and hand gesture to draw the flows of water he trying to control. A ball of water floats just ahead of SKY Ocean Hunter. It takes about five seconds to cast the spell. Serb is trying his best to get to SKY Ocean Hunter. Serb roits and rolls, thrashing and biting everything he tries frustrates him more. Tyr and Styx scrfice their bodies when they cannot dodge have to stop Serb. THey arent afraid to through there bodies on the line. 

The water splits into hundreds of sharp rapid spikes. SKY Ocean Hunter controls them all with a great degree of accuracy and says, "Rain of Ten thousand Spikes." Tyr and Styx leap away from the furios fighting Serb barely managing a quick exit before the spike start falling. Unlike a normal speel where the spikes would land anywhere around Serb, SKY OCean Hunter controls them to pin Serbs body down. Wuth a wave of his hands SKY Ocean Hunter sends tens of Spikes into the Red and white Dread Dog. Serb muses about his life and his master the closer he gets to death the happier he gets. Serb never failed once and he won't start today. Unable to kill enough people for his master plan he can only make sure his death is not a waste. Serbs Yells as loud as he can the lab showing the magic circle he has been guarding. 

Serb fights through the pain activating the magic using his own life force which accerlates his loss of life points. Styx and Tyr watch as a one sided inpalment pushes Serb over the edge. Closer to death and The Dread Dog fights still every moment he can stay alive al ttel longer brings him close to completing his masters plan. Serb is the herald of runiation, the first plague, rot itself comes from him. Even with hundreds of water spikes running through Serb is still on his feet. The punctured gaping bloody holes in his body don't stop him from wheezing a final, last gasp of words. Serb says, "He comes! Make way for you doom yourselves." The glee in his voice makes the final push from SKY Ocean Hunter a sight to behold Serb is drowned in a sea of spikes. The entire private is saoked with damage the boys and Serb have left their mark on the building. Serbs body lies defeated at he corner a few spike run off his body. 

Styx says, "Primo! That was awesome how did you do that." He knows that it has something do with the fact that they are all celestials. Tyr knows much better but also wants to see what this friends think. For now they are too low level to acquire the necessary traits. Even though he has hinted to them by not blocking certain goals they ahve in mind. OVerwatch is a real bummer but Tyr has finally remembered something when Serb spoke those last words of his it knocked something loose in Tyr. A new flood of memories of what is to come makes his hands shake with dread. It is too late to stop the signs were all their and he missed them already.

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "When i was training with Ninth I discovered that one can make there own spells and don't necesilarly have to follow the skills given to use. The problem is that they need a real invocation and time unlike normal spells which i can just spam." SKY Ocean hunter goes to the body of Serb and loots it. The stingy system only hands him one blue prints and a fragment at that. SKY Ocean Hunter wants to kick Serb but his body is fading away being absorbed into the magic circle that he was activating. 

Everything starts to rumble...


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