Realm of Monsters

Chapter 45: A Misunderstanding

Chapter 45: A Misunderstanding

Stryg what are we doing here? Plum asked while rubbing her freezing arms.

We are waiting, Stryg said.

Yes, I got that part. But, why are we waiting in an alleyway with only snow and icicles to keep us company. The least we could have done was gotten hot chocolate.

Plum was decked in winter clothing, but she was still cold. Stryg wasnt surprised, Plum wasnt known for her robust physique.

This is the commoner district, they dont sell that here, Stryg said.

How do you know? Have you checked every single block for hot chocolate?

Nope, but I dont need any hot chocolate.

Well, I do. Im going to go find some.

No, youre not. Remember, you owe me. Were going to wait. Once were done, then we can go buy some.

Fine, but youre paying, Plum pouted.

Sure, whatever.

Arent you cold with just that light jacket? You dont even have mittens or a scarf.

Im fine Plum. Just worry about your own thermal weaknesses.

Hey, Im just saying, its cold outs-

Shh. Stryg put his finger on her lips.

Plum froze, her face turned a grey-scarlet.

There she is, Stryg said.

Plum glanced at the lone goblin girl who walked down the snow-covered street. Before Plum had a chance to ask who she was, Stryg had already dashed away. He silently ran up behind Karen and kicked her legs from under her. Stryg caught her as she fell, put her in a chokehold, and dragged her back into the alleway. Karen kicked the snow in a futile struggle to escape.

What are you doing! Plum asked in dread.

Relax, Im not going to kill her. I just need to ask her some questions, Stryg lied.

He wasnt going to kill Karen in front of Plum at least. Hed wait until the drow was long gone before hed end Karens life. He didnt want Plum involved with the goblins death, plus he still needed Plums help.

Stryg? Karen managed to gasp out.

Karens hands clawed at Strygs arm, but it was useless. Stryg found it strange how all the goblins in Hollow Shade filed their claws to appear like the other species. They had given up their greatest natural weapon and now Karen was paying the price for it.

Ask her some questions? You basically just kidnapped this girl. Why did you bring me here? Plum began to panic.

Plum, look at me. Everything is going to be fine. Just listen to me, Stryg said.

Please, please, tell me you have a good reason for what youre doing, Plum pleaded.

Fine. This girl here, her name is Karen. She is part of a goblin gang. She once lured me into a trap and I was ambushed by the rest of her gang. I almost died, but the guards managed to intervene in time. Karen and the other gang members managed to escape. I finally found her recently and now Karen is going to tell me where the others are.

Plums nose wrinkled, Im sorry that happened to you Stryg, I really am. But, even if Karen did tell you where they were, which I dont think she literally can. Youre choking her, stop it.

Stryg released the hold enough for Karen to take short quick breaths.

Plum continued, What are you going to do if you find the others?

Kill them obviously. They are gangsters, you dont have to worry about any repercussions. The city will be happy to be rid of them. Plus, I know one of the guard captains, itll be fine.

No, it wont be. You cant just kill people, Stryg! Dont you remember what happened to my father?

Thats different. He got in trouble because an innocent man died. These gangsters arent innocent.

Plum frowned, That wasnt the point of that story. My father was considered a criminal, the city thought his death necessary, but it affected his family horribly, my family. The gangsters could have families of their own, innocent people. If they arent arrested, but killed how many people will that affect? Life is precious, all of it.

Stryg narrowed his eyes. That might have been the stupidest thing he had ever heard. What about the animals killed for food? Was he supposed to let them live and die of starvation? No, this wasnt the time to debate Plums ideals.

To be honest, Stryg didnt care if the gangsters were innocent or not. Stryg only cared that they had attacked him, they were his enemy. The Blood Fang tribe taught him an important rule in life. Kill your enemies before they kill you. But, by Plums logic no one should be killed, which was ludicrous. He obviously disagreed with her logic, but Plums mind was clearly made and he still needed her help. So, he made a compromise.

Okay, I wont attack them. Once I find out where they are staying Ill call the guards to arrest them for their crimes.

So they cant hurt others? Plum asked wearily.

...Of course, Stryg nodded.

With the captain Roriks help, he could testify against the thugs for attacking a mageborn. They would be swiftly executed. Stryg would rather personally end them, but hed be willing to let the shades do the job. Either way they would die.

Okay, then let her go, Plum said.

Stryg released Karen from her chokehold and threw her at the wall. Karen coughed in pain as her back smashed into the stone. She slumped to the ground.

