Rebirth of the Ruined Noble

Chapter 43 Stalking Zephyr (1)

At the very top of the Freljord academy, where the golden bell that would blow only once a year at the time of graduation was placed, a young man was sleeping leisurely. With black hair and a well-built physique, he looked stunning even with his eyes closed. His one leg was crossed over the other as he had slipped into the world of dreams.

The sun, setting at the far horizon, cast a mysterious glow on him, painting a perfect scenery that would have been a feast for the eyes if only...

If only there wasn't another young man hiding behind the enormous bell, gawking at the sleeping boy. As the sun dipped lower, shadows danced around the silent academy grounds. The young man's frustration grew, contemplating how long the other guy would continue to sleep there.

"Darn it! How long is he planning to sleep here?" I thought, my gaze fixed on Zephyr, who seemed to be sleeping without a care in the world.

"Arhhhh! This bastard!"

My anger was reaching its boiling point. It had been three hours since he had fallen asleep, and I had been watching him intently for the entire duration.

"When the hell is he going to find the Exile?" I muttered, my impatience mounting. Two days and one night—that was how long I had been stalking Zephyr. The time had been filled with suffering and frustration.

That bastard, I don't know if he was aware of my presence or not but he roamed through out the academy for absolutely no reason for the past two days.

"I even lied to Professor Joshua about not feeling well, just to follow him!" I muttered under my breath, remembering the close call with the professor. To my surprise, Professor Joshua didn't question me further and simply told me to rest. I had prepared myself for a scolding, but he had let me off easily.

Putting that matter aside, the ranking battles were scheduled for tomorrow, and the sun was already setting. So, I was questioning my memories about Zephyr finding the exile.

'Did my involvement with him change something?'

I questioned whether my involvement with Zephyr had changed something. I couldn't be certain, but there was a possibility. Originally, I wasn't supposed to meet him until the midterm, but in this life, I got involved with him much sooner.

Although our conversation had been brief, it couldn't be ignored. After all, they say even a butterfly flapping its wings can alter the path of a typhoon.

"Darn it!" I cursed quietly. For now, all I could do was wait and see what would happen.

Time passed, and as the sun was completely hidden from the horizon, Zephyr finally got up and started walking towards somewhere. Alarmed by his sudden actions, I silently followed him, a mischievous smile playing on my lips as I realized he was heading toward the black forest.

The black forest—students had given it that name due to the thick, towering trees that blocked the sunlight, leaving the forest in perpetual darkness. It was a forbidden area, off-limits to students, as it was said to be inhabited by ferocious monsters and dangerous plants. The massive walls separating the black forest from the academy served as a clear warning of that.

The darkness embraced the black forest even during the day time so there was no need to say something about the night, I could barely even see the silhouette of Zephyr moving in front.

Zephyr seemed to be aware of his destination, deftly climbing the towering wall and disappearing into the forest. I followed suit, albeit not as gracefully, making my way over the wall at my own pace, determined not to lose sight of him.I think you should take a look at

The night was dark, and the looming trees only intensified the sense of horror.

Zephyr moved with a grace that seemed almost supernatural, effortlessly navigating through the obstacles that obstructed our way. His keen senses and sharp reflexes were on full display as he deftly avoided grasping vines and twisted roots that reached out like gnarled hands from the forest floor.

The black forest lived up to its name, enveloped in an eternal darkness that seemed to swallow any hint of light. The towering trees stood like ancient sentinels, their branches intertwined above, forming a dense canopy that blocked out the moon and stars. The air was heavy with an earthy scent, tinged with a hint of decay, as if the forest itself exhaled a haunting breath.

The ground beneath our feet was a mosaic of fallen leaves, moss-covered rocks, and patches of damp soil. Mushrooms, luminescent with an otherworldly glow, sprouted from decaying logs and the base of ancient trees, casting an eerie radiance that added to the surreal atmosphere.

Strange noises echoed through the stillness—a chorus of chirping insects, the hushed whisper of the wind through the leaves, and the occasional distant growl of an unseen beast. Shadows danced and flickered, playing tricks on the eyes, as if the forest itself was alive, shifting and pulsing with an ancient magic.

Occasionally, we would come across clearings within the forest, where beams of moonlight managed to pierce through the dense foliage. In those fleeting moments, the true beauty of the black forest revealed itself. Exquisite flowers, vibrant and delicate, bloomed in a riot of colors, their petals shimmering with an otherworldly luminescence. It was a stark contrast to the surrounding darkness, a testament to the resilience and splendor that could be found even in the most forbidding of places.

The distant cries and howls of monsters echoed through the air, sending shivers down my spine. While my focus remained solely on Zephyr's back, afraid to lose him in the darkness.

About five to seven minutes passed as I followed behind him and we delved deeper into the forest.

'does he plan to go further deep?'

As we ventured deeper into the forest, I couldn't help but wonder if Zephyr planned to go even further. The thought crossed my mind as I accidentally stepped on a dry twig, causing it to crack under my weight.


My heart skipped a beat, and in that moment of panic, I lost sight of Zephyr. 


The forest became eerily quiet, with darkness enveloping my surroundings. I strained my ears, hoping to catch any sign of movement, but all I heard was the soft rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze. The silence was suffocating, amplifying the unease that had settled within me.

Suddenly, before I could even move, the cold blade of a training sword was pressed against my neck, sending a chill down my spine. The metallic edge grazed my skin, reminding me of the danger that lurked in the shadows.

"How much longer are you planning to follow me?" a voice, laced with a mix of annoyance and curiosity, asked from behind.



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