Real Man

Chapter 102:

Chapter 102:

Chapter 102

He wondered who had ratted him out to the ethics committee, and it turned out to be the work of a spiteful new employee.

“I don’t understand. We work for the same company and the same department. Ilseong Electronics is our competitor.”

“Where did you hear that?”

“Will you tell me if I answer?”

“Huh, really… You’re so brazen. Well, go ahead and do what you want.”


Yoo-hyun spat out one word.

Assistant manager Song Hocha’s eyes widened.

“What? How do you know that…”

“I heard it from a rumor.”

Yoo-hyun had also tried hard to join Hangolmo (Korea University Alumni Golf Club) in the past.

He wanted to climb up the ladder by using his connections.

Even if someone was not a Korea University alumni, they could join the club if they were useful for the organization. 

Yoo-hyun was one of those cases.

That’s why he knew Hangolmo better than anyone else.

He could also predict what Assistant manager Song Hocha had done because of that reason.

“What else do you know?”

“I only knew that there was a negotiation with Ilseong Electronics at the club.”

“Oh, no, no. There must be a rat in the club…”

Assistant manager Song Hocha gritted his teeth.

The one who accepted the Ilseong Electronics deal was the group leader.

And the one who agreed to take charge of the work was Lee Kyunghoon’s director.

He only did what he was told.

But now he was being thrown under the bus.

‘It couldn’t have been the team leader…’

The most likely culprit was the guy from Ilseong Electronics.

He didn’t like him from the moment he met him at the golf course. 

He had such a bad vibe.

Assistant manager Song Hocha was already convinced in his mind.

“Who did you hear it from?”

“Please answer me first. Did you really sabotage us by colluding with Ilseong Electronics?”

“Us? Did you even do enough work to be sabotaged? Ha, really. You have too much sense of ownership for a new employee.”

“Please tell me.”

Yoo-hyun did not avoid his glaring eyes, and Assistant manager Song Hocha sneered.

He had seen them sometimes.

Those who spouted ridiculous justice like that.

And they all ended up badly.

This guy would be no different.

“Yeah. I sabotaged you on purpose to help Ilseong Electronics. Are you happy now?”

“Was Lee Kyunghoon’s director also involved?”

“What are you talking about? Is the team leader your friend?”

“He’s not my friend, but I think he should be held responsible if he caused financial damage to the company like this.”

“Ha, really.”

Assistant manager Song Hocha narrowed his eyes at the absurd words that even dragged down the team leader.

But the new guy who was sitting across from him didn’t even blink.

He smiled slightly and said, “It’s no big deal.”

Song Ho-chan, the Assistant manager who couldn’t stand it anymore, slammed the table and stood up.

Then he glared at Yu Hyun and growled.

“What did you just say?”

“I said you should take responsibility.”

“Not that!”

Yu Hyun ignored his words and spoke more confidently.

“Is it normal to leak information to the competitors, and even push them ahead by favoring another team in the same department?”

If you use the opponent’s breathing, pulse, and eye contact against them, you can twist their mind even in a light conversation.

Continuous discomfort makes the opponent’s emotions fluctuate.

At that stage, a little stimulation can make them excited.

Just like now.

“You insolent bastard!”


Song Ho-chan, who leaned his upper body over the table, grabbed Yu Hyun’s tie with his thick hand.

Yu Hyun resisted and stared at his eyes.

It would be a good idea to take a hit at this point.

If he clenched his teeth, it would end with his mouth bursting.

What if this didn’t get reported to Choi Min-hee’s meeting room?

It was being recorded, so he could use it later.

“Mr. Song, you are committing a crime right now!”

Yu Hyun deliberately added more provocation.

Then he finally raised his fist.

“You son of a bitch!”

That’s when it happened.


The meeting room door opened.

“Stop it.”

“Uh, how did you…”

And when he heard the voice, Song Ho-chan’s eyes widened like lanterns.

A few days later, an announcement was posted on the company bulletin board.

It was a disciplinary notice.

-Disciplinary Notice

Song O O, Assistant manager of LCD Business Unit Mobile Group, will be demoted for negligence and non-compliance with attendance rules.

The name was hidden, but there was no one who didn’t know who it was.

Demotion was a weak discipline that only reduced the salary without any direct personnel disadvantage.

Nevertheless, the people’s reaction was hot.

The decisive factor was that the target was Song Ho-chan, who was notorious for being scary.

“Hey, no matter what, Song Ho-chan got into this mess.”

“Yeah. Didn’t he do well? What happened?”

“I don’t know exactly. But it’s not negligence. It doesn’t make sense to get disciplined for that. You know what kind of line Song Ho-chan is.”

The disciplinary content was actually reduced.

No, the reason had completely changed.

“Well, it must be a big deal. Even though they blocked it from above, it’s still this bad.”

“Who stabbed him?”

“Probably. Otherwise, why would he suddenly get disciplined?”

But even so, people didn’t believe the disciplinary content as it was.

It didn’t match the circumstances.

“Is it someone from his team? Another one will quit.”


“Do you think Song Ho-chan will let it go?”

“What if he doesn’t?”

“He’ll try to find out who reported him. That’s why one of his team members quit before.”

“Well, he’s not called the three devils for nothing.”

It was when people were buzzing.

“Hey, shh!”

Song Ho-chan came out of his office.

