Rebirth In Junior High School Campus: The Strongest Black Belly Business Woman

Chapter 1332: Hatchback desperate (2)

Chapter 1332: Hatchback desperate (2)

From San Mateo County all the way north, take Interstate 280 to the city of San Francisco.

Kong Zhandong needs to break out of Liang Donghua’s encirclement and go to San Francisco to reassemble his staff, and Wei Sheng also needs to go to Zhou Hongxiang’s residence in San Francisco to save Cui Yongzhen, so there is no need to prioritize who is the first to solve the problem. It’s the right thing to enter San Francisco. .

Looking at the vehicles chasing the rearward from the rearview mirror, Wei Sheng felt unhappy in his heart. He didn't know whether he brought Kong Zhandong's unfavorableness, or was catching up with Kong Zhandong's unfavorableness. The long-term and stable relationship between Kong and Liang just appeared. Just broke.

Is it possible that God is really destined to send himself back to this time?

"It's your roster, so Liang Donghua can't sit still." Kong Zhandong turned his eyes to see her frowning and tangled face, he said in a deep voice.

Wei Sheng frowned, and then remembered what Yan Baiqing said during the chaos today. The roster she gave yesterday fell into Liang Donghua's hands. The latter had no scruples and decided to take Kong Zhandong.

At that time, there was no time to think carefully, "Why did the roster fall into Liang Donghua's hands?"

Kong Zhandong opened his mouth and finally calmed down without saying anything.

Behind him, Yan Baiqing fastened his seat belt and responded, "Huang Xinya disappeared with the list."

Wei Sheng raised his eyebrows and glanced sideways at Kong Zhandong.

The latter's face became even more ugly right away. Although Wei Sheng's wink was not as good as a villain, it was not far off. This undoubtedly made Kong Zhandong, who had vowed to show that Huang Xinya was not suspicious, to hold his face last night, but he wanted him to believe that there has been no such thing in these years. The change caused him even the scheming Yan Baiqing to pay the trust of Huang Xinya, who is Liang Donghua's spy who puts him beside him.

Kong Zhandong was still unacceptable for a while.

"Maybe she also fell into Liang Donghua's hands." Kong Zhandong said with his eyes closed.

"Perhaps she stole the roster and was unloaded to kill the donkey and fell into Liang Donghua's hands.

Wei Sheng teased in a cool tone, making Kong Zhandong's breathing significantly heavier, but he heard her add, "Don't think too much, you know, driving is boring, I'm just doing sentence extension exercises."

However, Yan Baiqing became more and more curious about Wei Sheng’s attitude towards Kong Zhandong, teasing and ridiculing, and at ease. From the day she appeared, her attitude towards herself or Kong Zhandong has not been based on the most instinctive fear, even in the process of getting along. , As if even the most basic temptation is too lazy to do.

"Mr. Yan, Du Qihua, also betrayed." Kong Zhandong opened his eyes, his voice was cold, and he seemed to suppress endless anger.

Yan Baiqing's eyes were startled, "Where is Xiang Maotong?"


"Cao Haolin?"


"Chu Guoliang?"


With every "rebellion" of Kong Zhandong, Yan Baiqing's expression turned white.

Although he entered the chamber with Kong Zhandong this morning, he took the opportunity to escape and did not see the attitude of the other people in the chamber who were supposed to be in Kong Zhandong's faction. Did he pretend to take refuge in Liang Donghua or he was tied to the chamber. Don't dare to move rashly, Yan Baiqing has no time to judge.

Now that Kong Zhandong heard firsthand that these people had all defected to Liang Donghua's command, Yan Baiqing's face was also pale, and finally he slowly closed his eyes.

The dispute between Kong and Liang has been going on for a long time. Although it seems to have found a non-offending mode of getting along with each other, everyone knows that it is only temporary. In the early years, with the exception of Huang Gezhang and Cao Zuojin, Neibatang belonged to him. If Mr. Huang is the emperor, then Liang Donghua is the well-deserved prime minister of the Hong family.

It’s just that Yan Baiqing didn’t expect that Liang Donghua’s motionlessness was just scrupulous, and when he had no such scruples, he was so bold.


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