Rebirth: A Cat with a System

Chapter 29 Night Tree!

After playing with Ena for a while, she wanted to have her room in the cave, but for that to happen, I would first need to clear the whole underground area of this hill,

"Nova do it fast" she complained from atop my head, 'wait a minute' I said to her.

Hay star what are the chances for the whole hill crumbling on top of us?

[if you won't do it right then they are pretty high,]

And how the fuck do I do it right exactly?

[well first of all you need to make sure that your base is secured, then push the soil and other stuff, from the areas you want to empty to the top and use pressure to make it into solid stone, and you also might need to heat it a little to make sure that it stays there and not fall on your head when you are sleeping]

Damn there is so much work to do, should I let Ena stay on my head, this might get dangerous, so the best place for her would be right by me, so I can cover her up if anything goes wrong,

'Hay, Ena climb down and stand under my front legs' I said to her

"Whyy?" she asked me annoyed about the fact that she had to climb down from my head,

'It might get dangerous if the roof of the cave crumbles onto us it would be good if you come down' I tried to explain but even so she was a bit reluctant, to come down however eventually she did come down and she stood right under me,

'Alright let's start the process,' it's finally time to renovate the place, this is my home and the home should look good after all, how should I do this? How about not disturbing the wall that is around the mana water lake and everything behind it would be space,

[sounds like a good plan, it would leave the area around the world tree untouched, and it would also look like a normal cave at first glance]

Hmm, let's start,

[ Ground magic(LV 66)]

As I used the skill the ground started to shake and everything started to move, the ground that was acting like the walls of the cave were going up as if they were floating,

They were getting compressed to the very last part, as the walls started to go up and merge with the roof, the temperature of the walls whole cave started to rise up, the roof started to turn red from the heat,

I used, [Barrier Magic (LV 57)] to cover Ena up, and [ Wind Magic(LV 72)] to make sure that she was always getting cool air instead of hot hair, which could possibly burn her lungs.

[well you didn't need to heat the roof at the very least, the compression made enough heat that all the molecules would stick to each other]

Hmm, true, but I hope everything is ok on the surface, if it's this hot in here then I wonder how it is outside,

[well this much heat is enough to start a fire easily, so you should be careful and check the whole place out,]

Hmm, your right. I should do that.

'Are you ok Ena' I asked to check if she was doing ok, but I got no response from her, I looked down to where she was standing to see if she was ok or not, and I saw her standing there with her mouth wide open,

"N-nova c-can I also be as strong as you one day?" she asked me as she looked toward the whole cave getting compressed to the roof and the empty space left behind,

'Hmm, why not? If you work hard you might be able to do this' I said to her as the rum belling finally stopped, I let the hot stone, Cool on itself as if I were to use ice magic the roof might just become weak from it.

"I can't wait to learn magic myself" she spoke, as he once again started to climb up my leg to get to my head, this had become her habit, she loved to sit on top of my head, well not that I mind.

'Hmm, but we will have to find a way for you to use it' I said,

"We will find a way together," she said as she finally reached my head and started to pat it,

"Prrr prrrr prrrr prrrr" my body started to react as soon as I got the head pats,

'Hmm let's find a way together little one' I said,


After the roof had cooled down, I jumped out of the cave to see if the outside of the hill was damaged in any way or not.

However the amount of damage I saw was really out of my expectation, the ground had turned black, or should I saw the soil had turned black, the whole hill looked to be covered in black soil, it looked like someone had covered the hill with, coal.

Damn, I thought to myself,

"All the plants on the hill are gone" Ena commented from the top,

'Ya I should probably fix that asap' I said, as I used the [Blessing of the Nature(LV 7)]

To grow the plants back but nothing appeared,

[you should try a little more mana]

Are you sure the whole forest might change if I Do that, I was afraid of making a super tree or something?

[well you are the owner of the forest so who is going to object anyways?]

You have a point Star, alright let's do this,

I used more mana while using [Blessing of the Nature(LV 7)] and a wave of green light spread from my body that passed through the whole forest or I thought as It went even farther than my eyes could track it,

And finally, some results came from spending so much mana as soon something sprouted from the black and charred ground,

A black-colored plant????

The fuck?? I thought but soon more plants grew just like these and they started to grow more and more, and soon enough they became trees, they had black branches and white leaves that looked really beautiful.

"Wow, it's so beautiful" Ena commented,

Star what's going on here?

[how the fuck am I supposed to know use your Appraisal skill]

Ya, sure.


Name- unknown

Description- A new type of tree created by the guardian of Nexus, Nova while making his home.


"What kind of tree is this Nova?" Ena asked, excitedly as she started climbing down from my head to approach the trees,

'Well these are a species of trees that have never been seen in this world,' I explained to her as I approached the tree after she had safely climbed down from my head.

As I approached the tree with Ena their white leaves glowed a bit, as if to acknowledge the presence of their creator, as I got closer to the tree the leaves started to grow golden, instead of white like they usually did.

"Wow," were the only word that came out of Ena's mouth when she saw this.

'Impressive, I want inspect these trees now,' I said as I made a little cut on the bark of the tree and soon a golden sap came out of the tree, it looked to be glowing just like the leaves of the tree I was standing in front of.


The sap of an unknown tree

This sap has the properties to heal any wounds, diseases, illnesses, etc.


damn, now this can be used as a healing potion, let's see what about the leaves of the tree,


Leaf of an unknown tree

This leaf if consume can give a nerve-calming effect and can heal minor colds and diseases


Ohh how wonderful, I can drink tea now, and what about the bark of this tree?


The bark of the unknown tree

This bark can be considered as strong as some of the lightest but toughest materials on Nexus.


Brah now that is cool, but I was able to easily cut it? Am I so strong that I can cut most things in nexus? Maybe, I might be able to cut everything in this world one day.

"What will you name these trees?" Ena asked as she took some of the sap and tasted it, and soon a squeal of delight escaped her mouth as she directly started to drink it from the tree.

'I don't know how about you name it instead?' I asked her as I picked her up by the scruff of her clothes to pull her back,

"Amm what about night tree, they are as dark as night after all," she said as he licked the sap that was still present on her hands,

'That's a really good name'

[the trees have accepter this name]

what the? these trees have consciousness of their own,


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