Realm of the Night God

Chapter 144: Talisman Master Power Seed

Chapter 144: Talisman Master Power Seed

The appearance of Sister Ping and the young nurse not only failed to awaken Guo Yu from her madness but instead heightened her emotions, with the young nurse even getting bitten by her in her frenzy.

Secondly, this incident spread within the department where Guo Yu worked; some speculated that Guo Yu had encountered evil spirits last night, hence her madness.

Others believed that Guo Yu was already ill, and it just happened to manifest last night.

Among the medical staff, few believed that Guo Yu had been possessed by evil spirits, considering their professional standing; how could they believe in such superstitions?

Of course, not all medical staff were skeptics; there were a few with different perspectives.

Interestingly, the patients and their families on the floor didn't think Guo Yu was sick; instead, the vast majority believed she had encountered evil spirits.

Regardless of belief, Guo Yu's incident did have some impact on their department and the floor they were on.

On the second night, Guo Yu didn't show up for work, nor did she inform her superiors; she was absent without leave.

Days passed, and Guo Yu still didn't show up for work; she couldn't be reached by phone. Concerned for her well-being, the hospital authorities reported her missing to the police.

The result? Guo Yu's body was found in her apartment, already dead for several days.

Her expression at the time of death was one of terror, as if she had been scared to death by something horrifying.

According to forensic examination, the exact time of Guo Yu's death was determined.

She died shortly after returning home from her night shift, seemingly scared to death by something.

Guo Yu's sudden death shocked her colleagues in the department, leaving them both alarmed and fearful.

Those who had previously dismissed the idea of Guo Yu encountering evil spirits now found the matter somewhat eerie, while those who had believed before now had their beliefs reinforced.

At some point, rumors began circulating within the hospital about the existence of a "skin ghost."

Every nightfall, a man with a foolish smile would appear in the hospital. He appeared to be in his thirties, with a rustic appearance, dressed like a farmer.

Sometimes he would appear in the restroom, sometimes in the hallway, sometimes in the courtyard. Each time he appeared, he would randomly select a lucky individual and reveal a body burnt all over, with a mouth devoid of teeth, asking them to lend him their skin.

"Could you lend me your skin?"

Every time he appeared, he would utter these words to his target. Gradually, he became known as the "skin ghost" among the hospital staff.

This matter spread further within the hospital, garnering both believers and skeptics. But regardless of belief, it brought about an unsettling atmosphere within the hospital.


Yang Haoran was currently quite content. After relentless efforts over some time, he had finally succeeded in mastering the Soul-Confusion Technique, albeit at the rudimentary level.

Although it was still at a basic level, Yang Haoran was immensely pleased with his achievement.

To him, the Soul-Confusion Technique was a rather bizarre occult art. Mastering such an art would greatly benefit him in the future.

The only drawback was that this technique couldn't be actively cast on a target; it could only be passively triggered. The success of its activation depended on luck and the practitioner's mastery of the technique.

The higher the mastery of the Soul-Confusion Technique, the greater the chance of successful activation. Conversely, with lower mastery, both the activation and success rates would decrease significantly.

Improving the mastery of the Soul-Confusion Technique didn't require constant practice. Once mastered, each passive activation, whether successful or not, would increase proficiency. The stronger the target, the more proficiency gained, and vice versa.

When the proficiency of the Soul-Confusion Technique reached a certain level, it would automatically advance to the next stage without any bottlenecks or breakthroughs required from the practitioner.

In other words, once the Soul-Confusion Technique was successfully mastered, there was no need for further practice; the focus shifted to enhancing its proficiency.

To protect his privacy, before returning to Yangjia Bay, Yang Haoran sealed the Soul Gathering Bead with a soundproofing enchantment, preventing the ghosts inside from hearing external sounds.

At the same time, he also left a layer of Yin Qi on the surface of the Soul Gathering Bead. The presence of this Yin Qi prevented the ghosts inside the Soul Gathering Bead from seeing the outside world.

