Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 10: Limits of Limited mode.

Chapter 10: Limits of Limited mode.

Tyr snickers he isn't worried about facing many people because they are together in a party. At this early stage of the game. They are using the limited system meaning five of them at most can attack at a time.

It is impossible for all of them to attack at once at one target. Besides Tyr can spot that they only have five bowman and five mages well three now. When lux attacked she took advantage of the first strike that has a double chance to crit. On top of this, her aim at the vital spots means she did three hundred per cent damage. Every race has weaknesses but the one universal weakness that only be covered by items and levels are vital points.

If they had not opted for the limited system they would be able to aim for vital areas too. A lot of player deaths will occur because of vital hits criting on the first attack. In his previous life, it took about a month for the players to figure that it is a combination of vital spots and the first attack that causes the critical attack to occur.

Thousand Styles Miles using his trusted skills Slash. It takes about three seconds to execute the animation. This is the major flaw in the limited versus the unlimited. When doing any action limited players are locked into a flawless animation. This means as long as an unlimited player reacts well enough they will almost never be hit.

To Tyr, the animation is a huge sign saying look at me I'm about to attack. SKY Ocean Hunter sees how broad Tyrs' shoulders look. SKY Ocean Hunter feels that his friends can do anything. This reminds him of the time Fawx. Tyrs' old character was cornered by a hundred members of the White Mamba Guild. Fawx then was a level one hundred Rogue back then and got killed by them. However, for the next weeks, Fawx raged a one-man war against them. Compared to back then. Tyr already seems more deadly somehow. SKY Ocean Hunter sends the others a message to only kill the long-range fighters.

Tyr blocks the incoming attack. While he could have dodged his position blocks Mileses people from seeing him. Breaking the locks they had on him wasting a few skills. SoulStealer who is following Miles has to jump back as a fire shuriken flies right at him. Then three more chase him across the battlefield.

Freys' eyes open for a second it seems at least one person on the opponents' team is an unlimited user. SoulStealer throws a middle finger at her as he uses one of the others to block her next fireball. The trial tower has given her the ability to half cast. On the third floor, this was necessary due to large amounts of weak enemies. A half-cast spell is half as strong but only take one second to cast instead of two.

"How is she doing that! No one should be able to cast that fast?" says a mage who can't believe what he is seeing. Ramata takes out a magical device called a repeater. She is recording the fight since the Commanders will need as much information to make their decision on who to recruit.

"Just keep attacking you fool!" says a bandit who turns to pixels right after. A green ethereal blade goes through his neck then his heart. No one had seen the spirit leave the formation they were too focused on Frey. Her attacks land and do enough damage to interrupt a persons' skill. SoulStealer in his defence has used his teammates as cover.

Tyr who has blocked Thousand Styles Miles. Thrusts his spear at the knee of Thousand Styles Miles who is locked into an animation. Making Miles stumble forward into SKY Ocean Hunters staff. A single shot from SKY Ocean Hunter strikes Thousand Styles Miles in the face. He immediately drops dead. The combined impact of the attack and uncontrolled momentum means that the attack from SKY Ocean Hunter is doubled delivering over five hundred. which is a hundred more health than Thousand Styles Miles has. Nineth Immortal follows SoulStealer with her eyes. She doesn't join the fight.

Four bandits move to strike SKY Ocean Hunter from behind. The conceal skill has a limited effect but with their number at least two or three should make through. Tyr moves towards the squires. A group of five lightly armoured goons. They are frozen stiff by the sudden death of Thousand Styles Miles.

The three reaming acolytes are fighting Styx who is playing with his food. Each time they attack him. He makes sure to be running past one of the other acolytes making them attack one another. The chaotic effect limits the hunters behind them. Losing sight of him every time he runs past an acolyte. SoulStealer would help but the effectiveness of the fire spell is beyond his expectation. What more distressing to him is why. The half-giant is only chanting something in the background.

