Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 104: The Conquest Phase Part 2

Chapter 104: The Conquest Phase Part 2

The Vanquisher is not bad on her feet, moving agilely and silently. After each side secured their half of the Birds nest they needed to. The battle for the centre began these towers are not only taller they even have firing solutions that can affect the battle on the street. The first of these towers are filled with thinly clothed most weak female Imkandi. They make excellent cannon fooder pools of experience as large as the blood starting to drip from the rooves. 

The battle intensifies on the ground as Lelo, Tatiana and Omnicornlyre are meant by a force Imakandi equal to their own numbers. Standard Imakandi military doctrine as written by King Angar the third dictates that in order to meet any foe with honour their numbers must be equal. The Imakandi leading this troop is a direct descendent of his and a fever follower of 'The Ancient Truths.' 

Insomnia stows her rifle in favour of her combat knife at these tight distances inside the crows' nest it wouldn't make sense for her. These female cannon fodder Imakandi are called Mensch fighting them is nasty business. They are desperate and fight with savagery akin to a corner lion. They lash out suddenly unleashing a rush of attacks. Thanks to the healing of a Soothsayer Insomnia has been able to survive. This is their main advantage over the aggressive and deadly Imakandi. This also them to fight just as hard as the Imakandi Mensch but also not suffer the huge loss of number. Here and there, players are picked off as they make mistakes or an Imakandi is genuinely impressive and skilled.  The Mensch moved like a demon-possessed with no fear completely ignoring defence. It is the combat form of Hanti an Imakandi Slayer. Famous in the lower Sahel for her defeat of thousand enemies before being slain. The short blades in her hands were as deadly as her fangs. Fighting tooth and tail down to last. Each fallen Mensch honouring those who came before them. 

Koraa runs a lot of interference even though she is technically a close-range fighter her class skills are suited to external manipulation which means she is a terror on the battlefield. A [Push] here save the life of one of her own who got caught in a counter-attack. A [Pull] there bring the body of a Mensch to tumble out the crow nest crushed by her passing blade. Everywhere she looks it feels like they are one or two deaths away from being overwhelmed. 

Koraa moves onto the next tower trying to help the two fellows strugglings at the door. Her sword s longer than theirs and hums from the spiritual force energy following through. Plunging her sword in between her man and a Mensch, Cutting the Mensch from breast to cheek. Helpless the Mensch flails her needles helplessly. 

Koraa says, "GO! move we need support." She has to stretch her team there numbers are small so she is using a hopping method. Where they take one crows leave a sniper type behind take the next. then the sniper from the first tower moves forward. This gives the team enough time to rest between the battle of Crows' nests. 

Boa-bob lets Raylin and a timid looking female off healer Medic, Bullets For Dinner. Medic has a combat specialisation option that allows them to use one kind of none magic martial weapon. Bullets For Dinner had chosen the triple pistols popular with Gunners and Corsairs. They are facing a Kings' Claw amongst this youthful warrior the most promising attract the attention of the king and queen of the Imakandi. 

This female claw has no forge weapons she fights in the ancient ways using only naturally weapons. She is beyond confident being unbeaten in any duel since achieving level ten. Her skin has the same spherical paints as found on all the Claws' bodies. Colour denotes rank spread marks achievements. She is a red not that Raylin and Bullets For Dinner, greens, blue and yellow bow in reverence to her. Only other reds hold heads high this is more special than the duels before and honour demands etiquette be maintained. 

She speaks in Lower basin the language sounds she is like that of loin roaring lording over its territories. The grunts and roars are echoes by her fellow reds. The spirits are delighted at being honoured as she starts a demonstration in the middle of an invasion. Boa-bob doesn't think it is a good idea to interfere if the claws went all they would be crushed. 

The martial demonstration is a short sweat-inducing performance her more human skin wet with expectant victory. She Invokes her element her natural weapons respond by glowing a fierce penetrating purple. Boa-bob is can't tell that she is special. To him, some zealot developer has just done his job too well breathing life into NPCs is no easy thing. Giving them identities and cultures as varied and irrational as humans is no short task.

Speaking in the common tongue, "Come the hunt has already begun." Her claws extended out her jaw dripping purple her eyes are also purple. Invokers bond to their element using it to empower themselves and their weapons a sort of natural occurring enchanter. 

Raylin a Protector is no slouch himself, as a baseline guardian, he advances with the aid of magic into a Protector. Unlike a battlemage who is a wizard the magic to Protectors is supportive in nature used to defend themselves and allies. His is emblazoned with magic power. while he has no natural element his raw magic power is pretty strong. 

Raylin says, "We protect each other that way there is no way we can lose." Bullets For Dinner has enamoured with the Honoured claw. She is an example of the kind of warrior she wants to be. Bullet for Dinner almost she was experienced enough o-face her alone. That would be suicide and that is what they are here for. 

Bullets For Dinner says, "Sounds good to me."  She pulls her pistols ready for the duel to come, beside her is a Protector. Coordination isn't difficult as he is a close-range fighter with support magic while she is a medium-range attacker with support skills. 

The roars of the other claws die down as The Honoured takes a position similar to a lion ready to pounce her aura thickens applying pressure on the two before even the battle begins. Even before the Other red can shout started. Bang! Bullets For Dinner fires first causing Raylin to leap forward sword first his magic only starting when he is in midflight. A yellow light envelops his shield and an unseen figure with wings does the same for Bullets For Dinner. [Light of Protection] is a magic spell that can cover up to seven other people. It only effective is to increase physical defence by one hundred points. It last as long as he is alive or the person under protection take one hundred points of damage. 

The honoured has not moved at all, even with enemies coming toward she wait for him to make a cutting motion with his hand. The bullet enters her shoulder shortly after the red beings the fight officially. She won't make any fuss they have against others who also don't know their ways. The sight of blood excites everyone even Boa-bob is shouting hysterically yet the fight has just barely started.  Both Claw and Reef indulge in the bloodletting. Her body twists with ferocity the like of which Raylin has never felt. As he lands she twisted around his sword and hit his shield. The force pushes him his entire arm rattling from the shock of the impact. 

Her swirling continues the honoured moves unpredictably this is a ceremonial form full of gaps in her defence. She is supremely confident in herself and her weapons. Trying to cut her from Bullets For Dinner, Raylin swings his sword in her general direction this should prevent her from swiping at Bullet For Dinner. His blade skims over the honoureds' head. Falling to her knees into a slide BANG! 

The crowd ooh! As they adjust trying to process what just happened. Cheers and murmurs from both sides.  The honoured falls a few feet away from Bullets For Dinner. She isn't used to fighting someone with a gunpowder weapon. The speed of the shot is even faster than the honoured she lucky was only in the jaw in the same direction that she was sliding which mainly knocked her off balance. A dealt little real damage. The hole in her jaw already closing. Her regeneration ability is quite impressive. The honoured rises to feet as her enemies join forces again. Bullets For Dinner standing behind Raylins' Sheild

The honoured smiles wiping the single drop of blood from her jaw. She puts up her guard hands up to her head. She starts shuffling back and forth her body floating. She flexes a few fast short jabs. The air pops! Around her fist... 

  1. Psionic user are mainly divived by internal force users these are your mentalist, illusionist type while external users are very similar to gravity element user or telekentics some can also be affected by elements causing them to become pyrokentics


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