Realm of the Night God

Chapter 88: Complex Relationships (2)

Chapter 88: Complex Relationships (2)

When it came to undermining others, Second son Wu was indeed experienced and capable. He could discern from certain details what the target desired and would then tailor his approach accordingly.

As for Yang Lu, she was never one to be content, and her relationship with Ning Longyang was also driven by a strong purpose. This kind of precarious corner didn't even need undermining; it collapsed with a gentle nudge. Besides, Second son Wu was a master in his own right; what he held in his hands wasn't just a pickaxe—it was more like a bulldozer.

A wall so flimsy that any breeze could knock it over, when faced with the ferocity of a bulldozer, the outcome was predictable.

Second son Wu succeeded in winning over Yang Lu. Not only did he win Yang Lu, but he also became good friends with Ning Longyang. And Ning Longyang, it seemed, had yet to realize that his girlfriend and Second son Wu had developed a different kind of relationship.

There are no airtight walls in the world; paper can't conceal fire forever. As the three spent more time together, Ning Longyang gradually began to sense that something was amiss.

Until one day, when Ning Longyang witnessed his best friend and his girlfriend in bed together, he collapsed.

Yet, his collapse wasn't solely due to his girlfriend's betrayal.

He loved Yang Lu deeply, that much was certain. But his feelings for Second son Wu were equally profound, though not in the realm of friendship—there were emotions he couldn't quite comprehend.

Somewhere along the line, Second son Wu had crept into his heart. He found himself not only fond of Yang Lu but also deeply attached to Second son Wu, to the extent that he faintly felt his affection for Second son Wu surpassing that for Yang Lu!

It was because of this realization that when he found his two favorite people in bed together, both betraying him, his entire mental world collapsed. It happened so suddenly, without giving him a moment to catch his breath.

He was in agony, constantly feeling a wrenching pain in his heart as if someone were continuously stabbing him with a knife.

Slowly, the pain in his heart transformed into resentment. Unable to reconcile his feelings, he couldn't bear the psychological torment any longer. Filled with rage and bitterness, he chose to end his life in an extreme manner.

He donned a woman's wig, wore a woman's red robe—being originally male, he felt as if there was still a woman residing in his heart. So, he chose to hang himself in the guise of a woman.

Due to the intense resentment before his death, he found himself halfway into the realm of evil spirits. When he discovered that he had somehow survived in a different form, consumed by boundless resentment, his first thoughts turned to Yang Lu and Second son Wu—he needed an outlet for his anger.

Apart from his parents, no one cared about his death, nor did anyone grieve, including Yang Lu and Second son Wu.

Yang Lu's apparent fondness towards him, her becoming his girlfriend, was driven by concealed motives. As for... ...

In terms of emotions, Yang Lu didn't actually harbor any feelings for him.

And as for Second son Wu, he had even fewer emotions towards him. Second son Wu's amiability towards him was purely because he was interested in Yang Lu and wanted a legitimate reason to get close to her. How could he get along with his girlfriend if he didn't build a good relationship with him?

So, whether it was Yang Lu or Second son Wu, they didn't have any genuine feelings for him. Although his death surprised them and even momentarily evoked guilt, after a few days, they both forgot about him completely and openly became a couple.

He was furious; at that moment, he just wanted to destroy this pair of treacherous lovers. However, he ultimately couldn't bring himself to do it.

He couldn't bear to harm Yang Lu, and he was even more reluctant to harm Second son Wu. So, he followed them silently until Wu Xiaoxiao returned to the villa.

As the story reached this point, Yang Haoran paused, took a sip of water, and continued speaking in one breath. His throat was starting to feel sore.

The reason he knew so much was twofold: one, his ghostly sight allowed him to see the past of the deceased, but this sight was limited to the individual's experiences. Out of curiosity, he also questioned Ning Longyang's soul.

Yang Haoran was the one who captured Ning Longyang's soul in the soul gathering bead. He harbored deep-seated hatred towards Ning Longyang, and ordinarily, he wouldn't have mentioned these things to him. However, under Yang Haoran's persuasive promises, he chose to compromise and disclosed many things to Yang Haoran.

With Ning Longyang's account combined with what his ghostly sight revealed, Yang Haoran could piece together such detailed information.

Of course, after learning the truth, Yang Haoran didn't fulfill his promise to Ning Longyang, which left Ning Longyang furious. That's why when Yang Haoran retrieved the soul gathering bead earlier, Ning Longyang reacted so vehemently.

Guanhai listened intently, some of his doubts unraveling, but there were still lingering questions.

"From what you're saying, the haunting at the Wu Family must have been caused by Ning Longyang, not related to Wu Xiaoxiao summoning the spirit, right?" Guanhai asked.

Yang Haoran shook his head, saying, "It's related, definitely related. If Wu Xiaoxiao hadn't summoned the spirit, things wouldn't have gotten so complicated."