What was that for?! Plum shouted.

I don't want her running away. She doesnt deserve your sympathy Plum.

Hes right. I dont. Karen rubbed her neck. ...Im sorry Stryg. For that day. It should never have happened.

Im not interested in your lies, Stryg snapped. Plum, I need your help for this part.

What are you talking about? Plum took a step back.

Youre a purple mage. I want you to use the mind spell form when I question her.

Karen looked at the drow in fear. This woman was a mage? Karen thought she was dead the moment Stryg appeared, but after Plum convinced him not to kill the gang, she thought she might have a chance. Now Karen knew she was doomed.

But, I specialize in illusion spells, Plum said.

Yes, but from what you told me you can cast at least simple mind spells. All I need you to do is to tell me if shes lying or not. Its easy, no one will get hurt, Stryg said.

Plum looked at Karen with uncertainty. The girl was a gangster, she might have already hurt a lot of people, maybe even killed some. If Plum helped Stryg she could help prevent more death.

You owe me, Plum. Thats why youre here, Stryg reminded.

Plum sighed, How did I get myself into this?

Plum raised her hand and stretched out her fingers. Small strands of purple energy formed around each finger. She flexed her hand and as if one cue the pale tendrils drifted through the air to Karen. Karens eyes opened in fear, she tried to swipe the tendrils away, but Stryg held her hands down. The tips of the purple threads landed on Karens head and flared with soft light.

Im ready, make it quick, I cant keep the spell up for long. Plus, I dont like doing this, Plum said.

Got it. Stryg looked at Karen, Where are the other gang members?

Karen frowned, Im so sorry that you were hurt, Stryg. I really am.

Thats not what I asked, Stryg sneered. He was getting tired of her lies.

Shes telling the truth, Plum said.

What? Stryg blinked. That couldnt be true. How could someone have empathy for their enemy?

Karen went on, I didnt know they were going to attack you that day. I had seen you running away from the others that morning. They told me to keep an eye out for you. But, I didnt do it for them. You interested me and when I finally met you, I only grew more curious. I actually had fun that day, you were a breath of fresh air in this wretched city. I wanted to hear about your world, how different your life was compared to the rest of us, compared to my wretched own. I never expected the others to find us. I didnt want them to.

That. T-that cant be, his forehead furrowed.

She was supposed to be his enemy. He hated her for all these months, and used that hate in his spell casting. He had anxiously waited for the day he could have his revenge. It wasnt supposed to be like this.

Why? Why didnt you help your boyfriend Jax? Why help me instead? Stryg asked.

Karen wiped the tears forming in her eyes, You dont understand. I joined the gang because of Jax, he was handsome and he was nice. But, it was a lie. He just wanted a cute face to help steal for him, that and a quick fuck. And I was the stupid girl who fell for it.

At first it was just a bit of pickpocketing, I even kept most of the money. But, its gotten so much worse, everything is fucked up now. I dont keep any of the money and the jobs have only escalated. W-we robbed a store in the trade district the other day. The guards have been searching for us. I dont know what to do anymore.

Stryg glanced at Plum who nodded silently in confirmation.

You havent gone home? Stryg asked.

Not since the robbery. I was planning to stop by my house to get some food today though.

You said things got so much worse. Is your relationship with this Jax guy okay? Plum asked.

Are you asking if we're madly in love? No, I hate him. Karen scowled, Or are you asking if he still fucks me?

I didnt mean it like that. Im sorry, Plum looked down.

Of course they still have sex, Stryg said.

They were still a couple, right? Why wouldnt they?

It was a rhetorical question, youre not supposed to answer it, Plum chastised.

Is it that obvious? Karen laughed at herself. Jax does what he wants.

You must not have much of a choice in the matter. You're the beta in the relationship after all, Stryg surmised.

Stryg was well aware of how tribe hierarchy worked and a gang was supposed to be quite similar. The alpha, or leader, would lead and the betas would follow no matter what.

Stryg, just be quiet, Plum said.

No, hes right. I wouldnt say it like that, but it doesnt change the facts, Karen took a shaky breath.

The purple tendrils flared with light.

Plums mouth hung open in horror, Hes not the only one.

What? Stryg was confused.

They do it together, cover all the gaps, they like to say, Karen broke into tears.

Stryg grimaced in comprehension. She wasnt just the alphas woman. She wasnt a beta, she was the omega of the gang.

