Realm of the Night God

Chapter 130: Perpetrator and Victim

Chapter 130: Perpetrator and Victim

Turning to Xu Meijing for this matter was indeed a good choice, but awkwardly, Yang Haoran didn't have Xu Meijing's contact information.

Within the entire Lecheng Night Watch, apart from Xu Meijing's contact details, he had all other contacts. Without her contact information, if he wanted to consult her about the dark yin stone, he would have to pay her a visit.

However, Yang Haoran quickly dismissed this idea. It wasn't ideal to visit someone during the New Year's holidays; there was a good chance they wouldn't be home. Besides, he didn't want to go anywhere during this time. He just wanted to stay home quietly because he wouldn't stay for long; he had to return to Lecheng.

Of course, apart from visiting Xu Meijing, there was another option: asking other Night Watch members for Xu Meijing's contact information.

Yet, Yang Haoran also discarded this thought. The reason was simple: he and Xu Meijing didn't get along. This fact was known to all Night Watch members in Lecheng. If he suddenly asked for her contact information, especially during the festive season, it might arouse suspicion. Even though the possibility was small, he wanted to minimize the risk to zero.

After careful consideration, he decided to wait until he returned to Lecheng to inquire about Xu Meijing. After all, she wouldn't stay at his grandmother's place for long.

For safety's sake, he had to suppress the restlessness in his heart and postpone this matter.

"Oh, I almost forgot something important."

Suddenly, Yang Haoran seemed to remember something, his eyes narrowing, and a rare cold light bursting out of them.

The soul gathering bead embedded in his ring fell off, then quickly returned to its original state, floating in front of him.

Calculating the time, Master Zhou's soul should have awakened by now. Yang Haoran harbored a deep hatred for Master Zhou, unlike anything he had ever felt before. This seemingly amiable Master Zhou was the only one!

With this in mind, he didn't hesitate. He directly extracted Master Zhou's soul from the soul gathering bead.

Regardless of Master Zhou's abilities in life or his cunning, the undead formed by his soul after death was ultimately just an ordinary undead. For Yang Haoran of the Night Watch, such ordinary undead posed no threat. Even the hope of escaping from him was futile.

Master Zhou had grievances before his death, and he felt aggrieved. Coupled with his own abilities, if he had made preparations before his death, the undead formed by his soul might have been different, even becoming an evil spirit was possible.

However, his soul was forcibly extracted by Xu Meijing from his corpse and then forcibly condensed. In such a case, no matter how strong the undead formed was, it was weaker than an ordinary undead.

As soon as Master Zhou's soul was extracted, a white shadow shot towards the wall, seemingly trying to use it as cover to escape.

Yang Haoran was prepared. Without any panic, he sat on the chair without even moving his buttocks and just waved his hand towards Master Zhou's soul!

As he waved his hand, Yin spirit power roared out, and a black chain clanked, instantly appearing on Master Zhou's body, securely binding his lower body, while Master Zhou's upper body had already merged into the wall.

One end of the black chain bound Master Zhou's soul, while the other end was held by Yang Haoran.

With a powerful tug of the chain, Yang Haoran forcibly pulled Master Zhou's soul, which had merged into the wall, out and placed it in front of him.

Master Zhou looked startled. Seeing Yang Haoran so close, he tried to force a smile on his face.

This smile lacked the confidence it had in the cave; it was merely a failed attempt to conceal his panic.

"Haoran, I..."

Before Master Zhou could finish speaking, Yang Haoran slapped him across the face.

With Yin spirit power enveloping his palm, this slap dimmed Master Zhou's soul slightly.

Before Master Zhou could react, Yang Haoran landed several more slaps one after another. With each slap, Master Zhou's soul dimmed a bit more.

For anyone, being slapped in the face was humiliating. But even more humiliating was not being given the chance to speak and just being continuously slapped!

This was exactly what Yang Haoran did. After extracting Master Zhou's soul from the soul gathering bead, he didn't say anything. He just started slapping Master Zhou's face, leaving him bewildered.

"Stop hitting me! Haoran, please stop! I beg you! Please!"

Master Zhou pleaded in terror, but Yang Haoran ignored him. With one hand holding the chain to prevent Master Zhou from dodging and the other continuously slapping, Yang Haoran kept going.

