Rebirth of the Evil Mother-In-Law

Chapter 367 - That * had gone too far this time!" (3)

Chapter 367 – “That * had gone too far this time!” (3)

Jiang YaGe was stunned. She had seen Wang Ya, his wife. She was just an everyday vulgar middle-aged woman. No man would like a woman like that, not to mention someone like Boss Gu.

She had thought that Boss Gu had some real feelings for her and they were still in their honeymoon period, which was why she brought that up. She didn’t expect that he would be infuriated and didn’t care about her feelings at all.

In the next few days, not only did Boss Gu not come to visit, he didn’t even give her a call.

Jiang YaGe didn’t care whether she was still one of Boss Gu’s favorites. But she needed him to get to the bracelet.

One way or another, she needed to woo him back. Perhaps his wife was more important to him than she had originally thought.

She reflexively placed her hand over her stomach – would she have more bargaining chips if she was with child? She had looked into it before. Boss Gu only had two daughters with his wife, no sons.

She didn’t want to have a child with a man that she disliked but now was not the time to dwell on the details. She must do that for her goal. She had already sacrificed too much and she had passed the point of no return.


Fang JunRong was shopping with Wang Ya. Specifically, she was helping Wang Ya pick out some appropriate clothes. Next month, March, was Wang Ya’s older daughter’s 18-year-old birthday. Wang Ya wanted to dress up nicely for the event, which was why she brought Fang JunRong with her to consult.

Wang Ya and her husband were legends in the scene. Her husband started out in the coal business. When he made enough, he switched gear into the jewelry market and, lo and behold, the two made it in that market. Nevertheless, with his earlier start in the coal business and being a newly rich, they were considered as parvenue riche by most and many did not want to hang out with them.

Fang JunRong, on the other hand, felt that Wang Ya was much more easy going than most. She enjoyed being flattered but she wasn’t a bad person. And she and her husband donated more money to charities than most other big companies every year.

That was another reason why Wang Ya enjoyed being around Fang JunRong. Not only did the two have similar interests, but also that she was comfortable around Fang JunRong.

“Speaking of, I heard that the peaches in our orchards are already fruiting. That was fast. Hadn’t it only been two years?” Didn’t it normally take peaches three years to produce fruit?

Fang JunRong’s lips curved and she nodded slightly. It was, after all, pits from peaches from the dimension. They didn’t grow as good as they would have in the dimension but were still better than the others on the market.

“I’ll send you some to try when they are ready.”

“Excellent. I’ve heard a long time ago that your fruits are the best and they are not available on the market either,” said Wang Ya.

Fang JunRong picked out three sets of clothes for Wang Ya as Wang Ya enjoyed wearing her full sets of jewelry when she attended banquets.

As such, they needed to pick out styles that could go well with her jewelry. Fang JunRong bought a few sets for herself as well while they were out. When they were tired from shopping, they two went over to a well-known café for some tea.

Wang Ya was normally the one doing most of the talking and Fang JunRong only made a comment here and there.

Half way through their tea break, Wang Ya’s cell phone chimed. She clicked open casually and her look froze on her when she saw the content.

“OH MY GOSH. That [email protected]@rd Gu Zhen! He had gone too far this time!”

Wang Ya was so angry that her chest heaved up and down.

“Gone too far? What happened?” Fang JunRong had met Boss Gu a few times in the past and he seemed the mature and cautious type.


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