"How so?" Guanhai didn't quite grasp Yang Haoran's point.

"When Wu Xiaoxiao played the spirit-summoning game, Ning Longyang happened to be in the villa that night and was summoned. He appeared in Wu Xiaoxiao's room, and at that moment, an idea occurred to him. Since he couldn't bear to harm Yang Lu and Second son Wu, he decided to vent his anger on other members of the Wu Family. That's why Wu Xiaoxiao was so terrified at the time." Yang Haoran explained.

"What about the other two ghosts?" Guanhai inquired.

"They were also summoned by Wu Xiaoxiao playing the spirit-summoning game. They're undead from the vicinity of the villa, summoned... ..."

Later, he also arrived at the Wu Family. Originally, Ning Longyang had the ability to swallow these two ghosts, but he didn't do so. Instead, he took the two ghosts under his wing."

"The haunting at the Wu Family villa terrified everyone else, but Second son Wu and Yang Lu were not greatly affected. During those few days, strange occurrences did happen to them, but neither of them had actually seen a ghost. It was the other members of the Wu Family who were terrified by Ning Longyang and the other two ghosts."

With Yang Haoran's explanation, Guanhai finally understood the whole story.

"So that's what happened. But this Ning Longyang is quite pitiful," Guanhai sighed.

"Pitiful?" Yang Haoran looked surprised.

"Why, don't you think he's pitiful?" Guanhai asked in return.

"Heh, I don't think he's pitiful at all," Yang Haoran replied confidently.

"Listening to what you just said, Ning Longyang might be bisexual, but that's not his fault," Guanhai said.

"Whether bisexual or homosexual, I treat them all equally. I don't look at them with different eyes. The reason I don't think Ning Longyang is pitiful is because he brought it all upon himself," Yang Haoran said.

"Why?" Guanhai was puzzled.

Yang Haoran smiled, took a sip of water, and asked Guanhai, "Do you think if he hadn't been so bold and didn't actively provoke Yang Lu, would there be a series of subsequent events? Yang Lu was already pregnant, yet he didn't give up. To achieve his despicable goals, he actively tried to please her. Who can he blame?"

"Perhaps Ning Longyang truly loves Yang Lu. His decision to take care of Yang Lu wasn't just to get her body but to win her heart. It's all for love," Guanhai replied with a smile.

Yang Haoran gave him a disdainful look and asked, "Do you believe that?"

Guanhai shook his head with a smile and said, "Of course not. There are few purely platonic relationships between opposite sexes in this world. After hearing Ning Longyang's story just now, I find it hard to believe in friendships between the same sex either."

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in you," Yang Haoran detected Guanhai's hidden meaning and looked disgusted. Then he paused and continued, "I don't just think Ning Longyang isn't pitiful; I think he deserves to die."

"What? When did you become so vicious? Even if he's bold, it's not a crime worthy of death!" Guanhai looked surprised. He said this because he thought of himself. If being bold was a reason to die, then he deserved to be torn to pieces.

Yang Haoran seemed to perceive something from Guanhai's reaction. He said, "It's not what you think. The reason I say he deserves to die is because of something else. Yang Lu's child was developing well in her womb. Do you know why she had a miscarriage?"

These words made Guanhai's expression stiffen. He seemed to have thought of something and tentatively asked, "Are you implying..."

"That's right, the reason for Yang Lu's miscarriage was Ning Longyang's doing," Yang Haoran said.

"No way!"

Guanhai's expression changed significantly upon hearing Yang Haoran's words. Although he didn't think Yang Haoran would deceive him, he couldn't help but blurt out.

"Ning Longyang isn't a good person. Since the beginning, when he started getting close to Yang Lu, he had been planning to get rid of the child in her womb. Because he knew very well that if he didn't remove this child, the relationship between Yang Lu and that man would never end. He was in charge of Yang Lu's daily life, do you think it would be difficult for him to get rid of the child?"

Guanhai nodded; indeed, it wouldn't be difficult at all. It would be strange if Yang Lu managed to keep the child despite Ning Longyang's control over her diet and lifestyle.

"Second son Wu and Yang Lu aren't good people either, but neither is Ning Longyang. Regardless, the child is innocent. Yet, for his own purposes, he didn't hesitate to kill an unborn child, and he didn't feel a shred of guilt. Do you think someone like that deserves pity?"

Faced with Yang Haoran's question, Guanhai fell silent.

"Would you like to hear something even more explosive?" Yang Haoran smiled mysteriously and asked Guanhai.

"What?" Guanhai's face showed curiosity.

"I learned from Ning Longyang that Second son Wu is just a stepping stone for Yang Lu. Her real target now is Master Wu."

This revelation instantly sparked excitement in Guanhai's expression. After a while, he finally managed to speak.

"Good Lord, this is insane! I never imagined Yang Lu to be so ruthless. She doesn't hold back at all!"


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