RE: My Dragon Girlfriend In The Dragonic Apocalypse

Chapter 567 Battle Front: Astral Realm Part 5

"I hope what you say is true." Ishtar did not smile at all. She only walked over and stood at Blake's side. 

Zeus walked over to Blake and stretched his hand out. "I hope I can be of service to you. In fact, I did try to get that old bastard Anu to do a few things and had planned to make my way to Earth. But I could not just leave until I settled things in my domain. I do apologize."

Blake shook his hand and smiled. "It's fine. Whether you showed up or not, what is happening now would still happen. It's just good to know that one of the gods of Earth still sees it as their home."

"It's not just me, but many are being tied down. Once you make it to their domain, they will definitely join. This realm is under Anu's control. Very few are willing to go against his word. But if you were to show up on their doorstep, they would bow down instantly." Zeus was one of the very few who had the ability to do as he pleased. He really had intended to go to earth, but he did not think the things in his own domain would take so long to settle.

"That makes things easier." Blake was a little happy that some places would be easier to deal with. He looked at Ishtar and knew it was time to move to the next target. "Let's go!"

Blake's army swiftly made it through the minor gods' domains, each one unable to put up even the slightest fight. Those who did, lost many men while the others gave up without a single life lost. Blake's army did not receive even a single injury. Not with Zeus and Ishtar around, along with the other minor gods.

Within a week, the army that was taking the front lines was filled with only minor gods. Over five hundred thousand of these minor gods were now under Blake's control. Ea was starting to worry. Because not only did Blake have Ishtar at his side, but now he had Zeus by his side as well as hundreds of thousands of minor gods. If you add in the devil, whom he did not know the power of, Blake's forces had far exceeded his own.

This force alone could be said to be the most powerful in the realm. Blake had officially become one of the biggest powerhouses and could be said to be growing in strength every day. But because of Anu's order, he was unable to do anything about it. He could not even rally the other higher gods. 

"Why won't that old bastard allow us to fight!? He is just allowing that mere mortal to gain more strength!" Ea smashed his porcelain cup off the ground. He could not take this. He had to do something.

"Ea, you need to calm down. If you do anything rash, you will end up getting yourself killed. You can not fight Ishtar and Zeus at the same time. Nor will any of the other gods help you." A shadow figure appeared in the room, causing Ea to frown.

"Erebus, why are you here!?" Ea asked with annoyance. He hated this god the most because he was unpredictable.

"I am just here to make sure you did not do anything rash." Erebus's eye flickers within its shadowy figure.

"So you are here to watch over me!? Did Anu ask you to come!?" Ea was so angry he was almost ready to start a fight with Erebus, but he did not know if he could beat a being of this nature. Erebus did not seem to have any kind of material form.

"I am just here to give you a warning. If you go against it… Well, you will see…" Erebus's eyes flashed once more before disappearing as if they had never appeared.

Ea looked at the spot Erebus was in for a while before letting out a roar. He wanted to kill everyone in the Astral Domain, but he knew he did not have the power to do so! He had always done things low key. If he tried to make a move now, he would end up dead. "Fine! If you want to play games, then let's see if you are ready for what I have in store for you as soon as you step into my domain!"

While Ea was making new plans, Erebus appeared once more inside Blake's encampment within the newly dominated domain. The black smoke disappeared from its body to reveal a young girl around eighteen years old. She skipped through the encampment and came to stand in front of Blake, who was walking with Tina. "You are?"

"Hehe…" Erebus only giggled before jumping up and hugging Blake. Startling not only Blake but Tina as well, who had been holding on his arm.

Tina couldn't help but shout out: "Which princess are you!?"

"Umm… Tina, I do not think she is a princess." Blake said with a sour look on his face. He did not know who this girl was, but he also did not know why everyone would think that just because a girl jumped on him, she was automatically a princess!

"Erebus! Let go of my husband!" Ishtar suddenly yelled out. She reached out to grab Erebus from Blake's body, only for the girl to suddenly turn into a puff of black smoke and reappear on Blake's back. 

"Hehe…. Ishtar, don't be so stingy. Why can only you get such a good man?" Erebus asked as she kissed Blake's cheek and hugged his neck. She even wrapped her legs around his waist, not wanting to let go.

"You! Let go this instant!" Ishtar stomped her feet. The one person in the entire Astral Domain she could not handle was this bitch!

Blake suddenly found himself in a strange tug of war. Sandrea walked over and sat down with a few of Blake's other wives, who all seemed to have sensed something. They even brought snacks with them as if they were watching a good show.


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