Rebirth In Junior High School Campus: The Strongest Black Belly Business Woman

Chapter 1: Wake up from a big dream

Chapter 1: Wake up from a big dream

The breeze lifted the blue curtains slightly.

Blow on the bed in the school infirmary, which is somewhat old.

On the hospital bed, the sleepy Wei Sheng moved his eyelids and entered his ears. It was the sound constantly coming from the radio on the opposite desk:

"In order to implement the spirit of the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, further deepen the reform of the urban housing system, and speed up housing construction, the relevant issues are hereby notified as follows.

In the second half of 1998, the physical distribution of housing was stopped, and the monetization of housing distribution was gradually implemented. The specific time and steps were determined by the people's government of each province, autonomous region, and municipality based on local conditions.

This summer, my country's Jiangnan, most parts of southern China, and parts of the northern part of the country saw heavy rains to extreme rains. The main stream of the Yangtze River and the Poyang Lake and Dongting Lake water systems, the Pearl River, Minjiang River, Nenjiang River, Songhua River and other rivers have successively experienced huge floods in history. The rescue work continues. ..."


Wei Sheng's mouth worked hard to draw a wry smile, and slowly opened his eyes.

Housing reform, flood fighting, schools, 1998, shrinking body...

It seems that after falling off the cliff, I returned to a dozen years ago and became the self I was when I was young.

But if you really crossed after death, why would you even drive with your own car?

Wei Sheng got up with difficulty, only to find that his body was soaked with sweat, his limbs were weak, his legs and feet were weak.

Outside the window, the nostalgic voice echoed in memory: "Next section, stretching exercise..."

She looked around and determined that this was the infirmary of the school. She got up and came to the window. She saw the banner hanging on the opposite building, which read: One heart is one heart, all will come together.

On the playground, the students were doing campus radio gymnastics collectively. With the melodious music, Wei Sheng's eyes fixed on one of the students who was doing exercises.

"Cui Hyun..."

She indeed returned to the past, returned to Hutai County, returned to the fourth middle school, and returned to 1998.

Outside the door of the ward, an angry and sharp female voice suddenly sounded, "Wei Sheng is in this room? I tell you, Cui Xian can't fall in love early! You students, you openly hooligans to my son on the playground!"

With a light sigh, Wei Sheng closed his eyes and recalled the scenes before he passed out...

On September 2, 2014, the pouring rain fell to the ground with rolling thunder.

In the middle section of the Yonggas Mountain Road in Bolivia, the dazzling headlights came into view, followed by a cool black Ferrari F50 whizzing past, the long tail wing raised high, like a phoenix standing upright.

This car has been processed by Koenig, a professional modification plant for Ferrari in Germany, and the maximum power of the twin-turbocharged F50 can be increased to 800 horsepower. However, it is obviously unable to exert its full strength in the Yungas Mountains, which is called the highway of death.

The windshield wipers swayed desperately. The woman in the car was wearing a black leather jacket, but she looked very embarrassed. She was soaked, her hair was stained with blood, and one eye was already bloody!

"Cui Xian, wait for me..." Her mouth kept muttering.

She slammed the steering wheel, turned back straight and looked into the rearview mirror, and saw the silver-gray Asdra behind her, she couldn't help cursing **** it!

She is Tonya, the CEO of Keno Racing, and her Chinese name is Wei Sheng.

She is a Chinese, but she started her career abroad when she was less than thirty.

She was once the world's top racing driver, and she is very famous. However, he has now become a fugitive in the news suspected of seeking illegal profits from private placements.

The reason for carrying this black pot on his back is that he is standing on the upper end of the food chain by relying on his hands to work hard, which affects the interests of others but has no background at the same time!

His reputation was discredited and he was infamous. At this time, he was chased and killed all the way into the Yungas Mountains known as the highway of death.

If her eyes are intact, this mountain road is naturally not a problem, but at this moment, with only one eye, she may not be able to hold on to this day unless she fights against the firm belief in her heart.

There is a madman in every racer's heart, and Wei Sheng is a real madman. She takes her life for every glory.

Today she is not for glory, but to rescue the man who has been waiting by her side for ten years-Cui Xian.

She wants to rescue Cui Xian, and she has to return to China to accompany her mother who is dyingly ill. She must live.

At this moment, the mobile phone fixed on the right side of the steering wheel suddenly rang. Seeing the caller's number, Wei Sheng squinted his eyes and pressed to answer.

Suddenly a female voice mixed with malicious chuckles came over the phone, "Oh, Tonia, I have to tell you bad news. This man is really not funny at all, just so dead~ You are late? It seems this The fast driver's name is not true, giggle~"

Wei Sheng sighed in his heart! The brain went blank for an instant, and I just felt that the heavy rain was hitting the windshield, and the road ahead was invisible at all.

Cui Xian, the man who is not a family member is better than a family member, the mentor and friend who accompanied her for ten years, from junior high school to university, and the dearest relatives and friends who accompanied her from rookie to the international arena, after all, was it because she had killed her?

The next moment, I saw the dazzling black Ferrari F50 rushing straight out of the mountain road and falling towards the cliff.

"Oh yes~ he asked me to convey a sentence to you before he died. This is also the funniest joke I have ever heard. He said... he loves you? Huh? Hahaha~" The woman on the phone was still disgusting The voice in the bones.

Choi Hyun, he actually...

Wei Sheng's heart seemed to be severely pulled, and slowly, she closed her eyes, and a sense of powerlessness penetrated her limbs like never before.

She hates, she resents, she wants revenge, but with the intense sense of weightlessness she clearly understands that this is no longer possible.

In front of me, it seemed as if I passed through the streets of the city that I had been familiar with many years ago.

The towering mountains slowly faded and turned into a lacquered white residential building, the shadows are not real.

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding city streets slowly became clear, and the walls of grocery stores, barber shops, and schools that you could pass by when you were young all come into view one by one.

She thought she was dead, and everything in front of her was just an illusion.

But the moment Wei Sheng slowly closed his eyes, the car shook slightly as if it had fallen to the ground, and then there was no more movement.

After waiting for a while, Wei Sheng slowly opened his eyes, and what caught his eye was the 28 bicycle that was driving on the street. This thing has been extinct.

His car was still advancing slowly, hit the sidewalk, and hit a newly planted poplar tree.

Wei Sheng frowned and looked at the dreamlike but extremely real scenery around him. He stretched out his hand to wipe the blood stains on his face, but his gaze was instantly fixed at this moment!


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