Realm of the Night God

Chapter 156: Guardian Spirit of an Ordinary Person


Yang Haoran was panting heavily, clearly exhausted, but when his gaze fell upon Du Xiao's soul body, a faint smile appeared on his face.

Despite the significant expenditure, he had ultimately succeeded.

Practice makes perfect; the next time he undertook such a task, it shouldn't be as arduous. With some experience, he would know how to conserve Yin spirit power more efficiently.

Summoning the soul gathering bead, Yang Haoran captured Du Xiao's soul within it.

Inside the soul gathering bead, the skin ghost continued to roar furiously, like a raging tiger.

However, when it noticed Du Xiao's soul also trapped within the soul gathering bead, it quieted down, transforming from a raging tiger into a docile cat.

Before he could wipe the sweat from his face, Yang Haoran sensed a surge of power heading towards his location. Judging by the strength of this power surge, it was likely Wang Yiming approaching.

Sure enough, following the trail of the power surge, Wang Yiming was running towards his location.

Meanwhile, Yang Haoran pondered how to explain the situation to Wang Yiming.

As Wang Yiming swiftly arrived before Yang Haoran, he observed Yang Haoran's sweaty and pale appearance, noting his weakened state with concern.

His expression changed again when he noticed Du Xiao's corpse behind Yang Haoran, his surprise evident.

"Brother Yang, what happened to you? And what's the situation here?" Wang Yiming asked, puzzled. It was apparent that Yang Haoran's visit here had encountered more than a few issues.

"I pursued the skin ghost here. With the heavy Yin Qi and the presence of the undead, I couldn't allow the skin ghost to recuperate here. So, I aimed to capture it in the soul gathering bead as quickly as possible, but then this guy showed up unexpectedly," Yang Haoran explained, glancing at Du Xiao's corpse, indicating him as the unexpected intruder.

"Do you know about spirit masters?" Yang Haoran inquired of Wang Yiming.

Startled, Wang Yiming responded, "Of course, I know about spirit masters. They enhance their strength by nurturing ghosts and are also adversaries to your Yin Division. Is this guy a spirit master?"

Yang Haoran nodded, then continued, "You can inspect his body. There's still residual Yin Qi, and his spirit communication power hasn't completely dissipated."

Without hesitation, Wang Yiming approached and began examining Du Xiao's corpse while Yang Haoran provided further details.

"This guy tried to snatch the skin ghost from me and sign a contract with it, making it his guardian yin spirit. So, we fought, and he ended up like this," Yang Haoran recounted.

Once Wang Yiming finished his examination, he stood up and spoke, "This guy is definitely a spirit master. I've encountered spirit masters before, and I recognize the residual spirit communication power within him."

At this point, Wang Yiming seemed to recall something. His gaze shifted to Yang Haoran as he continued, "Brother Yang, don't worry. Spirit Police won't interfere in the grudges between you and Yin Division. If you need this body, feel free to take it. We'll handle the rest."

Upon hearing this, Yang Haoran chuckled and shook his head, saying, "I've already forcibly extracted his soul. I'll hand it over to my superiors for judgment. As for the body, it serves me no purpose. Right now, I'm more concerned about how to deal with it."

Wang Yiming's eyes brightened, a rare smile appearing on his usually stern face. "If you don't need it, Spirit Police will take it?" he suggested.

Although slightly puzzled, Yang Haoran agreed, "If you need it, take it. I'm just curious about what Spirit Police would do with a corpse."

Wang Yiming hesitated for a moment but then explained, "Almost any non-ordinary person's body holds some value. We need them for research. The findings can not only enhance Spirit Police's capabilities but also help us understand weaknesses of such beings. With that knowledge, we can develop weapons or other products. When dealing with criminals of this nature, Spirit Police will have an easier time."

Yang Haoran was surprised by this revelation, his brows furrowing slightly. He hadn't held Spirit Police in high regard previously, believing their capabilities were limited. However, Wang Yiming's words made him reconsider.

Seeing Yang Haoran's expression, Wang Yiming worried that he might have offended him and quickly explained, "Don't think badly of Spirit Police. We have no choice. With so many individuals possessing various abilities in this world, if we don't take these measures, how can we maintain peace? If Spirit Police didn't have some tricks up our sleeves, other organizations or religions wouldn't respect us. The world would likely descend into chaos."

Yang Haoran nodded in agreement, but then a question occurred to him, and he asked with a smile, "Do Spirit Police also study the weaknesses of Underworld Envoys?"

Wang Yiming's expression turned awkward, regretting his earlier words.

" do I put this?" Wang Yiming hesitated, unsure how to respond to Yang Haoran's question.

Yang Haoran smiled knowingly and said, "I know you conduct research too. Over the years, Spirit Police must have obtained numerous bodies of Underworld Envoys for study. It wouldn't be surprising if you've made some progress."

Wang Yiming looked nervous. "Please don't misunderstand. Our relationship with Yin Division has always been good. We both uphold order, one in the mortal realm and the other in the underworld. In major matters, we cooperate fully. So, please don't ruin our relationship. It's essential for maintaining stability."

