Realm of Monsters

Chapter 35: Feli’s Chance

Chapter 35: Feli’s Chance

Here we are, Feli opened the door. A large wooden tub and a small bed took most of the space in the cramped room. A single lit candle stood on the windowsill. Feli fidgeted with her fingers, I know its not much for someone like you, but it's the best we have. Sorry.

Stryg stepped inside and glanced around the tiny room. It was indeed small compared to his apartment. He remembered how he used to live back in the Blood Fang tribe, in a tiny tent with several other goblins. Had it been the Stryg of a few months ago, he would have been ecstatic to have been in a room like this. Now, it just seemed inadequate. How quickly his perspectives had changed. Its fine, he said.

Sorry, one second, Feli reached under the bed and pulled out a small wooden box, We normally carry a medkit for times like this.

She opened the kit and pulled out a small towel, a roll of gauze, and a small bottle of alcohol. She stared at Strygs arms. They were covered in blood and she could even spot bits of flesh hanging from a few of his claws. She resisted the urge to wretch at the grisly sight. This goblin was her one true chance to rise above her station. She couldnt throw it away by vomiting on her future husband. No, she needed to be helpful to him in his time of need. It was the only way her plan of seduction would succeed. Alluring and graceful, not disgusting, Ill have to disinfect your wounds first. 

Im not injured, Stryg said. Well, not outwardly at least. His arms burned from the spell he cast earlier. He had never cast a spell of such a large scale before. His body wasnt accustomed to it, and the toll was painfully obvious. He wanted to get a drink to numb that pain. But getting to be this close to Feli was nice too.

So, thats all the other guys blood?

Yes. Its not much really when you look at it. The face doesnt have a large amount of blood. Had I gone for the neck then thered be a lot. 

This wasnt a lot? Feli didnt want to know what Stryg considered a lot. She made a forced smile, May I? She held the towel in her hand.

Stryg slowly nodded. 

Youve got some blood on your face, Feli bent down more than necessary and began to wipe his cheeks with ginger care. 

Strygs eyes were in perfect view of her large breasts, only a few inches away. Her olive skin almost glowed in the firelight. Her long purple hair tickled his nose. Your hair, Ive never seen anything like it, he tore his eyes away from her boobs.

You like it? Feli smiled. She had dyed her hair to help attract attention. It had worked like a charm, giving her an exotic look. 

I didnt know humans could have purple hair. Are you a hybrid too? 

Oh, um, no Im not. Humans normally dont have purple hair. I bought a potion from a salon that changed the color of mine. It was pretty expensive, honestly. Feli laughed at herself, Probably, sounds like a waste to a mage though. I bet you could just change the color of your hair whenever you wanted.

I like it, Strygs eyes went back to her breasts. A lot. Your hair I mean.

Im glad I bought it then.

Yeah, me too.

Strygs eyes stayed on her jiggling breasts as she finished wiping the last bits of blood from his face. The conversation fell into a small lull as silence threatened to make the moment awkwardly tense. 

Felis mind raced, she wasnt sure what to say to a mage. Stryg seemed content to keep staring at her breasts, which was good, but it seemed she wouldnt be able to count on him to carry the conversation. She needed to say something fast.

...So, youre only half-goblin?

Stryg closed his eyes, Yeah. Its weird, I know. He was so focused on her beauty that he let slip out one of his more shameful secrets. He supposed it wasnt much of a secret actually. He was obviously very different from the other goblins. 

Felis hands stiffened in panic. His nature was clearly a sore spot for him. She needed to salvage the situation, I like hybrids.

Really? Stryg opened his eyes and stared at her own chestnut eyes with an unwavering intensity. 

Feli swallowed, Yeah, I think their blended nature makes them more attractive. Like your eyes, Ive never seen anything like them. Feli stared into his eyes, his dilated pupils threatening to overtake the lilac irises completely. She could lose herself in those alien eyes, Beautiful, she whispered and was surprised to find she meant it.

A knock on the door broke the spell-like moment. 

Feli took a step back from Stryg who seemed to also return to his senses. Come in, she said.

Excuse us, sir mage, Carla said. The stable hands stood behind her. We brought plenty of water for your bath and several smaller buckets. I also brought you your drink.

Carla ushered the stable hands in. They quickly and silently began filling the large tub with hot water. They then headed back downstairs to get more water. She placed Strygs shot of fire breath in the corner.

Im sorry, we would have had the bath already prepared had we known who you were, Carla bowed her head in apology.

Feli stepped in front of Carla, Yes, on behalf of the entire Merry Crescent, please excuse our behavior for not recognizing you as the mage you clearly are. Feli bowed her head too and held her hands together, using her arms to push her breasts forward.

Strygs attention fell to the womans bountiful chest, again.

Clara stepped away from Feli, I would have recognized you earlier, but we all thought magi wore black robes.