It wasn't because his anger had dissipated. His hatred for Master Zhou wouldn't diminish just because of a few slaps. He stopped because if he continued, Master Zhou's soul would dissipate.

There were many days ahead, and Yang Haoran didn't want Master Zhou to have such an easy way out. He would educate Master Zhou properly, make him understand that there were consequences for his actions, albeit through somewhat violent means.

"You don't need to feign innocence in front of me. You fooled me once. Do you think I'll let you fool me a second time?" Yang Haoran looked coldly at Master Zhou and asked in a chilling tone.

At this moment, Master Zhou indeed looked pitiful. He kept begging for mercy and pleading, while Yang Haoran continued to slap him. Moreover, considering Master Zhou's age, it made him appear even more pitiful.

If someone unfamiliar with the situation witnessed this scene, they would most likely consider Yang Haoran a scoundrel for treating an elder's soul in such a manner. They might even think of him as worse than an animal.

Such people were not uncommon in this world. They didn't understand the situation, relying solely on a one-sided understanding of people or events. They thought they knew the whole story, condemning the alleged perpetrators with righteousness, upholding their own version of justice. However, they never realized that their actions ultimately protected the real perpetrators and harmed the victims.

At this moment, Master Zhou appeared to be a victim, exuding helplessness and pity. On the other hand, Yang Haoran, with his fierce demeanor, seemed like a complete villain.

But who knew that this seemingly helpless and pitiful Master Zhou was the mastermind behind turning the entire Yangjia Bay into a ghost village? He turned everyone into corpse puppets, targeting men, women, and children alike. Did he truly deserve pity?

Seeing that his pleas had no effect, Master Zhou didn't give up. He wasn't foolish enough to confront Yang Haoran head-on. He knew his current situation well. Any carelessness would result in his soul dissipating. So, he could only make himself appear even more pitiful, hoping to garner sympathy from Yang Haoran while also praying for a miracle, hoping that a skilled individual would pass by, see his plight, and intervene.

"Haoran, listen to me, please listen to me. I have my reasons, I..."


Before he could finish his sentence, Yang Haoran slapped him again, abruptly cutting him off.

By now, Master Zhou had become extremely weak. If Yang Haoran continued to slap him, his soul would disperse.

He dared not speak again, afraid that if he did, Yang Haoran would slap him again.

Although he knew that Yang Haoran harbored a deep hatred for him and wouldn't let his soul dissipate so easily, he was too afraid to take the risk because he couldn't afford to lose. Once he lost the gamble, there would be no turning back.

Seeing Master Zhou lying on the ground like a dead dog, his soul becoming increasingly faint, resembling nothing more than a faint white shadow, Yang Haoran stopped his assault. Instead, he swung the chain in his hand, causing Master Zhou's soul to land on the altar.

He didn't release the chain binding Master Zhou but instead used Yin spirit power to turn it into multiple chains, firmly securing Master Zhou's soul to the altar, forcing him to kneel in front of it.

"Rest for a moment. There are still many days ahead. I'll accompany you slowly."

With his back turned to Yang Haoran, Master Zhou's eyes flashed with a cold light, his expression becoming ferocious.

This demeanor was completely different from the pitiful and helpless one he had just displayed in front of Yang Haoran.

Yang Haoran couldn't see Master Zhou's current expression, and even if he could, he wouldn't care. He knew that Master Zhou's display of helplessness in front of him was a facade.

He instructed Master Zhou to rest for a moment, but how could Yang Haoran let him truly rest? Besides, kneeling wasn't a form of rest.

Yang Haoran ignored Master Zhou kneeling at the altar. Suddenly, he remembered that before leaving the cave, he had taken Master Zhou's bag. Since then, he hadn't opened it. Now that he had some free time, it was a good opportunity to see what was inside. Perhaps he would discover something useful.

He didn't know what was inside Master Zhou's bag. However, when they were in the cave, he saw Master Zhou take out talismans from it. He had experienced the effects of Master Zhou's lock yin talisman and witnessed the miraculousness of the earth escape talisman. Subconsciously, he thought that there might be more miraculous talismans in Master Zhou's bag. Thus, before leaving, he took the bag with him.

However, after returning to Yangjia Bay, he hadn't had the time or the inclination to inspect the bag. Now, he could finally confirm its contents. Anything useful would be kept, and anything unnecessary would be destroyed.

[Heartfelt thankyou for the support! BokuBoku]


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