Rebirth In Junior High School Campus: The Strongest Black Belly Business Woman

Chapter 10: Future phone (1)

Chapter 10: Future phone (1)

Her tone was a bit sarcasm, but she followed Yang Liping's words, making him unable to refute for a while.

In the end, Wei Jiefang said in a deep voice, "Okay! Sit down, Wei Sheng, what will the adults say and the children interrupt."

Wei Sheng sat down obediently, and she naturally knew that until the end, the stalemate atmosphere just now might be difficult for her to continue.

Wei Jiefang said, "Today, I would like to invite everyone to have a potluck. By the way, don't talk about this matter. I still want to eat. Brother what wine do you drink?"


This meal did not drink, and the Yang family ate with their own minds. Although they did not break up in the end, they all parted ways in silence.

In less than half an hour, the meal was almost eaten, and then each went back to each house.

This time, Yang Lichun sat in the back seat of Wei Jiefang's bicycle, and Yang Lichun's bicycle was handed over to Wei Sheng to ride.

The breeze was blowing, except for the rustling of leaves on both sides, it was a crisp bicycle bell. There was almost no noise from cars. Wei Sheng looked up at the sky. The sky in 1998 was extremely clear. Even at night, it is not difficult to see the bright stars under the clear night sky. .

On the way out of the hotel, the father and daughter were silent all the way, until the street corner, Wei Jiefang said, "Wei Sheng, you performed very well today."

Although Wei Jiefang reprimanded Wei Sheng at the time, it was only for others to see. In fact, he felt that his daughter was reasonable, neither humble nor overbearing, and performed very well.

Wei Sheng smiled slightly, "I'm afraid if I don't speak anymore, you will really sign an IOU for them."

The old face of Wei Jiefang blushed. Wasn't he almost angrily signing IOUs?

Fortunately, my daughter was clever, she pushed the matter back after a few words.

"How did you know that your aunt took grandma's jewelry?" Wei Jiefang thought of this suddenly.

Wei Sheng smiled faintly, "I just heard it that day, I had forgotten it, but I suddenly remembered it today."

Wei Jiefang turned his head and looked at Wei Sheng, his small body, he had to stand half-up on a bicycle, a braid was shaken lively behind his head, and his face was filled with a confident smile.

The daughter is still the same, but it seems to have grown up suddenly.

"Dad, can you tell me more about the plastic factory?" Wei Sheng turned to look at Wei Jiefang in response to Wei Jiefang's gaze. This originally intact and warm home was planted on this matter, but Wei Sheng didn't want to attack, nor could he attack Wei Jiefang's enthusiasm. But because of the experience, Wei Sheng thought that he has the ability to turn the tide.

No, it is not just about turning danger to a breeze, she will also use this to change the fate of the whole family. In the last life, her father went bankrupt and jumped off the building. This life is not impossible to take this opportunity to flourish.

So the factory still has to be run, and it should be done well, and it should be done in a smooth manner.

Wei Jiefang was startled, and then smiled, "Don't worry about these things. Study hard. If there is no accident, it is very likely that you will turn to the south in the third grade. Dad will try his best to find you a good school. Don't drop me the chain!"

The noise of dawn shattered the silence of the night.

Wei Sheng woke up early the next morning. She did not dare to open her eyes. Instead, she reached out and fumbled on the pillow. The lace pillowcase made her feel relieved. She knew that even though After a nap, I woke up still in the room where I was young.

In other words, what happened yesterday is not a dream.

Before going to bed last night, she made a lot of hard work to make herself fall asleep in this bed, because she didn’t know if opening her eyes the next day was a dream or not, she didn’t even know that she could still fall asleep after this sleep. Open your eyes.

At that time, her mood was ambivalent, she wanted to go back to where she came from, and she wanted to stay here to change the family's bad luck by herself.

However, at this moment, her heart finally fell to the ground, because a done deal can only accept the present, even if there is regret in her heart, there is no other way, it is God's tyrannical escape from her mind.

She didn't know if she had gone back to the past or came to a parallel time and space. If it was a parallel time and space, then where was Wei Sheng who should have been here? If it is going back in time, why can the mobile phone still get through?

Wei Sheng's heart should be more toward the former. Perhaps when he fell off the cliff, he had some overlap with his own in 1998, and when he was crossing, the phone was talking on the phone and caused this BUG. Of course, these are just guesses, but very Obviously, the original self has indeed disappeared with his arrival, or overlapped.

Since God really gave her a chance to come back, what reason is there to go back badly?

Wei Sheng, who experienced the last disaster, knew what kind of industry his father wanted to invest in.

To put it bluntly, I want to recycle and reuse large plastic wastes such as refrigerators, color TVs, washing machines and other shells.

If it needs to be divided into three steps, then the first step is naturally the recycling of waste products.

The second step is to purchase tons of plastic waste from secondary factories and then sort and break them.

The third step is to purchase the broken plastic from the first-level factory from the second-level factory for processing, and make crystals and sell them to electrical appliance manufacturers.

Large-scale factories can naturally combine the second and third steps, but the consumption of material, manpower and capital is not low.

The price of the machine required for the second step of smashing was as high as tens of thousands of yuan.

And although it is simple, the processing and processing procedures are very complicated, so nowadays most of the market is clear.

Small merchants buy waste products, secondary factories buy tons from small merchants to sort and break them, and first-tier factories buy large amounts of broken plastics from secondary factories to process them into crystals, and some will directly synthesize finished products, such as bottles. Cover etc.

The price difference between each layer is quite profitable!

So when Wei Jiefang learned about this project and thought it was very feasible, his heart was as hard as weeds.

What he studied was to open a second-level factory, buy some machines, recycle tons of plastic, sort and break it, and sell it to the first-level factory.

Right now, the secondary factories in Hutai County are almost saturated, but he learned that there are only two factories doing this business in Chaonan City.

And the market in Chaonan City is not much larger than that in Hutai County?

But whether it is recycling plastics or buying machines requires a lot of money to operate, so he discussed with his wife Yang Lichun to sell the house in Hutai County for turnover.

Wei Sheng knew that this house in Hutai County could sell for tens of thousands of yuan, and then his father took the money back to Chaonan City to give it a go.

Of course, relying on his father's funds is far from enough, so he and his childhood partner Qian Chuang negotiated to invest half of each and set up factories in partnership.

But the day did not follow the wishes of others. Not long after the factory opened, the price of the entire plastic recycling business suddenly plummeted by nearly 60%. The goods that my father ran out of his belongings lost the market, and the factory nearly closed down and lost money because of the bank’s The father was responsible for the loan, and the bank drew the debt and even filed a lawsuit.

My father became depressed and was admitted to the hospital for treatment, but two months later, the plastic exploded again. The friends who worked with his father had already privately thrown out the low price of the goods and ran away, causing his father to commit suicide by jumping off the building!


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