Rebirth of the Ruined Noble

Chapter 75 To The Royal Museum (3)

The Royal Museum.

A place where the rich history of the Mauryan empire was preserved. Not only the history of the Mauryan but things that have happened far back in time were also on display in the form of objects and relics there.

And today is finally the day we make our way towards there.


[ Academic Announcement]

—Regarding the event to visit the Royal Museum, all the selected students are instructed to gather at the Freljord's main portal by 9:00 AM tomorrow. All of the students are hereby instructed to follow Professor Llyod's instruction at all times.

Have a Good Time!


The notification regarding the waiting place to gather before setting off to the royal museum has already been notified to all the qualified students through the projection device.

The meeting place was 'Freljord Academy's main portal', which is directly connected to the capital of the Mauryan empire, Kosa through a portal gate.

8:30 in the morning.

After stuffing my gun in the gun holder that I managed to acquire after placing a request to the academy, and hanging the sword on my waist, I walked to the meeting place.

As I approached the meeting place, I couldn't help but marvel at the surrounding scenery. The Freljord's main portal, a massive archway made of shimmering blue energy, stood as a gateway between two worlds. Beyond it awaited Kosa, the capital of the Mauryan empire.

The morning sun cast a warm glow on the gathering students, their excitement palpable in the air. Some were engaged in animated conversations, while others inspected their gear, ensuring they were prepared for the journey ahead. As I made my way through the crowd, I couldn't help but notice the presence of a few familiar faces.

Namely, Babel Von Agnus, Luna Primrose, Esmerald and some of Babel's henchmen.

They seemed completely oblivious to my existence, not like I was eager for their attention, I just walked off and stood with other students waiting for the instructor.

Today in the capital of Mauryan, Kosa, an unexpected incident would occur. 

The rebel army is going to launch a terror attack on the royal museum, I am going to use that chaos to acquire the weapon that I need.

While I was organizing today's impending incident in my head, Professor Llyod arrived.

"Good morning, students," Professor Llyod greeted, his voice projecting authority. His words captured the attention of everyone present, as whispers and murmurs ceased, and all eyes turned toward him.

His wise eyes scanned the crowd, taking note that many of them were yet to arrive, like Julia, Ezio and Evan who were hastily running towards the group and Zephyr who was still yet to be seen.

"It seems many of them are yet to arrive?"

Professor Llyod questioned.

"Anyway, I'll give a short introduction about today's event till then."

Professor Llyod said as he rose into the platform that was holding a massive blue portal which connected to the capital of the Mauryan, Kosa.

"We the staff, after careful consideration, have decided to arrange this event as many of the students are not aware of the history of the Mauryan empire. While you have learned about its history through textbooks, today you will have the opportunity to witness its grandeur firsthand. The Royal Museum holds treasures that weave tales of bygone eras, artifacts that have witnessed the rise and fall of empires. It is a place of immense importance and reverence."

His words painted vivid pictures in our minds, igniting a sense of curiosity and wonder.

"Today, as part of this event, we'll take a trip to the royal museum."

The speech went on for another two minutes before Professor Llyod started explaining about some rules.

"However," Professor Llyod's tone turned grave, his eyes piercing through the crowd, "we must ensure the safety of all our students. As the museum is vast, we will split into two groups, each led by myself and Professor Isabella, who has graciously agreed to join us."

He said as he extended his hand and introduced Instructor Isabella.

"To further enhance your experience, each group will be divided into smaller teams, guided by volunteer students, and to choose the groups we'll start by drawing lots."

He said as he took out a box containing loots.I think you should take a look at

To be honest, it all seemed complicated for me, why don't they just assign the groups instead? but I held my tongue as nothing good would come from speaking up unnecessarily.

Amidst my thoughts, a voice rang out

"I'll go first."

It was Luna Primrose who volunteered first and stepped up to pick the lots.

As I watched her nearing Professor Llyod, I felt a sense of foreboding cursing through my body.

Her hand reached into the box containing the lots and she drew the first lot. I watched her pull out a name without much thought. 

And then, in a single moment, my fears were confirmed.

Luna's expression remained impassive, but her eyes met mine, holding a glint of something sinister. The lot she had drawn bore a name that sent shivers down my spine - "Eren Pendragon." My heart sank, realizing that this journey would not be as serene as I had hoped.

But Luna didn't show any emotions and with her usual expression in place, she stared at me with calm eyes proceeding to draw the other 8 lots.


After the drawing of lots was completed, the groups assembled, each huddling together near the towering Portal.

As I glanced around, my eyes landed on Zephyr and Julia, who were grouped together,  drawing Babel's jealous gaze.

Evan and Ezio shared the same group, whereas I also noticed the presence of Esmerald in the group beside me.

Meanwhile, I found myself in Luna's group, surrounded by unfamiliar faces.

However, I couldn't let that dampen my spirits as I turned my attention towards the colossal gateway ahead.

As we gathered before the towering Portal, I couldn't help but be awestruck by its sheer size and intricate design. The culmination of magic, science, and engineering, it stood as a testament to the technological marvels of the Mauryan empire. Stretching 15 meters high and 30 meters wide, the Portal's imposing presence held an air of anticipation, promising to transport us to the heart of Kosa.

These massive gates, with their interconnecting pathways, enabled swift travel between different places, in less than 10 seconds.

"Rank 101, Eren Pendragon. Confirmed."

  The operator staff, also hailing from Freljord Academy, handed each of us a special seal. This seal would resonate with the Portal and ensure our arrival at the Mauryan capital, Kosa. Its significance became clear as we learned that the gates connected to the Portal could lead to various destinations. Without the seal, one risked being randomly transported to an unknown location within the network of gates.

As I held the seal in my hand, I marveled at the intricate mechanism behind its operation. The seal would resonate with a specific frequency, aligning with the gate leading to the capital, and activate the corresponding route upon entry. It was a fusion of complexity and advanced technology.

"Let's go."

"Let's proceed," Professor Llyod urged, taking the initiative to step through the Portal. Following suit, Instructor Isabella swayed and disappeared into the shimmering blue threshold, followed closely by the students and eventually myself.

A strange feeling enveloped my body, but only for a moment.

In the blink of an eye, the surroundings transformed into an unfamiliar landscape. With just two steps, we had traversed the vast ocean that once separated the Mauryan Empire and Freljord Academy. 

I couldn't help but marvel at the mind-boggling technology that had made such instant transportation possible.

Because we were near the portal which was heavily guarded by the royal army, there was no one in the surrounding area and it was very much uncrowded, giving it an eerie stillness.

"It's currently 10:00 A.M, so our journey will conclude at 6:00 P.M."

Due to the large distance, there was a 30 minute difference between here and the Freljord academy, as it was only 9:30 when we departed from the academy but here it was already 10:00 Am.

"For now, follow me."

Taking charge, Professor Llyod beckoned us to follow him as we made our way towards the royal museum. The group moved in unison, eager to explore the Royal Museum.


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