Rebirth of the Phoenix God

Chapter 159: Lost future

Chapter 159: Lost future

"That was insane."

Whispering to the young man's ear as the two of them slowly descended while surrounded by the halo of the morning sun, Orsha hugged herself even closer to Fen's body. Given how unkept their look was, just to preserve their dignity amongst their peers, the two of them decided to land a bit away from the place where Orsha's troops were supposed to spend the night.

"It's nice to hear that."

Putting his wings at a slightly sharper angle, Fen used the extremely light ascension to loosen up the rest of his momentum before softly touching the ground. With the girl still tightly hugged to his body, he waited for a few moments but Orsha did absolutely nothing to change that fact.

"Hey, it's about the time you walk on the ground with your own legs again."

Gently poking her side while speaking in a light tone, Fen expected that his actions would cause some effect on this intimate friend of his.

But it did not.

"Hey About what I said back then, in the height of excitement"

Seeing the troubled look on the girl's face, Fen finally understood what was going on.

'So that what made her so reserved during the latter part of our flight'

After satisfying their bodily desires, the two of them didn't descend right away. Given how much he loved soaring through the skies himself, Fen didn't have the heart to make the girl associate flying with just the carnal pleasure. And as annoying as it could end up being to explain to his people while he was missing through the entire night, the end result was definitely worth those few jokes that would come his way later on.

Because being able to share the joy of flying with someone else, wasn't something that Fen could experience every day. 

"Excuse me but I seem to have some trouble walking right now"

Smiling at the young man with an apology written all over her face, Orsha attempted to get down from Fen's body, only for her legs to cave in, forcing her hand to seek the support of her man.

"Don't worry about it. I will help you to the camp."

It would be hard to come up with a greater compliment for Fen's nightly abilities. After all, hearing that a girl was unable to walk after experiencing the universe worth of pleasure from him was something that all men wanted to hear.

"You brute Don't think that I don't know what's going on in that dirty mind of yours!"

Noticing the strangely happy expression on Fen's face, Orsha instantly scolded him But the sparks of joy that shone in her eyes while she spoke only served to ascertain the young man that she didn't mean to blame him at all.

"Okay, okay. Let's cease it before everyone will know what happened for you to return so late. I will have enough of those unfunny remarks from my own unit"

Shaking his head over the pitifulness that awaited him just a few moments from now, Fen quickly turned silent when the two of them approached the camp. No matter how one looked at it, once they would separate, nothing would stop the gears of Fen's plan from turning. And only the time would tell what would end up crushed under their steps. 

"Yeah. Thanks for the night. It was truly Truly awesome."

Finally regaining her ability to walk, Orsha made a few wobbly steps before her natural sense fully returned. But instead of walking away while using her last words as a parting sentence, she turned on her heel and approached the young man only to hug him tightly. Not paying even the slightest attention to the curious looks that the nearby people sent them, she simply leaned over the young man's ear.

"But seriously. If you ever found the life of mercenary to be too much I know of a nice place, far away from any problems, from any wars And I'm perfectly willing to let you turn me into a mother there."

Suddenly pushing away at Fen's shoulders, Orsha looked at him with a smile before continuing with her normal voice instead of whispers.

"Keep in mind, this offer is only viable if you decide to end the lifestyle we lead right now. I can't risk it while still being a mercenary. And now, get off my eyes before I will completely lose my sanity!"

Suddenly chasing him away, Orsha once again pushed at Fen's shoulders, this time with some serious weight behind her move. Forced a few steps back by the sheer force of her attack, Fen didn't miss how she did that while keeping her lovely, energetic smile on her face.

'What a lovely perspective'

After regaining his stability, Fen simply stood in place, thinking about what this girl just said to him. It was a pretty nice scenario. To live somewhere far away, without bothering with the shit that was bound to always appear near any power that would ever exist. Just live comfortably with the money they already earned, enjoy each other company, raise a child or entire company of soldiers that would all bear their name

The perspective of such a future was just as lovely and alluring as it was impossible.

