Rebirth of the Ruined Noble

Chapter 118 Returning to the Academy(1)

Chapter 118  Returning to the Academy(1)

A week had elapsed since Eren, accompanied by the devoted Pendragon butler, Hans, had departed the familiar halls of the Pendragon manor. The journey back to the hallowed grounds of the Frejlord academy had been a blend of eager anticipation and restless uncertainty for Eren.

What should have been a three-day voyage had stretched into a longer span due to the involvement of the Tower of Justice, which was investigating the portal-related events at the royal museum.

The Tower of Justice was yet to find the ones responsible for the terror attack at the royal palace and as a countermeasure to not to repeat such tragedies, all the portals were being inspected and suitable security measures were being deployed.

In their quest to reach the Freljord academy, they embarked on a sequence of portal transitions, navigating through the intricacies of teleportation. Their path involved traversing not one, but two portals—first to the royal capital, and then from there to the secluded island where the academy was nestled.

The process had become unusually prolonged due to the meticulous investigation, encompassing all aspects of portal access. A week was consumed in this labyrinthine process, yet Eren found himself cherishing the recent months since his regression, which held newfound significance over his past life.

Throughout the journey, Eren found himself subjected to relentless questioning, recounting the events and experiences that had woven the fabric of his recent existence. The bonds he had formed, the truths he had uncovered, and the blessing he had received from the fire dragon all culminated into a surreal narrative, almost akin to a dream.

But as if to remind him of the reality, Hans called him out, "We are here Young master."

Emerging from his introspection, Eren found himself gazing at the familiar entrance of the Frejlord academy.

Having traversed the portal from the capital city, they embarked on a half-hour journey from the portal's exterior, leading them to the heart of the Frejlord academy's sprawling campus. This strategic placement of the portal was a calculated precaution, ensuring a considerable distance from the academy grounds as a countermeasure against potential acts of terror.

While an additional portal existed within the academy itself, its purpose was limited to outbound teleportation, facilitating departures rather than arrivals from external locations. This design further safeguarded the campus against any unforeseen teleportation-related threats from the outside.

The journey through multiple portals, coupled with the rigorous investigation, had finally led them to this destination.

The imposing gates welcomed them, a symbolic threshold that marked the boundary between the outer world and the realm of knowledge within. Eren's determination blazed brighter, a beacon amidst the challenges that lay ahead.

Stepping out of the carriage, Eren took a moment to gather himself. His attire was a stark contrast to the battle-worn clothes he had worn during his time at the Pendragon barony. Now, he was dressed in formal attire befitting a student of the Frejlord academy.

Hans, the ever-loyal butler, stood beside him, his presence a reassuring constant. "Young master" Hans addressed him with a touch of genuine warmth, "It has been an honor to accompany you on this journey."

Eren responded with a gracious smile, his gratitude evident in his eyes. "Thank you, Hans. May you have a safe return."

Acknowledging the limits imposed by academy protocols, Hans handed over Eren's belongings to a waiting guard, who would ensure their transport to Eren's designated dormitory. With a respectful bow, Hans retreated to the carriage, his departure marked by a sense of duty and loyalty.

As Hans departed, Eren stood alone for a moment, gathering his thoughts and emotions. The cobblestone paths, the towering library, and the vibrant atmosphere of the academy beckoned him. A renewed sense of purpose surged within him as he strode forward, his footsteps a rhythmic cadence against the stones. The campus unfolded before him, a living picture of academia that welcomed him back to the realm of learning.

The towering library, the sprawling courtyard, and the bustling students were all sights that welcomed him back to the realm of academia. And amidst the bustling surroundings, familiar faces were notably absent. This absence was, in fact, unsurprising, given that most of the individuals Eren knew would likely be occupied either on the training grounds or engrossed in their research within the facility...except for Zephyr that is, who is probably sleeping somewhere in the campus.

Nevertheless, prior to returning to his dormitory, Eren chose to make a detour to Professor Joshua's office as he had to report his return to the professor.

Professor Joshua had been a mentor and guide, someone who had helped Eren navigate the complexities of his new reality. Knocking gently on the wooden door, Eren waited for the familiar voice to grant him entry.

"Come in," called out Professor Joshua from within.

Eren stepped inside, greeted by the warm and cluttered interior of the professor's office. Stacks of books and scrolls adorned every available surface, a testament to Professor Joshua's knowledge.

"Eren!" exclaimed Professor Joshua, his eyes lighting up but his face was devoid of emotions. He maintained his ever calm appearance.

 "You are late by six days?"

His tone carried a stern edge as he addressed Eren, his gaze focused intently. Initially, Principal Jishuka had granted Eren a mere week to return to the academy. However, Eren's comfort within the Pendragon Barony had led him to extend his stay, prioritizing precious moments with his family.

Unwilling to offer excuses, Eren displayed his respect by bowing humbly. "I apologize for my oversight, Professor."

Professor Joshua's gaze lingered on Eren, his facial expression remaining inscrutable. Despite the absence of visible emotion, his satisfaction was evident in response to Eren's respectful apology.

"Starting tomorrow, you will resume your training, and it will be more rigorous than before. Prepare yourself," Professor Joshua conveyed, his words carrying a sense of anticipation for the demanding challenges that lay ahead. Although he did not explicitly show it, Eren could discern the gravity of the impending training regimen.

"Starting tomorrow, you will resume your training, and it will be more rigorous than before. Prepare yourself," Professor Joshua conveyed, his words carrying a sense of anticipation for the demanding challenges that lay ahead. Although he did not explicitly show it, Eren could discern the gravity of the impending training regimen.

"By the way, there is something I want to tell you."

Eren's curiosity was piqued. "What is it, Professor?"

"We are approaching the mid-term examinations," Professor Joshuasaid.


Eren's surprise was palpable as he absorbed the fact that the mid-term examinations were imminent, far earlier than the corresponding point in his previous life.

'There was no student from the academy who died in the royal museum, neither did principal Jishuka go on rampage, did that affect the time of midterms?'

He didn't know for sure, but his interference was changing the future in unexpected ways. Eren realized that he could never fully trust the memories of his past life anymore.

Yet, amidst the turmoil of these revelations, Eren found a glimmer of reassurance. He wasn't that worried as he knew the content of the mid-term exams.

The students will be required to defeat a monster, the difficulty of which will be determined by their class level, as a part of their physical assessment. Meanwhile, subjects like magic theory and the History of the Mauryan Empire will be evaluated through written tests to assess students' comprehension of the concepts.

In his previous life, the students from 'Kshatriya' class were tasked with vanquishing a low-intermediate ranked monster. However Eren was unsuccessful, resulting in his demotion to the 'Vaishya' class. However, such concerns were now unwarranted, as the current Eren was more than capable of excelling in the upcoming midterm exams.

"The Freljord Academy will be partnering with the Seven Towers for the upcoming midterm exam."


Suddenly, Eren stood shocked at the words of Professor Joshua.

"Why the surprise?"

"Professor, isn't the exam going to involve defeating a monster?"

He asked, desperately hoping that what he had just heard was a lie.

"Who told you that? The test this time is unique, as the Seven Towers have taken the initiative for this collaboration."

But it wasn't! While Professor Joshua was explaining, the brightness on Eren's face faded.

Not only the time but the content of the mid term exam was also different from what he knew from his past life.

At this point, Eren had one thought in his mind:, 'Fuck it!'


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