Re: The Villainess Does It With Class

Chapter 14 - Woof Woof!

Lately, I've been noticing that there are a lot of students greeting me every day. At first, I thought, Oh! They might be just being polite, so I didn't think that something is going on. It kept happening though, and those who were approaching me for very obvious reasons, are getting more frequent.

My life nowadays is a constant battle of not getting annoyed and politely telling them off. And every damn time I do that, they look at me like I'm a bitch.

"Good Afternoon, Miss Nadia!" A chorus of girls' voices can be heard as Gwen and I walked through the hallways.

I just gave them a smile in return.

That kind of greeting is nice and I find it bearable. There's nothing wrong with greeting someone and wishing them a great day.

"Aren't you Sir Nathaniel's sister?"


"Hey hey, you're cousins with the Crown Prince, aren't you?"

"Prince Ezekiel's cousin!"

"Sir Nathan's sister!"

But these~

These are not okay and I am getting tired of hearing it. I have a name for Pete's sake!

Why do they even call out to me like that?

"Sir Nathan's sister! Are you going to see Sir Nathan and the Prince today?" Some guy questions as soon as he saw me. His group approached us and is currently blocking our way, which I find very rude.

Unless you know or you are close with the person, don't go blocking someone's way!

My eyes zoned in at him, staring at him sharply. He didn't notice my mood getting sour as he stood there looking smug. Gwen glanced at me and frowned at the guy.

"Get out of the way! How dare you blocked us?" She scolds and glared at them.

"I'm just greeting the Misses, I don't mean no harm," The guy with a breezy smile looked at me and his smile got even breezier. "I am actually Sir Nathan's classmate." He added, feeling satisfied with himself.

'So? What's that got to do with me?'

A nerve ticked in my forehead. I am already getting riled up from all these name-callings since a while ago and he's here being all smug looking and had even blocked our path!

"Move," Gwen asserted. Gazing at them with glaring eyes.

"C'mon, I only wanted to talk to Nathan's sister. I am your senior as well you know," He uttered, languidly smiling.

He seriously creeps me out.

His words grated my ears and I immediately snapped.

"First of all, I am not only Nathaniel's sister, nor the Crown Prince's cousin. I am Nadia. If that isn't enough for you, then don't talk to me. Don't even think of approaching me either." I stated, intensely staring him down even though he's a foot taller than me.

He and his group looked surprised by my sudden outburst. His smile was instantly wiped off and was replaced with resentment, brows knitting in obvious dislike to what I said.

"Excuse me?" He uttered.

My lips stretched into a cynical smile.

"You're excused," I replied and pushed past them.

They had no choice but to move aside and stare at me in disbelief. The other students were silent as well and were watching us leave.

I have become a walking theater now. Always being watched. So exhausting...

I want to be lowkey as much as possible you know, I am reforming my horrible past, first and foremost.

Gwen glanced at me looking amazed for a while before she started grinning.

"That was cool! You really amaze me sometimes," She remarked as we both walk together.

"What's so cool about that? I just told him off," I pointed out.

"It's the way you did it! Did you see their faces? Especially that rude guy?" She snickers, "-I also want to be like you, Nadia."

What she said made me blink and felt really nostalgic for a moment. My mind then thought about Gia from my world.

She also said the same thing to me.

"You're fine the way you are, Gwen," I mumbled, suddenly missing the cute timid Gia.

'I wonder how is she? Does Rose pester her?'

"Oh really? That doesn't sound like you at all," Somebody interjects.

Three figures were approaching us from the opposite way and I inwardly sighed. Again? When will peace come to me...

A girl with wavy pink hair was walking ahead of the two girls who looked really familiar. Her long flamboyant purple dress swished, and the crowd literally parted to avoid it. Her pretty face sported a confident smile as she haughtily, with head held high, made her way towards us.

Let me just think about who this person is.


No clue.

"Again?" Gwen muttered in exasperation.


The three stopped in front of us and stood there spread out. They were literally blocking the hallway. My eyes glanced at the two girls standing on each side of the haughty-looking lady. They were also looking at me, in particular, with smug faces.

What are they being so smug about?

"Long time no see Nadia," The girl stated. She looked really friendly so I don't think she's here to cause a scene. But, they should stop blocking our way because it's getting really annoying...

