Realm Wars

Chapter 9: Battle in the Open Path 2

Chapter 9: Battle in the Open Path 2

Dozla was well aware of the current situation. As much as his pride didn't want to, it was not the time for silly matters because life and death hang in the balance. He tried to rush to the carriage and warn the others.

But alas, he was hundreds of meters away, and even he shouted with all his might, everyone could hear only the thunderous boom of the clashing battles.

Not to mention that Dozla couldn't afford to be distracted as he was occupied with the enemies in front.

Dozla saw a blur and Asad slashed his way through the air towards him. The sword in Asad's hand was cloaked in smoky dark light while the center eye on the hilt rolled in all directions, eager for more blood as it pierced towards Dozla with tremendous boundless power.


The tip of the sword clashed against the end of another blade. As they did, both men's forces hurled out through their weapons.


A loud explosive sound blasted forth as the power released from the clash of the two burst forth in all directions. The ground shook and cracked as dust and rubles flew everywhere from the explosion.


At this time, Eoi released his arrow imbued in dark light. It pierced in the air with an ear-shattering sound, rippling the wind as it passed through, targeting Dozla.

Dozla retreated at high speed. He flung his broadsword to defend against that arrow. As it was just meters away, the single arrow became hundreds and all scattered in Dozla's direction.


At sight, it was already too late to defend.


Dozla crashed on the ground like a battered sandbag. Tiny holes littered his entire body, soaked in blood.

It was a good thing that Dozla's reflexes were good, and he managed to avoid his major organs just in time for the arrows to struck him.

But even so, this amount of blood loss could kill him.

While Dozla was kneeling on the ground, Asad's blurry image appeared out of nowhere.

"You're mine!"

Dozla gritted his teeth. His bloodshot eyes glint, unyielding to his fate.

M'lady, I'm sorry. . .


Asad retreated to where Eoi was standing. His dark, dilated obsidian eyes glared at the area where dust and pebbles circled like a whirlwind.

"Tsk!" Asad wiped the blood dripping from his lips as he eyed the blurry silhouette.

When the dust and wind settled, it revealed a form of a person.

"Vile creatures! How dare you attack the royal family.

Cecily stood in front of Dozla as her hair fluttered along with the wind.

"This sin. .. !"

She flipped her fingers, and a rapier formed in her hand.

"Will be paid with your blood!"

"M'Lady. . ." Dozla raised his head and stared at Cecily. In Dozla's eyes, the light shining on Cecily made her appeared heroic, filling his heart with hope and warmth. Dozla blinked the moist in his eyes.

"Ohohoho. Dozla, you're in a sorry shape." Murok stroked his beard and thumped his staff on the ground. A gust of gentle wind enveloped Dozla's body. As it did so, Dozla's bones and muscles regenerate at a fast rate, and in just a matter of seconds, his entire body was as good as new.

[Healing Wind]

"Thank you." Dozla lightly bowed at Murok and then deeply bowed at Cecily. "M'Lady, I'm sorry. Having M'Lady came out and personally fought these unworthy creatures is Dozla's greatest shame."

"Enough of that. Can you still fight?" Cecily scanned her surroundings. All her soldier's corpses and broken bodies were loitering the soil. She bit her lower lip in indignation.

"Yes. Thanks to master Murok, I can fight once again. .. But my mana is almost running out," Dozla answered as he stood up.

Cecily chewed her lips, eying the bloody corpses of her soldiers. She couldn't help but blame herself. If I had gone out to help early on, none of this would have happened.

She breathed a mouthful of air to calm her ravaging anger and then instructed, "Alright, you and Agatha will deal with this demon while I deal with that elf, and teacher will provide support in the back."


"Ohohoho! Well then, it's time for round two." Murok raised his staff in the air, and twirling green lights emerged from its tip, enveloping Cecily's frame.

Cecily's speed doubled, and she sprinted towards Eoi, transforming into mirages as she did so.

"Like I will just let you!" Asad roared, wanting to intercede, but a blurry ball of purple light clashed towards him at a fast speed.



Asad snapped at the demoness in front of him while he blocked with his sword.

Agatha's dual sword flung Asad's blade, and he stumbled back. Taken the opportunity, Agatha twirled and landed a kick on Asad's stomach.

Asad recoiled from the impact and was about to retaliate, but another sword came crushing from his left. Asad barely had the time to defend as the broadsword struck his left arm, slicing it in half as he retreated.


Asad's dilated eyes turned bloodshot as his left arm was gone. He eyed the two people surrounding him.

"This had just turned troublesome," Asad mumbled as Agatha flexed her blades while Dozla swung his broadsword.

At this moment, Asad's left arm was regenerating at a fast rate. Asad knew that taking two powerful foes was suicide. He had to kill one at a time.

Asad knew that Agatha was a servant based on Agatha's seal at the center of her cleavage.

Killing the master will kill the servant.

Asad didn't know who the master was, but he bet his instinct and targeted the weakest of the group.

Asad transformed into three separate mirages as he charged to where Murok was. But as he did so, Agatha, too, transformed in three separate mirages and intercepted all of Asad's illusions.

Asad and Agatha were at a deadlock as they were even in power and speed. At the same time, Dozla alternated with Agatha as the vanguard, ready to attack if opportunity strikes, while Murok remained at the back, his spells ready for support.

With Murok's mana level right now, there was nothing he could do but be on the passive side as he hadn't recovered half of his mana yet. Conjuring high-level offensive spells would drain his mana, leaving it almost empty. Thus, he reserved it for emergency cases only. Else he wanted to die from mana depletion.

Meanwhile, at Cecily's side, Eoi retreated at high speed. His bow was not exactly for close combat. Though his close combat skills weren't bad but compared to a mage knight who specializes more in close-range attacks, he was at a disadvantage.

Eoi continued to barrage Cecily with arrows as he retreated while Cecily deflected every one of them, charging at full speed towards her opponent.

When Cecily appeared in battle, Ryu ran in her direction, not a care about his opponent anymore.

Garet swung his ax towards Ryu when the latter showed his back. Ryu jump, avoiding the ax as he somersaulted in the air and landed on his feet.

Garet snorted as he pulled the handle of his ax. The ax's blade that struck on the ground hurled towards Garet's direction, attaching itself on the handle like a magnet.

"Kyakyakyakyak! You ain't going anywhere, my pet!"

Garet sized Ryu as his viper-like tongue licked his lips. "Always wanted to devour a beast. Wonder how you'll taste like." As he said so, Garet rubbed his throbbing cock and positioned it beneath his pants.

Ryu tilted his head to the side, wondering what the man meant while he had the urge of wanting to kill him in the most gruesome way.


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