Rebirth of the Ruined Noble

Chapter 79 Things Getting Complicated (1)

There were many things happening around me, with a whirlwind of chaos and danger unfolding in the grand hall of the royal museum. 

Professor Llyod, alongside Professor Isabella and the courageous students of the Freljord Academy, battled ferociously against the relentless Purblinds. These monstrous creatures showed no mercy, attacking anything in their path without discrimination.

As I observed the scene unfolding before me, my attention was captivated by the presence of several exceptional students. Prince Aurora, with her graceful agility, effortlessly switched between her spirit bow and sharp rapier, skillfully dispatching the Purblinds with lethal precision. Evan, on the other hand, showcased incredible strength as he punched through the hordes of monsters using only his bare hands, leaving a trail of defeated foes in his wake.

I was also astounded by Babel's swordsmanship. Despite being a mere 14-year-old, he displayed a level of skill that exceeded all expectations. Each precise movement and calculated strike showcased his natural talent and relentless training. However, amidst this remarkable display of prowess, the so-called number one ranked among the freshmen was nowhere to be found. It was puzzling to witness their absence, given the fierce battle raging around us.

As the visitors cowered in fear, seeking shelter behind any available cover, a few among them exhibited remarkable bravery, stepping forward to confront the Purblinds head-on. Despite the inevitable casualties, the situation seemed somewhat manageable. If the combined efforts of the Freljord Academy students and the royal guards persisted, they might suppress the attack before reinforcements could arrive from the royal palace.

However, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this situation than met the eye. Deep within me, a nagging sense of unease persisted. "There is something I'm missing," I thought, desperately trying to piece together the puzzle. But no matter how hard I pondered, the answer eluded me.

Although many visitors were dead, not a single student from the Frejlord academy was dead till now. According to the knowledge from my previous life, there is definitely going to be something or someone who could threaten the life of students except these purblinds who had long become the punching bags for the students.

'There is something more to this situation that I am not realising.'

Even when I thought hard, nothing came to mind.

So for now, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, I decided to clung to the one plan I had been harboring all along — to steal Satan's rifle.

The pandemonium within the grand hall presented a perfect opportunity for me to carry out my clandestine mission, hidden amidst the turmoil and distractions.

Stepping back from the front lines, I surveyed the battlefield with calculated precision. The rampage of the Purblide fiends had created a diversion of unparalleled magnitude. The attention of both defenders and terrified visitors remained fixated on the monstrous creatures, leaving me a narrow window to move unnoticed.

Navigating through the throngs of panicked people desperately seeking safety, I skillfully made my way toward the exhibit housing the weapons of the past.

The commotion masked my footsteps, granting me the perfect cover to carry out my plan. With a concealed grin, I knew that within the chaos, the chances of anyone noticing my actions were slim to none.

As I approached the display case, my heart raced with anticipation. This was my moment to shine, to exploit the vulnerability of the empire for my own personal gain. The thought of obtaining the weapon before me fueled my determination, overriding any lingering doubts or twinges of conscience.

Drawing upon the skills I had honed in my past life, specifically trained for survival in situations like these, I moved swiftly towards the display case.

With practiced ease, I reached out to claim my prize, feeling a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins, heightening my senses.

As the rifle rested in my hand, I couldn't help but marvel at its presence. "The Satan's rifle..." I muttered, my gaze transfixed upon the magnificent weapon.

In my grasp, the satan's rifle exuded an otherworldly aura, both captivating and foreboding. Its unique radiance seemed to emanate from its very core. The craftsmanship was nothing short of extraordinary, as if the weapon had been forged by the hands of the underworld itself. The sleek blackened metal body bore intricate engravings, depicting scenes of demonic battles and infernal landscapes, as if whispering tales of its dark origins.

The long, slender barrel of the rifle glimmered with an eerie crimson glow, hinting at the unearthly power contained within. It was as if the very essence of darkness coursed through its veins. The stock, crafted from polished dark wood, exuded an unsettling energy, as though infused with the essence of malevolence.

Resting atop the rifle, a menacing scope beckoned, its lens dark and alluring, seemingly peering into the abyss of darkness itself.

Holding the weapon, a sense of accomplishment washed over me with incomparable joy. The artifact which was silent since the time I came out of the exile reacted to the presence of the satan's rifle.

[ The Satan's Rifle (Sealed) has been obtained.]

[The power of the forgotten god resides in the Satan's rifle (Sealed).]


<The Satan's Rifle>

Rating - ✮✮✮

Status - Sealed (2 Seals)

Description: A weapon created by the greatest blacksmith in the world of demons, Hell. The weapon was blessed by the forgotten god himself and had evolved into one of the Seven divine artifacts, which represented the Forgotten god. But due to the disappearance of the forgotten god, the divine artifact was sealed and fell into the hands of the demon king, Purson.

The demon king, Purson, who was not able to use the rifle, further sealed the artifact before bestowing it upon the humans.

Two Strong seals are currently in effect on this weapon.



Accuracy of Demise.

Elemental Bullets.

Passing Proficiency.

Death Strike.(Partially Sealed)I think you should take a look at




[The Weapon is influencing the host.]

[Marksman's proficiency has increased from beginner → Intermediate.]

[The power of the forgotten god has recognised the presence of the Apostle.]

[The seal of the forgotten god has been weakened.]

[The Strong power of the Forgotten god is weakening the seal of demon King Purson.]

[The information of the Rifle has been updated.]


<The Rifle of Death>

Rating - ✮✮✮✮

Status - Partially Sealed (Two Seals)

Description: A weapon created by the greatest blacksmith in the world of demons, Hell. The weapon was blessed by the forgotten god himself and had evolved into one of the Seven divine artifacts, which represented the Forgotten god. But due to the disappearance of the forgotten god, the divine artifact was sealed and fell into the hands of the demon king, Purson.

The demon king, Purson, who was not able to use the rifle, further sealed the artifact before bestowing it upon the humans.

After finding its way into the hands of the Apostle of the forgotten god, the seals on the weapon have been significantly weakened.



Accuracy of Demise.

Elemental Bullets.

Passing Proficiency.

Death Strike. (Partially Sealed)

Eternal Rest. (Partially Sealed)

Annihilation Assault. (Partially Sealed)


As I held the weapon in my hands, a newfound sensation coursed through my body, unlike anything I had ever experienced. The fact that the artifact judged it as a 4-star only heightened my excitement. However, time was not on my side, and I couldn't afford to delve into the information and notifications provided by the artifact. I quickly glanced at them, resolving to read them later.

In the present moment, my priority was to conceal the weapon and ensure its safe passage with me. Without the luxury of a spatial bag imbued with the power of spatial magic, I needed to exercise caution in my actions.

For now, the priority was to hide the weapon and safely bring it out with me.

Lost in my thoughts, I was on the verge of slipping away from the commotion when something peculiar caught my attention. 

Emerging from the women's restroom, the very place from which the monsters had been emerging, were several individuals. 

I stopped in my tracks with a shock as I noticed that the monsters that were coming out of the women's restroom didn't even express any kind of hatred towards those people.

Among them was a red-haired woman accompanied by a group of people, a sight that didn't surprise me much, as I had already anticipated the presence of someone from the rebel army, who would increase the chaos.

However, what truly astounded me was the appearance of a girl with round glasses among them. 




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