Rebirth In Junior High School Campus: The Strongest Black Belly Business Woman

Chapter 126: Heartache (2)

Chapter 126: Heartache (2)

This made Yuan Chunbo couldn't help but take a high look at Wei Sheng, and at the same time, the contempt encountered by Yangfan inevitably caused him to give birth to a mixed emotion of sorrow and death.

After listening to Yuan Chunbo's words, Wei Sheng was startled slightly, then nodded with a smile.

It seems that Yuan Chunbo is very eye-catching, and he has already seen his intention to get ahead. This may have planted the seeds of speculation in his heart when he asked to introduce Li Xianzong.

She smiled and looked at the burnt cigarette **** in Yuan Chunbo's hand, "Let's go, the room is still waiting." After saying that, Wei Sheng put his hands in his pockets, kicked the stones under his feet, and turned and walked towards the hotel.

Yuan Chunbo threw the cigarette on the ground and trampled it out. As soon as he looked up, Wei Sheng suddenly turned his upper body and looked at him, with his hands in his trouser pockets, the cold wind blew her hair, and a quiet smile appeared on his small face. Le, "Lao Yuan, if you were to re-choose your partner as your backer, would you be more willing to choose one that would take you seriously?"

Yuan Chunbo was stunned for a moment, then laughed dumbly and pointedly, "The premise must be able to be my backer for Yuan Chunbo."

Wei Sheng smiled and turned his head, and walked lazily into the hotel.

The two did not know that at the same time Yuan Chunbo said that Wei Sheng's future achievements would not be low, the old man of the Wei family celebrated the National Day and pointed out that Wei Sheng would have no future.

"She feels unhappy? Why is her child's family unhappy in her heart?" Wei Guoqing said with a deep face and reprimanded, "I arranged for Zu Yin to get her in a high school, not just to give her some future prospects. To show her to the world? Don’t go to the county after graduation like you, a dad! Give me such a high or low level! I don’t want you to lead my love, but don’t Teach children to become white-eyed wolves at a young age! What will be the future?

Wei Guoqing's words made the faces of Wei Jiefang and his wife reprimanded with embarrassment. Not to mention that there is still an outsider like Zhang Ting. Even if there is no outsider, the two are already in their forties. Why should they be reprimanded and humiliated by their parents.

Xu Mei hurried to appease Wei Guoqing and said, "Don't compete with the juniors, but I am not talking about liberation, and the children should be taken care of."

Starting from Wei Sheng’s sentence, “Grandpa’s meal is really not very delicious”, the old man’s face was a little uncomfortable. Later, although Wei Sheng did not deliberately contradict, how could he escape the contempt in his attitude? The old man's eyesight.

In their eyes, what does a child know? The attitude she expressed was enough to show her parents secretly.

Wei Zuyin pinched on the right time and interjected, "Dad said, Wei Sheng, this child is not what I said. He dared to beat people during the school celebration last time. The character is really too stubborn. I didn't ask if I sent her to a middle school. She has made her way, but at least she can get her grades up steadily. Even going to college will make you feel at ease as parents, right?"

He deliberately emphasized once again that he sent Wei Sheng to the First Middle School, the purpose is to remind Wei Jiefang not to forget such a sentiment.

Moreover, Wei Jiefang put on such a trivial appearance that even his children are equipped with a mobile phone. Zhang Ting opened his mouth to check it out and didn’t agree. He couldn’t help his temper. Secretly cursed: something! A whole family of horrible things.

Wei Jiefang lowered his face when he heard the words, and suppressed his anger, "Dad, you really misunderstood this! Lichun and I don't have time, and I won't teach the children those messy things."

"If you misunderstand this matter, it will be over. I don't want to hear this kind of ungrateful words coming out of this kid's mouth in the future!" Wei Guoqing calmed his old face and bit the word ungrateful very hard.

"Who is grateful?" Just as Wei Guoqing's voice fell, Wei Sheng's voice with a doubtful smile sounded not far away.

Several people looked up and saw Wei Sheng approaching lightly.

Wei Guoqing turned away, snorted lightly, showing his majesty.

Wei Jiefang greeted his daughter to sit down with a heavy face, "Xiao Sheng, give your grandfather a compensation. You are not allowed to talk to elders like that in the future."

Wei Sheng was startled when he heard the words and couldn't help but smile, "Um... just because I said I couldn't help?"

She blinked and had to sit down again.

I planned to come back and leave the class on the pretext of going home to do my homework, and then go to Li Xianzong. After all, I have been out for so long, so it's not like running around by going to the bathroom.

But apparently he was stumbling again at this moment.

Wei Jiefang was angry when he heard the words, and slapped the tabletop, "I want you to apologize to your grandpa!" A loud noise made the surrounding customers look over.

The whole table suddenly calmed down, staring in astonishment at Wei Jiefang, who suddenly lost his temper.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Wei Jiefang made his daughter apologize sincerely because of Wei Jiefang's trouble. It was clearly showing his anger to the old man.

Wei Guoqing's old face was even more sinking, quite a bit of not coming to Taiwan.

Zhang Ting was also made to sit back by the tense atmosphere.

Wei Sheng raised his eyebrows.

She looked at her father, and then at Wei Guoqing, wondering if it was because the old man made a fuss when she left?

Xu Mei smiled embarrassedly, "You have done liberation, don't get angry with your children, and finally get together for a meal, this matter is over, it is over!"

Wei Jiefang didn't intend to pass this way, "We have nothing to do with Wei Jiefang in my life! I went to the county to be a teacher! I have never seen anything in the world! But I live comfortably when I work hard in exchange for sweat! I am not ashamed. ."

"I gave birth to Zu Yin from home. I didn’t want to argue with him. I didn’t manage to find a job when I graduated. You didn’t manage to marry a wife and have children. For more than ten years, I didn’t have to worry about it. You kept opening your mouth!"

"When I came back this time, the factory was going to close down. I put aside my face and opened my mouth to you, thinking that the family won't be so happy when they encounter difficulties, but you just returned it to me, and I didn't say a word. , Xiaosheng’s transfer to school, I’m begging you, I’m always thinking about it, and I’m not daring to forget it. One day I will assign you to return this love, and I will try my best to match it with you, Mr. Song. , I can count on this affection. I don’t have the ability to repay your fertility. But don’t worry, if I have the opportunity in the future, I will assign it to you!"

At the end of the day, the forty-year-old man was in tears and his tears were silent. When these words were spoken, he couldn't say whether he was happy or desperate. Since the old father's family had to be accounted for, he would understand it later! What is owed or not owed is nothing to do with other affections.

With these words, Wei Guoqing's face was red and white, and he felt embarrassed and inexplicable.

And Wei Sheng, looking at his father who was already crying into tears and feeling weak, he felt as if he had been severely cut in his heart.

At this moment, the door of Box 101 opened, and Li Xianzong filed out.


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