The squires come out of their stupor as Tyr Thrusts his spear. Being level fours they have around three hundred health compared to Tyrs one hundred health. Tyr rolls grabs a handful of dirt throwing it at the furthest one at the back.

SKY Ocean Hunter then moves out of the way of Tatiana who is now done chanting her spell. The only innate speel she has that not a passive creates a three hundred meter wide frozen area. SLowing enemies for thirty seconds by fifty per cent. The ten seconds it took to chant allowed the others to bunch the enemies together.

Less than fifteen seconds after that the enemies are all dead every single one of them. Except of course SoulStealer how has used his innate Syphon Talent. To inhabit one of the dead bodies.

SoulStealer stands up the body with his arms in the air and says, " Wait! If you kill me I won't be able to stop Miles from retaliating." SKY Ocean Hunter moves forward towards SoulsStealer. "seriously you guys don't know who you are messing with. I am here on serious company bus..."

The wooden staff thunders towards SoulStealer. The impact producing a boom that folds the body pixellating it as he is thrown out of it. SoulStealer can move fast as he would like and is stuck by two fire shuriken from Frey. He tries everything he can think as a real fighter he should be able to win against these kids. Unfortunately, like many of today's youths, these kids are veterans in other games while not yet at the pro level. They each possess a strong combat foundation. This is no mistake on Tyrs part. He invested three nights in a folded land to teach them combat fundamentals that apply to Odyessy.

SoulStealer tries one last thing, " I will pay you!" The attacks stop immediately. SoulStealer smiles at being able to control the situations now.

A snarling wet crocodile toothed mouth says, "How much is your life to you?" The others soon join him surrounding SoulStealer. he only has less than fifteen seconds before Frey attacks him again. Her lock-on warning him that she is aware. That is in fifteen seconds his regen will start.

SoulStealer says, "You have made your point, let me go and I will pay you one hundred thousand credits." SoulStealer hopes the large amount will shock into hesitating because in the next ten seconds his innate talent will be back and he will be able to inhabit a body.

SKY Ocean Hunter immediately says, "deal!" Sending SoulStealer a contract with the account details. SoulStealer is surprised at how quick the Naga acted but at least he is free now by signing. The transaction completes immediately into one of the shell corporations they set up. Besides the companies, for their guild, there is also some transactions like this. The money received will be changed into cryptocurrency then a month later paid out to them completely untraceable.

Then Styx appears behind and says with a dagger to SoulStealers neck, "How much is your life worth?" At this moment SoulSleater sees the hunger eyes around him. He is in a den of monsters. He cant believe they would do something like this do these kids have no honour.

SoulStealer says, "I already signed the contract you cant attack me."

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "The contract only prevents ME, from killing you in this instance. The others must be fairly compensated too if you want them to not attack." SKY Ocean Hunter will never have sympathy for corporate type. They have in his experience always abused others and if they are made accountable. They can usually skirt by, by paying people off. SKY Ocean Hunter will not refuse free money for pride. They all have real problems that can be solved with money. Plus the benefit of getting it from a company makes the money all the sweeter.

SoulStear needs only three more seconds and says, "Fine I will pay all of you." In his mind as long as they send him each a contract individual he will only have to pay two more before he can escape.

Tyr smiling says, " As witnessed by First Speaker Ramata, We will not kill this Syphon as long as he surrenders the dual and pay us the same amount of monetary compensation as he did SKY Ocean Hunter by end of today." Ramata who is also surprised slams the spear in their hands on the grounds as a massive formation of magic appears all around them.

Ramata says, "Indeed we will witness." Tyr is using something he saw in his old life. High ranking NPC's can be used to uphold contracts in the game. Due to his limited time, he could not use a very long contract but it is specific enough to get the job done.

SoulStealer nearly vomits blood as all his skills are blocked and he has to pay. "Fine, I surrender but remember this is not the end. My company doesn't forget these things at all and no does Thousand Styles Miles."


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