Yang Haoran understood but merely smiled, saying nothing. Wang Yiming took this opportunity to change the subject.

"I'll have someone come to remove this body. Leaving it here could cause trouble if an ordinary person stumbles upon it."

With that, Wang Yiming took out his mobile phone, made a quick call, exchanged a few words, then hung up.

"Yiming, there's something I've been wanting to ask you, but I never found the right opportunity. I think now is as good a time as any," Yang Haoran said, his expression turning serious as he looked at Wang Yiming.

Wang Yiming rarely saw Yang Haoran wearing such an expression, feeling a mix of curiosity and unease. He thought Yang Haoran might be about to inquire about the research on Yin Division's weaknesses again.

"Heh, what is it, Brother Yang? Feel free to ask, but please, don't put me in a tight spot. Many things between us are confidential. Coming out here has already broken the rules, so..." Wang Yiming's smile seemed forced, the kind that felt awkward no matter how you looked at it.

"Don't worry, this time I won't put you in a difficult position. I just have some simple questions," Yang Haoran reassured him.

Upon hearing this, Wang Yiming felt a bit relieved, and Yang Haoran continued.

"Spirit Police usually handle special cases. What specific procedures do you follow for such cases? I know some, but I'm not very clear on the details. Could you enlighten me?"

Wang Yiming sighed in relief, then proceeded to explain in detail to Yang Haoran.

"Usually, if there's a malevolent spirit causing trouble, disrupting the lives of ordinary people, we respond to the situation and intervene. We try to capture malevolent spirits alive whenever possible. If not possible, we eliminate them directly."

"Once the target is eliminated, and it's confirmed that there are no remaining threats to ordinary people, we consider the mission successful. Just like...don't be offended, but like the last Yangjia Bay zombie incident. With the zombie gone and the mastermind dead, our mission was accomplished."

Yang Haoran raised an eyebrow and asked, "Master Zhou from the last Yangjia Bay incident died at the hands of me and my friend, not by your hands. Does that still count?"

Wang Yiming continued, "Of course, it counts. As long as the target is eliminated, regardless of the means, our mission is considered complete. After all, our main objective is to restore normalcy to the lives of ordinary people and ensure their safety isn't threatened."

Pointing to Du Xiao's corpse on the ground, Wang Yiming added, "Regarding conflicts among non-ordinary persons like yours, as long as they don't affect or harm ordinary people, we, Spirit Police, won't interfere. There's no need. Regular police won't either because they can't."

"However, if non-ordinary persons harm ordinary people, we step in. In such cases, we try to capture the perpetrator alive. If that's not possible, we have to eliminate them to prevent further harm to ordinary people."

"Our duty as Spirit Police is to protect ordinary people, ensuring they have a safe living space in this complex and dangerous world. We only need to focus on this. Other matters, even if we want to handle them, we lack the capacity to do so."

After Wang Yiming's explanation, Yang Haoran finally gained a comprehensive understanding of this aspect. He felt a deep admiration for Spirit Police. The world was never as peaceful as it seemed on the surface, with numerous extraordinary individuals. Without Spirit Police guarding the world, chaos would surely reign.

Without Spirit Police, individuals with special abilities would freely harm ordinary people to achieve their goals, leaving ordinary people with little space to survive and living in constant fear.

The reason ordinary people could enjoy a safe and peaceful life was due to a group of people silently protecting and safeguarding them with their lives. Otherwise, life would be a tragedy, and extra-ordinary people would be the main characters.

Although Underworld Envoys also had the duty to maintain order in the mortal realm, it only applied to malevolent spirits disrupting that order. Apart from that, other matters weren't under the jurisdiction of Yin Division.

Spirit Police, however, were different. They not only dealt with malevolent spirits but also handled various incidents threatening the safety of ordinary people. Their workload was significant.

Perhaps it was precisely because Spirit Police had limited manpower and a heavy workload that they didn't have too many rules and regulations. They just needed to diligently protect ordinary people.

"I'm not a Spirit Police officer, but next time, if you encounter any special cases related to undead, you can let me handle it. I'll rush over immediately," Yang Haoran offered.

Upon hearing this, Wang Yiming felt delighted. "Really?" he asked, somewhat uncertain.

"Absolutely!" Yang Haoran's response was firm.

"Are you trying to earn a reward from us? We'll definitely reward you, but our funds are mainly used for research, and our organization is quite poor," Wang Yiming asked, somewhat worried.

"I'm not interested in money anymore. Just hand over the undead I subdue to me. Besides, it's part of my duty," Yang Haoran replied with a smile.

"Alright! It's a deal!"

Wang Yiming was excited, as if afraid Yang Haoran might change his mind.

"Once the team leader knows about this, he'll be very pleased. Previously, your Yin Division had a Night Watch who cooperated with us for a long time, a woman who was very capable. But now, she seems to have disappeared. Our team leader was planning to talk to your Divine Envoy Deng Feng about it. I didn't expect you to bring it up on your own. This is great! Let me call the team leader right away!"

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! BokuBoku]


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