"Nice to meet you," I replied, even though I have no freaking clue who this was so I just hidden my cluelessness with an amiable smile.

The girl frowned as she looked at me, then glanced at Gwen who was also frowning. I mean, I can't really blame her. We just want to get to our destination quickly!

She started looking Gwen all over, squinting at her, and her frown grew even deeper.

"You're acquainting yourself with some low ranks now?" She voiced out in disgust.

"A what?!" Gwen exclaims. She was really offended by her words.

Okay, I retract what I just said about being friendly. That's so not friendly...

"I don't know you, nor see you in the social circle. So you're probably a low rank, right?" She declared as her chin went up.

Bloody hell! This girl has some sharp tongue!

"You better stop insulting my friend," I chimed in.

Both of our eyes met. Her hazel eyes stared at me, disapproving, while mine coldly gazes at her.

"A friend?" She parroted, "-you mean a follower. I don't believe that you would keep someone like that with you. That's nod Nadia-like at all." She rambles as a matter of factly.

"But Miss Rosa, that's something she would do!" The brown-haired girl from the social event butts in. Sniggering like she finds this funny.

"Low ranks flocks with other low classes like them," The other one added.

She meant, 'birds of the same feather, flocks together', right? Sure.

And did she just call her Rosa? What a weird coincidence when I'm just thinking of the same bitch who has a similar name to her.

The other reason why I like the rose flower aside from its color is that whenever I see roses, it reminds me of Rose, and it makes me want to pluck it off and rip its thorns like it was her.

Just kidding, or am I?

"You're calling us low rank? Then what about you?!" Gwen points out.

The two girls, who should be wary about now, looked even smugger.

"What? Miss Rosa is of a duke rank, and you're nothing next to her!" The smug-looking brown-haired girl remarked.

"Are you a duke rank as well?" I asked.

"No! But Miss Rosa is!"

Do you even hear yourself? What is wrong with these people...

"Right. Low ranks…" Rosa mutters and smirked as if she had won some battle.

I glared at them. I was already annoyed by the scene from earlier and here they are again, provoking us.

Seeing my expression, Rosa laughs.

"You're going to hit me now?" She taunted. I saw her eyes looked past me and caught her lips twitching into a half-smile.

She looked like she was planning something. Maybe she wanted me to get so enraged that I would start making a scene and throw a tantrum and start some catfight in here.

Too bad, I could see right through you.

"That would be animal abuse," I scoffed.

Rosa and her entourage gasped as if offended.

"Did you just call Miss Rosa an animal?"

"No, but you just did," I replied.

"What?" She blabbered and looked at Rosa with a shocked expression on her face.

Rosa glared at both of them and turned to me. Her eyes were now spitting fire.

"You aren't like this before! You were supposed to hit me! You always do that!" She hissed.

I… always do that? What the hell Nadia?

And why does she want me to hit her? Is she a masochist?!

I looked at her weirdly and grimaced.

"I grew up, and we aren't that close enough to reminisce about the past, are we?" I stated.

"How dare you talk like that to Miss Ros--" Before she could finish her sentence, I cut her off. She's really getting on my nerves.

"Shut up." My eyes landed on the feisty brown-haired girl, "You keep barking like a dog. Are you a dog?"

She gaped at me who was staring down at her.

"Don't ask her. She wouldn't understand unless it's in dog language," Gwen says and laughs.

The three girls gritted their teeth, especially the ones who kept yapping. She was seriously giving me the killer eyes.

Rosa frowned, her hazel eyes boring at me intensely.

"I thought you had changed, but you're still a bitch." She asserted.

A chuckle escaped from my lips and I sneered at them.

"Thank you."

Rosamunde frowns even more.

"That's not a compliment!" She bit back.

"It is to me," I responded which made her even angrier.

It looked really funny. Seeing her getting so worked up like that, it almost made me want to laugh.

She started it anyway, I'm just reciprocating.

She glared at me once more, her expression getting even uglier.

"Tch!" And then she stormed off, bumping shoulders with me.

So childish…

The two other girls also glared at me but Gwen drove them away.

"What are you still doing here? Go follow your owner!" She says.

The two made one last glower before they pursued Rosamunde who was already getting far away.


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