Rebirth of the Ruined Noble

Chapter 116 The Fire Dragon, Ugram (6)

Eren's racing thoughts mirrored the tumultuous surroundings of the dragon lair, where shadows danced in the flickering light cast by the molten lava. The revelation that the mighty Fire Dragon, Ugram, was intricately bound by a pact forged by their ancestors to safeguard and assist the Pendragon family weighed heavily on Eren's mind. It was as if the very air around him carried echoes of secrets long buried.

The implications were vast and hinted at a deeper conspiracy that had woven its web through his past life, perhaps influencing his tragic history in ways he had never fathomed.

He had loathed the fire dragon all his life thinking that it was the reason for his family's death but now that became aware of the fact that the fire dragon can't hurt the pendragon, his mind suddenly went blank!

His contemplations turned to the decline of the Pendragon family in his previous life. His memories echoed with the haunting images of that day - a day of chaos and devastation, where the fire dragon's rampage nearly brought an empire to its knees. But now, Ugram, the very entity accused of this devastation, was asserting that it was not responsible for the deaths of Eren's parents.

A realization struck Eren like a bolt of lightning. The notion that his parents' deaths were directly caused by Ugram's fury was merely an assumption made by the empire. In truth, no one had witnessed his parents' encounter with the fire dragon; it was a conclusion drawn from circumstantial evidence. Eren's mind raced with new possibilities, his thoughts dancing amidst the volcanic surroundings as he pondered, 'Then...!'

It was highly likely that there was a traitor among the pendragon who caused this whole tragedy!

The true assailant who had taken his parents' lives remained elusive, yet Eren now grasped that it was highly likely this same figure was responsible for instigating Ugram's rampage. The puzzle pieces began to align, though the complete picture still eluded him.

Ugram, attuned to the currents of Eren's thoughts, followed the course of his reasoning. The dragon's ancient wisdom understood that humans were not immune to the corruption of betrayal. Curiosity flared in its fiery gaze, intrigued by Eren's deductions.

"Someone might have betrayed the Pendragons and manipulated the situation to make it appear as though it is a conflict between the fire dragon and the Pendragons," Eren voiced his realization with a mixture of determination and indignation. Ugram's eyes, resembling smoldering embers, flickered with interest, showing an uncanny understanding of the intricate webs woven by deceit.

[I am not surprised by the Pendragons' tragedy. Humans, fragile as they are, often fall prey to betrayal. What interests me is the method used to induce my rampage.] 

Ugram's words carried a blend of curiosity and anger, the towering dragon questioning how its power had been manipulated.

The complexities of the situation weighed heavily on Eren's thoughts. His past life had seemed straightforward, a narrative of destruction ignited by Ugram's wrath. Now, in this moment of reawakening, Eren realized that the truth was far more convoluted. As his contemplations deepened, another question came to Eren's mind.

'Why would anyone target the pendragons?'

Eren and his parents were good people, they didn't have beef with anyone. There were not even any political problems, then it eluded Eren as to what may be the reason for someone to target the pendragons.

Then as if something had hit his mind he looked at the glowing egg beneath the fire dragon. At the same time Ugram also looked at it's egg.

Both of them realized it at the same time, the reason for someone to target the pendragons.

"The Dragon Egg!" 

Dragon Heart!

It was a precious material which had many uses and many were behind it and that someone may have stolen the dragon egg for its heart.

A theory crystallized within Eren's mind. The fire dragon's rampage might have been driven by its innate protectiveness over the Dragon Egg. 

And if the traitor had harmed the egg, it could have unleashed a torrent of uncontrollable fury within Ugram. "I suspect that the traitor manipulated events to cover the death of the pendragons."

Eren's conjectures found resonance in the dragon's fiery aura, which flared with a mixture of anger and resolve. Ugram's indignant roar reverberated through the cavernous space, a symphony of wrath echoing in response to Eren's words. The dragon's anger was not only directed at the manipulation but at the exploitation of its loyalty and the betrayal of the Pendragon lineage.