I just want it all to end. I dont even care how anymore. You want to know where they are, Ill tell you everything I know. Theyre moving around right now because of the guards search, but theyll settle down soon. Ill tell you where they are the moment they do. After that, you can do whatever you want to me, beat me, imprison me, have this drow woman curse me, kill me yourself, I dont care anymore. Just make it end, Karen said, the light in her eyes gone.

This shouldnt be happening. Stryg had imagined how Karen must have laughed at him countless times for his foolishness in falling into her trap. Maybe she had gotten angry that he had survived. He imagined Karen at Jaxs side, leading the other gangsters in battle. Karen, a proud goblin warrior and trickster. He never pictured her a broken girl. He had hated her for so long, he could feel the anger practically bubbling out. Now it only tasted like ash in his mouth.

Stryg stood up, Were done here, Plum.

Plum lowered her hand, the purple magic faded from existence, Please, forgive us, Karen. I promise Stryg and I will help in whatever way we can.

Stryg said nothing. He wouldnt promise that, he couldnt bring himself to. He didnt know how to feel about Karen anymore. As for the other gangsters, he would deal with them himself.

Its getting dark, we should get going. Stay inside your house tonight, Karen. Some sentinels have been acting up around these blocks. Lets go, Plum, Stryg said.

Plums eyes darted between Stryg and Karen. Plum bowed her head to Karen and followed Stryg out of the cold alleyway.

Wait! How will I find you? Karen stumbled after them.

Go to the magic academy, and ask for me, Stryg turned to her.

Youre a mage too? Karen asked with round eyes.

Im a novice, but shell be a full-fledged adept come spring, Stryg pointed his thumb at Plum. We can handle those thugs, no problem.

Plum looked at Stryg in surprise. She knew that Stryg valued her fighting skills very poorly. What was he thinking?

Karen bit her lip and prostrated in front of the two, Thank you.

Plum went to pull Karen up, but Stryg held her back. This was a goblin willing to give up her honor.

Dont demean her sacrifice, Plum. Theres nothing more we can do here and she needs to get home before the sun sets, Stryg said.

Plum followed reluctantly. They left the commoner district in silence.

Once they passed the bourge district, Plum spoke up, Poor girl. Hollow Shade is cruel to everyone, but especially the poor and weak. It crushes them with no remorse.

Thats not this city. Thats the world, Plum. Youll find it the same everywhere, Stryg said.

Maybe, Plum glanced at the evening sky. Maybe this whole Realm is full of monsters who prey on others. But, I have to hope there is some good in this place.

Dont count on it.

Youre pessimistic you know that?

Im pragmatic, its different.

Plum shook her head, yet stayed silent.

Once they neared the scholar district she spoke again, I think she might like you.

Karen? Stryg chuckled. Are you kidding me? I just slammed her into a wall. I think wanting to be my friend is one of the last things on her mind.

I mean, as in romantically, Plum rolled her eyes.

Ah, I know that one, not personally, but Loh taught me the concept recently. Still, I dont think Karen has any romantic idea about me, because again, I slammed her into a wall, oh, and choked her too.

Besides, Stryg didnt really think anyone could have romantic feelings for an odd creature like him.

Plum sighed, Well, lets just say that she did like you.

Im guessing you're going somewhere with this?

Well, Im just wondering, how you might feel about her?

Stryg sighed, Plum, Ive hated her since I arrived in this city. I saw her as an enemy that I looked forward to killing for months. Now I find out she was never my enemy, that she genuinely wanted to help me, and I just I dont know what to feel. Romance is definitely not it.

Stryg Plum looped her arm into his.

Im fine. Stop giving me that look of pity, Stryg said.

Its not pity, Im just worried about you, Plum gave a lopsided grin.

Stryg didn't respond to that, but he didnt pull away either. Instead he tried changing the topic, Why the question anyway, is she your type?

Plum put a finger to her chin, I mean shes cute, but I dont really know her very well.

What, so now you need to know someone very well to like them?

Plum glanced at Stryg, Something like that.


Jax walked down the snow-covered streets. He covered his face with a scarf, not to hide from the guards, but to hide his disfigurement. But, he was tired of hiding from the guards. More importantly he was horny. He went to find Karen in order to fix that. He spotted her from around the corner. To his shock, she was talking to some drow and the damn blue goblin that had bitten his nose off. Instead of attacking him, Karen was kneeling to him, as if he was the goddess Lunae herself.

That bitch, Jax cursed.

The couple turned around and began walking towards him. Jax couldnt fight the blue goblin on his own. Jax ran away as fast as he could. Hed find a way to deal with this. Hed get his revenge, by the gods he swore he would.


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