Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 117: Bounty

Chapter 117: Bounty

John Baptist says, "Let's focus on why it is important. Since we have many objectives I would like to keep this as on point as possible." Athena grabs his hand, he looks at her. John-Baptist can see she is deeply affected by this. That wonderful dangerous mind of hers making all kinds of schemes. 

Tyr says, "Basically we have one! The Red Iron Island is one of the Garden Flower Forts." Raul whistles as he comes the research he found is very vague on the forum but it is a boon for the whole guild. An oddity is that they have not received any more information on the forum. Overwatch should have granted them access. He is already thinking they don't meet the requirements. So in the meantime, they need to eliminate all hostile forces on the island and dominate it completely that way even if it takes a few years. They will be in full control.

Rowena says, "darlings I don't mean to be a Debbie downer but what is flower fort?" The Little bits of information she is gleaning from Raul is really not enough. The only thing she has seen clearly is Arcadia. 

Raul says, "Sorry we got a bit carried away." He prepares a small data package for everyone listing the most relevant information about the Myth surrounding the Flower Garden Forts.

Mei says, "You boys really like finding new shiny things." 

Sihle says, "Yeah I guess we did man." Sihle smiles looking over some other documents to help them.

John says, "Give them the short version please." The package might be tailored but they could be here for hours and John Knows that any good game designer would create conflict meaning that there are definitely others on the same trail. Especially the older more established higher ranking guilds. 

Sihle says, "Noone knows their original purpose but they are places of power from the first Era before the gods descended. Each Flower Fort has its own strengths and weaknesses." He can't want to get back now if they can start its core. They will become a superpower guaranteed. 

Asa says, "We would not be here if it was that simple." This is cool and all but they called an emergency meeting brought all the leaders here. What is the pot of gold? Having no idea or interest in the Flower Garden she doesn't yet understand the high value of the fort. 

Athena says, "Thats right what makes this place special boys?" She is hoping that maybe they something more. The Flower Garden Forts are a force multiplier she even knows that is the reason the Aziza have one. It is used to construct the ultra-lightweight Durasteel they use as armour. Without it, the Aziza would be paper tigers given how fragile they are in combat. 

Sihle says, " The last Flower Fort is here," He brings the picture of huge Yellowwood trees grown into skyscrapers. Everyone knows this image as it is from the trailer of Odyessy. It is the home of a nonplayable race used to host underage players. They normally call it the Garden of Arcadia. It is a perfect paradise city floating about in the skies of Odyessy. A self-sustaining, defensible mobile production fortress. 

John says, " Do you have any idea what size of the fort is?" If it is as big as the Flower Garden of Arcadia then they become a guild nation something that gamers have been trying since Cantos brought out their first game. 

Raul says, "Never mind that what about the attachments?" Aside from trying to find a Red Iron mine, he has most of the guild acquiring land. Red Iron is Rauls' main interest in the place it is a special kind of metal that every production class can use. They have fallen behind in this aspect outside of those under the direct control of Medium Bunz they have failed to push those players to balance in growing their lifestyle class. 

Athena says, " How long do you need?" Athena wants this meeting to end so they can get back to it. While she can't help directly she is about to launch an all-out war against every faction on the Red Iron Island. They have the numbers and she has the will. 

Sihle says, "Hold on guys, let's not get ahead of ourselves. All I know is that it is the last one built. The symbol we saw and used to open the gate belongs to last the last Garden Flower Fort. So I have none of the records I have access to have much data outside construction costs. 

Athena says, "How long do you need?" Her voice is controlled perfectly monotone not her usually. She rubs the back of her head with one hand. The other shaking inside John-Baptist grip. This is almost too good to be true for them. She has researched them but also had listed them as a pure myth for players to be able to get one any time soon.   

John-Baptist says, "It will take a while can't be sure exactly, however, I expect everyone to act accordingly. IF you don't know what to do ask. This is a chance for us but it is also a challenge those with power will not be able to ignore." One guild sticks out to him the most they are currently on one of the most valuable Islands close to Red Iron Island. He pushed them to the back of his head first they have to actually capture the core and the rest of Red Iron Island. The current mission will not be easy at all...

Meanwhile back in the village, the mayor is in his office a mission parchment had just burned up. His assistant lets in an older more grizzled man. The mayor is shivering just at the sight of the man he has purple skin, pure white reptilian wings and menacing grey eyes. He wears a very loose hanging red toga. The mayor rubs his hands trying to get the clammy feeling off them. The man using a ring on his fingers cuts the mayor. 

The Mayor says, "My lord it's not my fault we did as you said and some they have failed. We would send more but there arent any more. Please my lord spare me I have done everything I can do." The man cuts the mayor again smiling. The mayor is unable to defend himself and can only beg which does every time the man cuts him. It cut is a little deeper than the previous cut. Finally after hundreds of cuts the mayors head lies on the ground in his office his body a grater of cuts. 

The assistant is stiff with fear head held low at what they had just seen. The mayors' blood pools at their feet, a strong smell of faeces as the body releases its bowls. The man speaks in a hushed tone a lot of interference from the mask covering the lower half of his face. "Your the mayor now open the outer portal, take over the doorway, kill those who failed and do not disappoint me." 

The assistant smiles at being named mayor only to receive a cut across their cheek. This one reminder set them to their knee and the new mayor says, "My lord it will be for the glory of Alerias' blood" The power that keeps the mans' mask fluctuates at that he has no lips just sharp teeth. 

The man says, "Indeed By the blood, we gain our power until the day of glorious return." 

The New mayor stays on his knee drenched in drying blood all over their lovely fabrics for almost thirty minutes they prostrate themselves. Then they rip sherd and tear off their old visage, letting go of the lie they had been forced. Their body expands shuddering under the mass of muscle. They transform into a Two head Gemini Hound. 

As the new mayor in their natural form wanders around town more Gemini beings appear twisted between two distorted forms into beasts. Arriving at what was the village the square they howl joined by all the geminin beasts. This howling destroys the village as pools of magic power unleash pure unfiltered corruption. The grey ashes killing the ground softening allow feral demon dogs to spawn from the ashes. 

The New Mayor rests at the centre as the Demon dogs and other Gemini beings get to work collecting lives and materials. They will make sure at all costs to open the portal so that they can begin to conquer the doorway. Other Gemini bodies soar into the sky going towards lesser Islands, Four squads specifically formed travel toward the smaller islands, in particular, Lands held by the most powerful guild including the Sliver Grass Island held by the Frost Empire. 

The village has been turned into a life killing pit rot spreading like a plague. The Western fall is starting and the ramifications for failure will change the dynamic of power for years to come. 


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