It was precisely because of these preparations that Yang Haoran felt confident in going about his business. Otherwise, if any of his secrets were leaked, it wouldn't bode well for him.

After all, the souls inside the Soul Gathering Bead were meant to be handed over. Who knew what these souls would reveal once they were handed over to Deng Feng?

Although such a thing might not necessarily happen, Deng Feng might not be so idle, but it was always good to be cautious. It was better not to wait until trouble arose before taking action, as it might be too late then.

In addition to successfully mastering the Soul-Confusion Technique, Yang Haoran also successfully cultivated a Talisman Master's Power Seed within his body.

The Night Watch's Power Seed was the Death Mark Seal planted by the Burial Master. This Death Mark Seal was located on the forehead and was invisible to the naked eye. However, with the Eye Technique, one could discover the Death Mark Seal on the Night Watch's forehead.

Similarly, the Talisman Master's Power Seed was also located on the forehead. However, unlike the Death Mark Seal, this Power Seed was a rune, similar in size to the Death Mark Seal and also invisible to the naked eye. It could only be seen under specific circumstances.

With the Talisman Master's Power Seed, one could cultivate Symbol Spirit Power. The stronger the Power Seed, the more terrifying the Symbol Spirit Power that could be unleashed.

How to enhance the Talisman Master's Power Seed was different from the Yin Division.

People of the Yin Division strengthened their Power Seed by absorbing pure Yin Qi. However, to enhance the Talisman Master's Power Seed, one needed to absorb Earth Spirit Qi.

Before cultivating the Talisman Master's Power Seed, Yang Haoran's greatest concern was that the Symbol Spirit Power of the Talisman Master would clash with the Yin Spirit Power within his body, causing certain damage to his body. However, fortunately, the scene he worried about did not occur.

After successfully cultivating the Talisman Master's Power Seed within him, his body naturally possessed Symbol Spirit Power. Although this Symbol Spirit Power was weak, it did exist. Perhaps it was because this Symbol Spirit Power was cultivated by himself, so there was no rejection between it and the Yin Spirit Power.

Not only was there no rejection, but these two kinds of powers also coexisted harmoniously in his body and could even be switched at will.

When in the state of the Underworld Envoy, he emitted Yin Qi from his body, and the Yin Spirit Power circulated within him. Without special means, it was impossible to sense the existence of Symbol Spirit Power within him.

Similarly, when in the state of the Talisman Master, all the Yin Qi on his body would be absorbed into his body, emitting Spirit Qi from his body, and the Symbol Spirit Power would circulate within him as well.

Back when he had just become a Night Watch, he racked his brains to find a way to absorb the Yin Qi emitted from his body into his body without affecting the people around him. He even consulted Wang Yiming specifically for this purpose, hoping to obtain some special talismans from him to lock the Yin Qi. However, there were no results.

But now, he no longer needed to absorb the Yin Qi into his body, yet he unintentionally achieved this through the mistake of the Underworld Envoy. It was truly a case of reaping what you did not sow.

Sometimes fate was like this; the more you tried to do something, sometimes despite all your efforts and brainstorming, you couldn't get what you wanted. But when you gave up, it sometimes succeeded inadvertently.

In the face of this, what else could Yang Haoran do besides sighing at the fickleness of fate?

Although he had cultivated the Talisman Master's Power Seed within his body, it didn't mean that Yang Haoran had become a Talisman Master. Having the Talisman Master's Power Seed within his body only indicated the presence of Symbol Spirit Power within him. To truly become a Talisman Master, there was one crucial step left, and that was to draw talismans.

Only by successfully drawing talismans could one be considered a true Talisman Master, and this process would be long and tedious.

Although he understood this, Yang Haoran still had to do it because he had no choice.

Drawing talismans as a Yellow Talisman Master required talisman paper, talisman brush, and cinnabar.

The talisman paper could be ordinary yellow paper, and there were many choices for the talisman brush, but it was best to choose a talisman brush with sufficient spiritual properties. As for cinnabar, it could be bought at the hospital.

So, he prepared to make a trip to the largest hospital in Lecheng.

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! BokuBoku]


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