As the dragon's fiery essence intensified, the surrounding volcanic activity seemed to mirror its rage, creating an atmosphere charged with tension and righteous fury.

Amidst the dragon lair's imposing volcanic surroundings, Eren's nod held a deeper significance. As the molten lava flowed nearby, the weight of his request seemed to resonate with the fiery landscape. Dragons, the epitome of supremacy, embodied an inherent pride that refused to bow to any other force. Ugram, the embodiment of this draconic pride, couldn't fathom being manipulated by a mere human, a fact that Eren intended to capitalize on.

"That's why I need your help, Sir Ugram. I want to uncover the truth behind what had happened, find the one responsible, and ensure that such a tragedy never happens again," Eren spoke with unwavering determination, the fervor of his words echoing through the cavernous lair.

The fire dragon's formidable gaze locked onto Eren's, a silent exchange of understanding passing between them. The tension in the air seemed to ease, as Ugram sensed the sincerity and gravity of Eren's purpose. This was not a quest for vengeance, but a pursuit of justice and the restoration of a tarnished legacy.

[Very well, Eren Pendragon]

  Ugram responded, its voice infused with newfound resolve. [I shall aid you in uncovering the truth. But let me tell you this, whoever has humiliated me in the past, he is my prey. I will repay them by burning them with my dragon fire.]

Eren's solemn nod was met with a softening of the fire dragon's gaze. In that moment, it recognized the weight that rested on Eren's shoulders, a burden he was willing to carry for the sake of his family's honor and the truth that needed to be revealed.

"Understood, Sir Ugram," Eren replied, his voice carrying a blend of gratitude and determination, the fiery surroundings reflecting the conviction in his heart.

Ugram's massive palm rose, its sharp claw moving with lightning speed. Before Eren could fully register the motion, a searing pain shot through his forehead, leaving behind a marked symbol that glowed with the essence of fire. The dragon's blessing had been granted, its fiery legacy now intertwined with Eren's destiny.

[I, Fire dragon Ugram, swear upon my honor, am blessing this child. I will be his shield against enemies and the spear to his targets. For he is a descendant of Pendragons, who shall be under my unwavering care] 

The dragon's words reverberated through the cavern, the resonance echoing like a solemn oath.

In the wake of the dragon's proclamation, Eren bore the Blessing of the Fire Dragon, Ugram. The cave itself seemed to shiver, acknowledging the ancient bond that had been forged. As the artifact within him stirred in response, Eren became aware of its recognition.

[You have received the blessing of the fire dragon Ugram.] 

[[<Blessing of the Fire Dragon> 

An ultimate species has bestowed its heartfelt blessing upon you. You shall now be under the unwavering protection of the fire dragon. 

Effect: Fire from a source of lesser status than that of an adult dragon will no longer harm you.]

With the weight of this newfound power and responsibility settling upon him, Eren felt a surge of determination. Along with the blessing of the fire dragon on him, Eren also had a lot of questions on his mind as he left the fire dragon's lair.


Daily Chapter Release~


Name : Eren Pendragon

Titles : <Regressor> <Apostle of the Forgotten God>

Realm : 3 - star knight (Pseudo)

Aura : The Aura of Vulnerability.

Blessings : <Blessing of the Fire Dragon>

Weapons : <Rifle of Death>


<Variable Stats>

[Strength -  9.92  ]

[Stamina - 9.68 ]

[Agility - 9.54 ]

[Perception -  10.40 ]

[Vitality - 7.85 ]

[Magic power - 7.53 ]

<Invariable Stats>

[Intelligence – 6/10]

[Perseverance – 7/10]

[Luck – 4/10]

[Charm – 5.1/10]


➤ 36 Poisons of the Poison Queen - ✮✮✮

➤ Trap Formation - ✮✮

➤ Black Sun - ✮✮✮✮✮


➤ Force of the White Fang - ✮

➤ Asteroid's bare handed brawl - ✮✮

➤ Dance of the Death God - ✮✮✮✮✮


➤ Intermediate Sword Mastery

➤ Intermediate Spear Mastery

➤ Beginner Marksman Mastery

➤ Death's Embrace



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