Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 123: A level up

Chapter 123: A level up

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "Shit dude what the actual fuck.That was an utter waste of two hours, I would have preferred to watch Lux decimate that guild. They are calling her the Angel of Death because of that battle. We are already getting even more interest even a few professional outfits are trying to buy us out now. All from that single battle, she has put us on the map in a real way." The battle had been lopsided even with the interference of the Sabra-Ants an affiliate of one of the highest-ranking guilds in the solar system Sabra-Jaguars. The name alone usually instils enough fear that most small guilds would back off. Unfortunately, Lux turned it into a true statement as she decimated their reinforcement without suffering a single loss. The in-game stats of the battle were so embarrassing the Sabra-Dragon had to make an official statement. This has rocketed a Sunken Reef into a much deeper pond. SKY Ocean Hunter though hope to make them swim the sea of the stars. 

Tyr says, "No it is not, what we have secured here from the basement is nothing short of a treasure of raw materials, and not to mention the amount of blueprints we just got. I'm sure we can make huge strides in some of your more demanding goals." Tyr loved the while they don't have any blueprints for the machines they used for process all the smaller handheld tools were all fabricated house meaning that lifestyle classes like Blacksmiths, Runesmith, Bondsmiths, Bonesmiths, are amongst the few classes he has full first realmic tools for. Hell, he is only short a few more blueprints to have complete toolsets for Jewellers, Enchanters, Herbalists, and Armourer. This is nothing short of amazing given how hard SKY Ocean Hunter is pushing them.

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "I'm not pushing anything you and Styx told me how important this place is. Now that it is even more valuable than we initially thought. The both of you seem uncertain all of a Sunday. I'm not uncertain of our place. Be it here or in the real we will win and become a force to be reckoned with mark my words Tyr. It is die or succeed." SKY Ocean Hunter is glad he listen to Styx and contract a real legal firm even with the expense being big enough to tackle some of the bigger corporate lawyers means they are really fighting for their lives. The methods they use are so complex and ludicrous that SKY Ocean Hunter wonders if the law wasn't invited to let the rich screw over the poor. Right now all their operation are funded directly by how they do in Odyessy increased popularity should at least boost the books if not increase the power of the guild directly. 

Tyr says, "Not uncertain boss just afraid we are becoming responsible for an entire real village if we win. I can handle the game but we could become the controlling authority in our Platinia which means everything will run through us. I just hope we are up to the task. We can't come back to life if we make a fatal mistake there." The battle with Baron Inc is intense and has a lot of ramifications none of them thought about. To them, this battle is for the future of their homes and the only way they can do that is by playing a game. Odyessy is a limitless well of opportunities and has already introduced them to a few protection meant to save the business of small guild from being interfered with by big corporations. 

Styx finishes off sorting the items from the miniboss. Three items are part of the eight-piece Geha set. Each bonus from this set is meant to increase battle damage so Styx claims that for himself, One Geha Ring, One Geha Amulet and One Pair of Geha earing. The seven per cent total boost is nominal but Styx can already see how it will help him especially in boss fights. He hands SKY Ocean Hunter a pearl for him to use. A non-humanoid player like SKY Ocean Hunter has some items changed to be useful to them. The lore behind it is that it is one of the natural loot laws that items must be usable by all races. So the other amulet in Styxs hand become a pearl that sits in SKY Ocean Hunters chest. In fact, this is the same thing going with his epic item it's just that Styx doesn't know that yet since he is yet to be able to identify it. Styx says, "Tyr this last item is a consumable I'm not sure how to make it work." 

Tyr takes the three colour plain of glass peering through it. Tyr says, "This is really cool, I'm going to keep and try to find out what it does." Unfortunately, they can't just say it is a Revealing Glass used to find specific vaults. Overwatch would literally murder his character if did something that stupid. He has to always be careful with what he says. The glass will only activate when close to the hidden vault it is used to reveal. This tech was pioneered as a counter to certain magic tricks used to break into heavenly vaults. Tyr suspects that they have a greater vault on this floor. So he pockets it leaving it in his inventory until they stumble upon the hidden vault. 

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "let's head upstairs the enemies are waiting and I want to level up. Luxs' performance makes me want to do something amazing. He knows they are part of a much bigger quest right now but also the ladies have been outshining them. Plus the collecting of the materials they need to activate the epic each of them possesses is a major power hurdle. SKY Ocean Hunter at least has a few clues which are all sitting at the bottom of the ocean. The boys admire the items pearl in his chest in magic power reserve. The Pearl can be upgraded but he would need a specific lifestyle player either a jeweller or enchanter depending on how his item reacts. 

The boss head back to the first having cleared the basement of most if not all the valuable materials. Tyrs' Book of knowledge has expanded the blueprints don't even take up any slots. They head to the eastern door. SKY Ocean hunter wants to save the private labs for last his inner treasure hunter knows the proper order of things. Plus they don't have the final key leading them upstairs yet. The Western swooshes lead to three separate small biomes. To their left is a simulacrum of desert biome, the middle one featuring a lot more trees and water feature seems to be some kind of rain forest and the last one is a tundra.

SKY Ocean Hunter heads to the middle one first he has been missing the water and already feels more powerful. Instead of following the boys, each takes a biome they are small enough that the enemies should only be in an area of maybe five hundred meters square meters. These constructed hunting grounds are home to various plants and creatures. Inside the ran forest SKY Ocean hunter swims about until a small red dot appears on his minimap. It leads him to a three-horned blue yellow purple zebra-like unicorn. One rushes him as soon as SKY Ocean Hunter appears from the River. 

SKY Ocean Hunter launches into an attack posture, water blades shooting forward the Tricorn respond with its amazing speed streaking towards SKY Ocean hunter. It is very fast allowing SKY Ocean hunter to maybe cast one more spell before it hits him. Styx leaps from of cover reaping his fifth enemy the monkey lords here are not very well organized. He is slowly making his way to their camp. The red monkey has built an impressive fortification in the snow. By using the geothermal pools as a means to keep warm. Styx makes his way the camp in a short time. 

Tyr has turned his biome into a burning, it wasn't bad enough that he was in a desert. He has been on an unending burning storm the massive spider that hide under the sand must either come out and face of become stuck under the sand that Tyr is turning into glass. By the time the boys are through they have level thirty two and are several hundred coppers with even more scraps and useless items to pass on.

SKY Ocean Hunter says, " How much longer Tyr the upper floor are waiting?" 

Tyr says, " It shouldn't be that much longer, they left shortly after we did and with the western path now clear thanks to Lux. We would be able to use my wagon." 

Styx starts laughing at that and says," You guys should have the grunts that Medium Bunz assigned to move your carriage to the island. The Draft dogs nearly toppled a few of the Rafts." 

Tyr says, Well they will be here we just empty our inventories into theirs then we can raid the upper floors. 

SKY Ocean Hunter waves about the final piece of the key...


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