Rebirth of the Phoenix God

Chapter 157: Kinky request

Chapter 157: Kinky request

Whether it was the path that the three of them willingly choose that pushed them in a certain direction, or whether it was just the fact that the events long gone influenced their growth in a way that they could no longer do away without violence and scheming, the one thing stood true.

The three of them were about to do something that would definitely go down in the history chronicles. As to whether this would be a thoughtful story for the small kids to never raise their hands against the existing order unless they want to lose it, or a story about a few brave men - and women - that dared to risk it all and actually managed to achieve their goal, only time would tell. 

"Okay then. Given how I will be having a talk with the King tomorrow, I think we need to push the 'bandit invasion' for a bit later. Do you think that would be possi No, never mind."

Suddenly stopping mid-word, Fen looked down at his feet with his brows coming pretty close together as his thoughts raced with on another.

"Oh no"

Noticing what was going on with her friend, Orsha sighed out with a jokingly scared face. The fact that her hands didn't go anywhere close to the handle of her sword was the standard giveaway of how calm she was in a specific moment.

"What's wrong?"

Despite spending a lot more time together with the young arcanist, Victor was clueless about this point for obvious reasons. While they were brothers in arms during the day, before the entire matter with taking over the land and establishing their own kingdom, Victor never had the chance to observe the moments when the specific ideas would be born in that crafty mercenary's head.

"If my guess is right, then by the time he shakes awake, he will slap us with some kind of great idea"

Exhaling her air in a lazy gesture, Orsha stood up from her place before moving a few steps to the side and sitting down beside the young man. With a quick movement of her hands, she wrapped them around Fen's shoulders before pulling his entire upper body down. As soon as Fen's head fallen on top of Orhsa's lap, her hands started gently caressing his hair while making sure he could relax in his new, slightly more comfortable position.

"Let's just wait for him to finish thinking about this brand new idea of his. Trust me, it can take a while."

Speaking to Victor while she lowered her head to look at Fen's face, the corners of Orhsa's lips moved up as she continued to brush her fingers through the young arcanist's face.

"No, let's not put our plans for later. Which one of you can spare a single man?" 

Opening his eyes as suddenly as he closed them, Fen went on with the conclusion of his thoughts before even realising what position he was in.

"You see?"

Commenting on the situation with a lovely grin on her face, Orsha didn't stop the movement of her fingers even for a moment. Taking a quick glance at her face to assess the situation, Fen could tell that she was already beyond just gently helping him relax, turning more and more to enjoying this moment herself.

"And yes, I can spare one. What do you need him for?"

Hearing the question, Fen suddenly reached up with his eyes, locking them behind Orhsa's neck. Moving his upper body up to a sitting position, the young man used his momentum to push the girl instead, forcing her head on his lap this time.

"Now, where was I?"

Patting the girl's head while his eyes momentarily assumed the same expression as he had in them back when busy thinking, Fen quickly recalled what he was about to say.

"Initially, we wanted to the news for the attack to appear right before I would meet with the King so that the information I would feed him would be all the more valuable. But what if"

Suddenly stopping in the middle of the sentence, Victor misunderstood Fen's intention and finished.

"... one of our men that you asked for would bring you the news right as you would be meeting with the monarch?"

Just like Orsha predicted, the sheer ingenuity of the idea was enough to completely stun Victor, making him unable to notice what was the actual reason behind Fen's pause.

As simple yet surprising as it was, this time it was Orsha's fault. With how they didn't really have the time to enjoy each other for the past few weeks, just simple cuddling like the one they engaged themselves in right now was enough to spark some fire in the young arcanist's loins. 

And the fact that this cheeky girl was now rubbing her face against the tent that the young man pitched didn't help him to keep calm at all! Not with that mischievous and knowing smile of hers that she continued to dress while looking at Fen's face with her upturned eyes.

"That's exactly what I wanted to say."

While it wouldn't be the first time when Victor would see them in the act, there was a huge difference between being walked on the spot instead of just starting to engage with each other right in the third party presence. That's why Fen could only thank all the gods that did and did not exist that his own back was shielding his crotch and Orsha's head from Victor's eyes.

"Either way, let's just go through with what we initially planned. To be quite honest, I can't wait to see what face will the King make once he learns that the danger I came to warn him about, isn't something that could only appear in the future, but something that is going on right as we will speak."

Forcibly pushing Orhsa's mouth away from the constantly growing tent of his, Fen did his best to wrap the meeting up. 

"That's a good idea. We might force him to act without enough preparations for the war. So I guess, that concludes our strategical meeting?"

Raising up from the simple bench that he was sitting on, Victor appeared to be clueless about what was truly going on At least for as long as it took him to approach his horse and turn his face back to the two of his friends still sitting frozen in the spot.

"And for all arcana's sake, get the room. I know you didn't have fun in a while, but it's unbecoming of the warlords to just ignore the world around them like that."

Warlords.. That was a big word. Not one that one could assume himself, but something that only the history had the right to grace one's head with. That's why, hearing Victor call them in this way was initially strange, before a realisation struck Fen's mind.

'I guess that was his aim all along'

Different people had different wishes they wanted to accomplish. Being rich, having a harem of cute girls, retiring and living off the spoils of the previous years, no matter the man - or woman - the set of their own wishes would vary. And from how Victor seemingly randomly brought up the matter of this unofficial yet extremely honorary title, Fen couldn't help but feel like he finally found out what his trusted friend truly wished for in his life.

"Sure. Will keep that in mind."

Leaning his head all the way to the back as the tendrils in his neck allowed, Fen sent a wink to his friends before watching him jump on the horse and ride off into the darkness of the night.

"By the way, are you sure we have the time for it right now?"

Moving his head back to its usual position, Fen looked at the already melting face of his female friend. Given how they were basically fucking whenever they had enough time to go for a run or two, one might take them for lovers, but the reality was starkly different. 

In their bloody and messy world, feeling the warmth and heartbeat of the other person like they could during the act, was one of the few ways to forget about the drastic images from the battlefield. Hearing the deep moans of their partner allowed to cast away the memories of the desperate screams of the people who lost their limbs, eyes or half of their intestines. 

For Fen, touching the beauty of a female skin allowed him to forget about how ugly all men were once the blades revealed their insides. For Orsha, being held with passion by Fen's arms was a chance to forget about her defences and just let her worries go free as she enjoys herself.

In this act, there was always some bit of mutual infatuation, respect and care, but it was still a bit to little to call them lovers.


Starting off with a huge dose of embarrassment, Orsha proved that Fen didn't know her all that well, with his belief that she was incapable of making such a cute face.

"What's up?"

Still playfully caressing the streaks of her hair while gazing at the overloadingly cute expression of hers, Fen asked.

"I don't want to sound silly but would you help me get to my troops? I mean"

Sending a quick gaze towards where her horse was, Fen could tell how much she didn't want to just abandon such a pricey commodity out in the wild. Thankfully, this wasn't something that would be tough to solve.

"So you want to fly with me? I gotta say, that's the kinkiest request I heard in my entire life."


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