His face was pale and his brows were furrowed, showing his stress.

He clenched his fists as if his stomach was boiling.

There was even a murderous look in his eyes.

‘If I catch him, he’s dead.’

The planning team members who felt a creepy feeling quickly pretended to be busy.


Song Ho-chan gritted his teeth.

He had never been so humiliated in his 15 years of working at the company.

How dare they touch me?

“Let’s see, you bastard!”

I’ll make you never raise your head again!

Song Ho-chan moved to the hallway and picked up his phone.

Yu Hyun, who had left work, stopped by the gym as usual.

The only difference was that now he worked out with not only Park Young-hoon but also Kang Dong-sik.

They happened to live in the same direction.

Maybe that’s why he kept sticking to him even when he tried to go alone.

“We live in the same direction, let’s go together, little brother.”

“Yes, yes, brother. Let’s do that.”

Why does he take the bus when he has a car?

But Yu Hyun accepted his words with a good-natured smile.

He had become quite close to him while working out together.

Kang Dong-sik put his arm around Yu Hyun’s shoulder as he walked.

“Oh my, you’re so nice when I call you brother.”

“That’s not right.”

Yu Hyun slipped away and walked a step ahead, but Kang Dong-sik followed him.

“Little brother is so shy.”

“Brother, just call me by my name. People are watching.”

“So what? What’s wrong with that?”

What’s wrong with that? He looks like a gangster.

Yoo-hyun sighed deeply and shook his head.

He had met many people, but this was the first time he met someone who acted so friendly.

Assistant Park Seungwoo also had a overly friendly side, but not to this extent.

“You don’t think I’m like a gangster, do you?”


Oh? He has some sense?

“Of course not. This hyung-nim has completely washed his hands of the dark world.”

“I see.”

“Oh? You don’t believe me? Dude, I used to have four platoons of guys who called me hyung-nim and groveled under me.”

Yoo-hyun had completely figured out Kang Dongshik’s style.

If he argued here, the conversation would only get longer.

“It’s an honor.”

“Pfft, yeah. It’s an honor, right? You’re really lucky.”

“Ah, yes.”

Yeah, let’s go with lucky.

That was cleaner in many ways.

At that moment.

A black sedan was parked at the entrance of a dark alley.

The man sitting in the passenger seat answered the phone with a crisp voice.

“Yes, boss. Of course. We’ll take care of the job and call you back.”

-Thank you very much.

“Don’t worry. We’re experts at scaring people, aren’t we? Just don’t forget to pay us the rest of the fee.”

-Yes. Of course. I’ll send it to you as soon as the job is done.

“Haha, that’s why I like you, boss Song. You’re easy to talk to. Okay. See you soon.”


“What a jerk.”

The man threw his phone and twisted his mouth, erasing his previous friendly voice.

He was a errand boy, but he had to do such a shitty job.

He had to rip off a lot of money after finishing this job.

The man asked the two men in the rearview mirror.

“Not yet?”

“Yes, hyung-nim. He’ll be here soon.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. We confirmed that he comes this way every day at the same time.”

The man nodded as if he understood and waved his left hand.

And shortly after.

One of the men sitting in the back seat, who was peeking out the window, said.

“Hyung-nim, he’s coming.”

“Let’s finish this quickly and go eat some tripe. Get out.”

“Yes, hyung-nim.”

The man bowed his head slightly.

Kang Dongshik, who was walking, said.

“Brother, let’s have just one drink at the food cart.”

“Hyung, I really have to go to work tomorrow.”

“Eh, I’ll pay for it.”

Kang Dongshik was not someone who would easily back off.

He had to part ways here, but he kept bickering and ended up walking with him to the alley near Yoo-hyun’s house.

He had a frank personality, so it wasn’t bad to have a drink with him.

But one drink would turn into two drinks, and two drinks would turn into ten drinks.

He had to stop him here.

“Let’s drink next time.”

“Fine, fine. You’re so stingy.”

“Are you mad?”

“Me? No way. What do you think of me?”

A neighborhood hyung with a lot of bluffing.

Yoo-hyun didn’t bother to say out loud what was spinning in his mouth.

It was better to end it with a smile for both of them.

“You’re a cool hyung-nim. Well then, I’ll be going now.”

“Pffft, yeah. See you later.”

It was after he turned around and said goodbye.

Four men came out of the dark alley, swaggering.

They looked like thugs from their clothes and poses.

“Hey, you’re Han Yoo-hyun, right?”

They even knew his name?

Someone’s face flashed in Yoo-hyun’s mind for a moment.

‘Assistant Song Hocha!’

-ㅇㅇAssistant, he hired thugs to beat up his rude junior.

It was a comment he saw on an anonymous bulletin board a while ago.

He thought it was just a rumor because it was so absurd, but it wasn’t.

“You’re not answering? Well, it doesn’t matter. I’ll make you answer.”


Looking at the thugs’ attitude, it seemed real.

This was totally ridiculous.

Yoo-hyun was honestly speechless.

But first of all, he needed to assess the situation.

There were four thugs involved.

They looked like decent gangsters from their faces alone.

But why wasn’t he scared?

Compared to his gym seniors, they all looked weak.

Yoo-hyun laughed with a click of his tongue, and the man in front of him approached him with a frown on his face.

“You won’t listen to words, huh? Let’s start with a punch and…”

He raised his fist as if to threaten him.


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