Rebirth of the Ruined Noble

Chapter 125 Mystical Land Of Yalidor And The Invincible Man

How does a legend come into being? It's a question with no definite answer, but it's not as if we can't say anything about it either.

Legends are born when extraordinary events, ones that surpass human imagination, occur. People give these events names like "legend" or "myth." One such legend, cherished by the people of the eastern continent, revolves around a mystical land deep within the Great Forest of Titans and the goddess who calls it home, Kali.

Kali, with skin as dark as coal, a vibrant red tilak adorning her forehead, and a massive nose ring gleaming on her face, is known for her battlefield prowess, wearing the skulls of her vanquished foes around her neck. She bathes in blood, the blood of those who dare to oppose her, and yet, she extends her protection to those who seek her embrace. She is the one who is both kind and cruel, benevolent and malevolent, a protector who revels in the taste of blood.

The legend of this goddess begins long, long ago when the people of the region, now known as the Yalindor, refugees from a war between two mighty kingdoms, fled to the Great Forest of Titans to save their lives. 

But they weren't alone; their pursuers, relentless in their determination to kill them, were hot on their heels. When the fleeing people had nearly lost all hope, a savior emerged.

This savior was a skilled warrior who possessed a unique martial art. In each hand, he held a sword with 32 long, slender, and flexible blades. The sheer size of each sword, with its multitude of blades, seemed overwhelming, yet the warrior wielded them with effortless grace. Every blade danced with his movements, and with each swing, dozens of heads rolled to the ground. On that fateful day, the Yalinodr people witnessed a man bathed in blood, but not a drop of it was his own.

Impressed by the man's abilities, the desperate people beseeched him for help, and he agreed, leading them deeper into the heart of the Great Forest of Titans. There, they witnessed a peculiar sight: in the midst of this colossal forest stood a small hut next to an enormous tree, its roots cradling a statue of the goddess Kali, worshipped by the powerful.

The figure depicted a being with skin as dark as coal, her mouth agape, revealing a blood-smeared tongue protruding outward. Her eyes, large and round, were accompanied by a massive nose ring and a vivid red tilak adorning her forehead. Skulls adorned her neck as macabre ornaments, and in her hands, she clutched weapons similar to those wielded by the man. A single glance at the statue sent shivers down the spine of anyone who beheld it; its eerie realism was truly unsettling.

In stark contrast to the frightening visage of the statue, the man who worshipped such a goddess appeared serene and exuded an air of grace.

He provided shelter for the people and began teaching them his martial arts. He was kind, strong, and welcoming, endearing himself to the people. Day by day, they grew closer to the man, and the forest became their new home.

However, not everyone accepted the man. Humans, driven by their insatiable greed, couldn't be content with their peaceful existence, and some ventured out of the forest. The man didn't stop them; instead, he protected them from the forest's beasts until they were safely beyond its borders. He neither coerced people to stay nor pushed them to leave; he respected their choices and focused on his duties.

But not everyone possessed his level of restraint. Those who departed the forest started spreading rumors about the newly founded Yalidor. This led to a particular tale circulating throughout the eastern continent.

In a mythical realm of wisdom and serenity, hidden deep within the enchanted forest of Titans, exists a place where ancient knowledge is preserved. Seekers of truth and enlightenment journey there to uncover its secrets. Yalindor, guarded by magical creatures and shielded by powerful spells, maintains its tranquility. A mystical man stands sentinel over this sacred place, blessed by the goddess Kali, and he is believed to be invincible.

Enchanted by the captivating tales, the people's gaze began to fixate on Yalidor, yet none possessed the audacity to venture into the dense, beast-filled Great Forest of Titans.

That was until word of the legend reached the ears of the Emperor of Mauryan at that time, who ruled with a firm hand. 

He found himself irresistibly drawn to the story, envisioning the incorporation of such a place under his imperial authority. Thus, he dispatched his mightiest warrior deep into the heart of the forest, charged with the mission to locate the mystical man of the stories and vanquish him.

The warrior embarked on his perilous journey, adorned in gleaming golden armor and wielding mystical gauntlets. His path through the forest was marked by a trail of beastly blood as he relentlessly dispatched any creature that dared to cross his path. For a full thirty days, he traversed the unforgiving terrain, moving ever closer to the mythical realm of Yalidor.

Finally, he arrived at the fabled land and challenged the supposedly invincible man. The mystical figure regarded the battle-worn warrior with deep, contemplative eyes and deemed it unfair to engage with an exhausted opponent. He extended an offer of shelter and respite, allowing the warrior to recover fully.

Two days later, they faced each other once more. Before the imposing statue of the goddess, the mystical man executed a series of graceful movements, drawing forth his unique weapons. The warrior, momentarily taken aback by these unfamiliar arms, soon overcame his surprise. After all, he was renowned as the mightiest in the eastern lands.

The ensuing clash between these formidable adversaries unfolded as an epic struggle. For days and nights on end, the great forest rumbled and trembled as their duel raged on, a tempest of blades and sheer willpower. On the fourth day, when the sun had made its journey across the sky several times, the battle reached its climax.

The brave warrior of the Mauryan Empire, who had fought with unrivaled skill and determination, managed to shatter twenty-seven out of the mystical man's thirty-two blades. However, despite his incredible tenacity and prowess, he fell short of victory. In the end, he stood amidst the battleground, his right arm severed, and countless blade cuts adorning his body as battle scars.

In stark contrast, the mystical man, seemingly untouched by the fierce contest, stood victorious.

Remarkably, despite the gravity of their conflict, the mystical man did not deliver a fatal blow to the valiant warrior. Instead, he showed an unexpected mercy, tending to the wounded man's injuries and ensuring his recovery.

The warrior rested in the goddess's territory for a week before returning to the royal palace of the Mauryan empire.

Upon witnessing the battered state of his once-mightiest warrior, the Emperor of Mauryan was struck with profound astonishment. He realized that the mystical man possessed far greater strength than he had initially surmised. This revelation prompted the Emperor to send an envoy, extending an offer of alliance to Yalidor.

To show his sincerity, the emperor sent the strongest mage to mediate the peace treaty. And thus, Yalidor, though not officially a part of the Mauryan Empire, forged a powerful alliance with it. 

However that wasn't the end, the news of the alliance between the Mauryan empire and the Yalidor region spread far and wide, and it wasn't long before kingdoms from not only the eastern continent but also from the western and central continents sought to challenge the mystical man. Yet, time and time again, they were forced to return, their ambitions thwarted.

The Mystical man was simply too powerful and his unique martial art was one which none of them had witnessed.

But he too was a human, and humans had a limited life. As the mystical man aged, he feared that there may come a time when he could no longer protect the goddess's territory, so he started teaching his secret arts to selected members of the Yalidor region.

Following the mystical man's teachings, the people of Yalidor acquired mastery over his martial arts, becoming an extraordinarily formidable force. This, in essence, was how the myth of the mystical lands was woven into the fabric of the eastern continent's history and legends.


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