Many do, Im told its tradition. But some dont, my master being one of them, she isnt much for rules in general. Im still a student at the academy, so I couldnt wear the robes even if I wanted to.

Felis head snapped up, Youre a student at the mage academy?


How wonderful, Feli smiled, but her mind was racing. If he was still a student it meant he wasnt wealthy or powerful. Well, not yet at least. Her rise to a high-class wife would have to wait a little longer. But, this was a good thing she told herself. It meant he probably hadnt married anyone yet, which meant she had a better shot of tying the knot with him. 

Yeah, Im happy to have a chance to learn at the academy, Stryg said.

Excuse me, sir mage. The tub and buckets are full. We also brought soap and plenty of towels. We wont take any more of your time, one of the stable hands said before they left.

Stryg was beginning to enjoy the mage treatment. Why hadnt he said he was a mageborn earlier? 

Please, allow me to assist you in your bath, Carla smiled.

That was the one thing Stryg didnt like. Why did they think he needed help to bathe? He wasnt an idiot and his injuries werent so far gone that he needed assistance. 

No, Im alright, Stryg said.

Carlas smile fell, Oh, are you sure?

How dare you question him, Feli chastised. Stryg said he was alright, so hes alright. Thank you for bringing him his drink and forgetting the water. You may go now. Feli ushered Carla away before she had a chance to protest. Feli closed the door on the miffed barmaid. Feli made sure the door was locked before turning around, a seductive flair in her step, Now, where were we?

Stryg stretched his stiff limbs, You want me to take a bath? He looked at his hands, I guess they are dirty.

Dont worry Ill take care of that. Feli grabbed a fresh towel and began washing his gore stained hands with one of the buckets of water.

I can do this you know and take a bath too. I dont need your help, Im tired, not weak.

Id never think you're weak, especially after how you...dealt with that guard. I know you can clean yourself up. I just want to help, Feli leaned forward, In any way, I can.

... Any way?

In any way you can imagine, Feli whispered. She finished cleaning his arms, Let me first help you into the bath.

Ok, Stryg gave his assent. He was beginning to understand why she had brought him up here. He stood still while she carefully removed his blood-stained shirt. 

Ill get someone to wash your clothes and have them dried by morning, Feli said.


Feli knelt in front of Stryg and unbuckled his pants, It's my pleasure. 

He wasnt wearing any underwear. She had never been with a man before, but in her line of business, she had seen many naked drunken men flounder about the tavern. Feli was surprised, she had thought his dick would be smaller than a normal humans, but it was just the same, if not a tad larger. She wondered what it would look like, erect. Or how painful it might be. Her face was only two inches from the twitching appendage. She could smell its musky scent. 

Stryg stared at her frozen expression with mild curiosity. Had she never seen a dick before? He wondered. He supposed it was possible, there werent any night challenges in Hollow Shade as far as he knew.

Feli blushed and lowered her head. Her hands went to work on his shoes. She was puzzled at the sight. His laces werent tied, rather tucked into the soles of the shoe. She easily pulled his shoes and socks off and stood up, careful to not look at Strygs dick. All done, Feli cleared her throat. The water is pretty hot, please be careful.

Stryg stepped into the large tub. He sighed in comfort as he slipped into the hot waters, Its perfect.

Im glad, Feli said and began to take off her white apron.

What are you doing? Stryg asked. Was she going to take a bath too? The tub was large, but not that large. He didnt like to share. Itd be cramped. Actually, that might not be bad. He imagined being pressed against her soft body. Yeah, definitely not bad.

My clothes will get all wet if I help you bathe, silly.

Im not silly, Stryg narrowed his eyes.

Feli raised her hands an alarm, Im sorry I was just teasing you. It was a joke.

Where Im from people call those sort of jokes insults. He already had to endure his masters insults. He refused to hear them from a barmaid.

Im sorry, it wont happen again, Feli promised. Okay, so Stryg didnt like jokes, at all, she thought. Noted. She needed to avoid upsetting him. Teasing was off the table.

Why did you stop? Stryg asked while glancing between the fallen apron and her.

Oh, right. Feli unbuttoned her black corset, letting it drop to the ground. 

She shimmied out of her red skirt and slipped out of her shoes and socks. She was only left with her undergarments. Feli was more than used to the stares of men, but she still felt mild discomfort being half-naked. Feli took a deep breath, what was she thinking? This was her future husband, he was going to do much more than just see her naked. 

Strygs eyes savored the sight before him. Felis unblemished skin was covered in a thin sheen of sweat. A little body fat covered her soft lean belly. Without the corset, her bra did little to contain her large breasts. Stryg watched Feli grab his drink from the corner. She deliberately spread her legs and bent down to grab the beverage, giving him a perfect view of her heart-shaped ass. While her butt was small compared to Tauris, it was just as tight. 

Feli strutted over with a titillating gait, Your fire breath.

Perfect, Stryg grabbed the drink with a grin.


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