Rebirth In Junior High School Campus: The Strongest Black Belly Business Woman

Chapter 1223: Island moon night

Chapter 1223: Island moon night

Controlling resources can produce money, but controlling money does not necessarily produce resources. For example, with high-tech resources, rich and powerful may be able to buy experts, but there are always things that experts cannot control and control.

Old Cyril, as a top hacker, can easily collect some ‘outdated’ technological blueprints for Wei Sheng in that increasingly new world, which became top-notch equipment more than a decade ago.

Others need to cross the river by feeling the stones during R&D and manufacturing, and they are constantly trying to burn money, but that is the truth. With the perfect experience of later generations and expert guidance, Wei Sheng can at least burn less money than others.

This is her resource, unmatched resource.

The powerful arms strength will become a solid foundation for her to inherit Huang Gezhang's mantle. The big guys in front of her are the first batch of experimental results in the past two or three years. One of them was sold to Zhou Hongxiang in August last year. Will be able to attract these bigwigs, throwing a guide stone.

Because it was late at night when landing on the island today, the detailed visit plan was changed to tomorrow, and Wei Sheng led everyone to warm up and rest.

This is a small manor built on the island. The main villa has a single floor area of ??about 300 square meters, with a total of three floors. Except for Wei Sheng and Kong Zhandong staying on the island, most of them are usually idle, except for the main building. Other houses located in different locations are divided into various areas for the accommodation of experts and their teams.

It can be seen that after entering the manor, there are sentries at every stage, and the defense is very strict.

When Jin Jinyi was riding in the car, he saw a gray-haired old man wearing a white coat and a heavy military coat, showing his ID in front of a certain guard post. This made him curious, and he couldn't help but stand up and look back after the vehicle passed.

I saw that the old man was showing his credentials, and he was taken to the guard fence of the guard post by a gundam man alone, seeming to be an escort, but also a surveillance.

Upon seeing this, Wei Sheng said, "That's the road to the factory. The old man Mr. Jin saw just now was Professor Liang who is in charge of the aileron. Everyone who enters the factory area must show his ID and be taken to him by a special person. Workshop. As for other workshop areas, it is forbidden to pass."

Jin Jinyi couldn't help wondering, "These professors have no objections?" This guard is a bit too strict. How many people are there on an island? In this limited number of people, as a professor, you have to be armed every time you enter the door.' Escort', it looks a bit too much.

Wei Sheng couldn’t help smiling. “To make an airplane requires a manufacturing workshop of many parts, such as the fuselage frame, wing frame, stringer, bulkhead, wings, ailerons, and landing gear, For the ad hoc, weapon system, engine and other parts, Lin Lin finally concluded that an aircraft contains thousands of parts and components, which must be turned into finished products here, and strict management systems are inevitable."

Jin Jinyi said strangely, "How many people are there on this island?"

Wei Sheng pondered, "There are probably more than 1,000 permanent security and experts, and the workers are mobile, but when they land on the island, they have signed contracts for more than one year, and this part has to be as many as two to three thousand."

Jin Jinyi is speechless, there is a town on this island with too many people? How much money is needed to support these people living on an island.

"The food supply on the island is transported in tons, transported once a week. Thanks to Di Yawen for delivering manpower from the Philippines for the manufacture of firearms, the labor cost is actually far not as high as the cost of living." The car arrived at the main building. Wei Shengyan laughed and got out of the car and led everyone in.


Stars shine in the dark black sky, and the air in the Alaska waters is obviously much cleaner than that on the land. The air has the smell of sea breeze and salty, which makes people feel dreamlike.

On the beach, two figures are walking forward and one behind, staggering. From a distance, you can see a man with a long figure and a woman with long hair fluttering, wrapped in a heavy coat, barely able to see two slender legs on the beach. Hobble on top.

"You slow down." The man groped aimlessly forward with one hand and whispered in his mouth.

The woman smiled like a flower, holding the man’s hand in one hand, and looking back at the man’s face. At this time, the man’s face was covered with a black cloth covering his eyes, and she was holding hands to move forward, which made the two of them seem a little staggered. .

With the full moonlight, one can vaguely see the man’s eye mask under his nose like a dangling bile, lips like thin wings, and his cheeks in the moonlight showing a somewhat angular and handsome face, but the slightly upturned corners of the lips look warm in the cold night It is full of meaning, and it only takes a glance, and my heart is like a cat scratching. I want to hold a few mouthfuls.

The woman pulling him, wrapped in a thick army green coat, looked cumbersome and delicate. She smiled like a flower. In her eyes, her pupils were set against the waves of the sea, like bright stars under the night sky.

"What is this..." The man clearly felt a higher level of steps at his feet, and then he was lifted up by the woman in front of him, and walked a few steps on this level.

"Alright!" The woman suddenly stood still, it was Wei Sheng.

She turned around and smiled and took off Cui Xian's blindfold.

After removing the black cloth, he blinked to adapt to the light in front of him. The light emitted from the high post hit the two of them and quickly moved away, but he had already seen the behemoth in front of him, an F22 fighter plane.

And the high platform under my feet turned out to be a stretched runway. There was no such thing on the beach when I first landed on the island. Obviously, it was moved along with the plane when everyone was eating.

The runway is about three to four hundred meters long, and the splicing marks can be clearly seen in the middle. The tempered material is very heavy, and the thick material suitable for the wheel's grip is applied on it, which gives a strong tread feeling.

Before he could react, Wei Sheng took his hand and stepped into the cabin.

There was already a person in the driver's seat ahead. He turned his head, Ning Dahai's standard smile appeared on his dark face, "General Wei!"

"Fortunately, it is F22. I drove it during the test flight. I was really not sure about changing to J20." Ning Dahai nodded and smiled towards Weisheng and Cui Xian, then the cabin door closed and the plane began to taxi on the runway.

"Our stealth fighter can avoid the air defense warning over the seas of Alaska. The F35, which is to be developed next, is going to try to take off vertically without the runway." With Wei Sheng's voice, the aircraft had already dashed off the runway and swished sideways. Body, slid diagonally toward the vast sea.

On a ship just near the island, a blond young man holding a wine glass, pointing to the sky excitedly, "Look! Plane! Oh my God! That's a fighter plane!"


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