'If not for who I am'

While it wasn't something that Fen always thought about, the reality of who he really was, always rang in the corner of the young man's mind whenever he seemed to find a possibility to do something casual with his life. 

Because he wasn't just a normal arcanist. Not with the visions that he had. Not with how he could speak to the Draconis himself back before he first ignited his bloodline. Not with how he was burned down on the stake before his real history began.

All the chances to ever become a normal person burned down with Beyar, his old teacher, when Imperial inquisition sentenced them to death by fire. Ever since then, he wasn't the true master of his life, as the worry of being persecuted instilled a deep drive to grow stronger in the deepest part of his soul.

Right now, it would be hard to find anyone who could match his strength. Obviously, there were many arcanists of all elements that could easily trash him without even batting an eye, but Fen never acted in a way that would be personally upsetting for them. That's why, no matter how the future events would go, he shouldn't have anything to worry about.

'While nothing can really put me in danger now Just what it is that constantly pushes me forward?'

Puzzled by this realisation himself, the young phoenixian took to the skies, hoping for the fresh air to clear his mind from the obstacles that blocked his path to finding out the answer. 

A strong gale crashed right into Fen's face as he quickly accelerated towards the skies. With all the practice he had so far, just a single jump was enough for him to get flying, saving him the trouble of finding something that he could use for a lift. As it turned out, just by burning his fire-wings with just the right amount of energy for a short moment was perfect for gaining the initial height necessary to just glide through the air instead of working hard by swinging his wings to travel.


Muttering to himself as he turned around, Fen had to use his hand to shield his eyes from the light coming out from the rising sun. While his elevated position made the morning appear a bit sooner than it would happen for the people stuck on the ground level, the fact that he could see the sun rising meant that his time was also running out.

Forced to do so by the deadline alone, Fen quickly accelerated his flight, already taking just the right position to safely approach the city. Ever since the beginning, he never planned to enter it again during the night. With how only some of the guards on the walls carried torches, there was a huge chance he would be spotted while trying to sneak from the all to the Inn where he was supposed to be staying at. 

And Fen just couldn't risk such a huge event happening right before the meeting with the King, even if he could somehow find a way to escape before someone could recognise him.

That's why, instead of relying on the luck of no guard looking in this particular direction that would expose him, Fen simply rushed to the area of the city. Hanging extremely high in the skies, he would appear as yet another bird in the skies if only someone would have eyes good enough to spot him amidst the clouds. 


Even though the young man loved flying, hanging in a single place while waiting for the sun to rise high enough was extremely boring. Thankfully, the meeting with the monarch wasn't scheduled for the first hours of the morning, so the young arcanist could safely take his time.


Noticing how the guards on the walls started to shield their eyes from the sharp rays of the sunlight, Fen instantly dived down. Accelerating as if he wanted to ensure that this action of his that looked like nothing short of creative suicide attempt wouldn't end up with just injuries, the young man pulled out a small piece of wood from his pocket before stuffing it in his mouth and clenching his teeth against it.

'And now for the hard part'

Once his height reached the desired level, Fen suddenly spread out his wings, allowing them to drag him back to a reasonable speed. In one moment, for anyone stupid enough to look directly at the sun, it would appear as if a fiery angel appeared on the surface of the loving sun. But this moment didn't last long either. 

Before anyone stupid enough would actually look at the sun, Fen finally spewed out the piece of wood that he chewed on. With how rapidly he lost his momentum, without that small piece of wood his teeth could be found all over the ground after the inevitable crash of his upper jaw with its bottom sibling.

With that auxiliary part of equipment gone from his hands, Fen simply glided on the same level, using the sun as a cover to just fly over the walls of the city without anyone noticing him. Once there, landing in some back-alley was even simpler, as even if someone were to notice him, no one would ever believe a random story told by a random citizen or serf that had a chance to see him there.

In just a few moments later, instead of walking through the streets, Fen was already sitting in the main hall of the inn he was supposed to spend the night in while looking sharply at his people gathering up.

"What is taking you so long? Why are you so unkept?! We are here to represent the dignity of the great noble house, so you better look the part or I will put you on the cleaning duty for the next damned season!"


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