Re: Life - Business & Technology

Chapter 155 The UAT

Monday, September 9, 2013

While NetServ subscribers enjoyed the Everlife expansion with its new racing features and the additional campaign storyline, a number of the most influential people in Afghanistan gathered for a meeting at the presidential palace, Arg in Kabul.

President Hamid Karzai, his military marshal, General Abdul Rashid Dostum, and US Air Force Lieutenant General John Dolan were the most prominent.

Director Price of Future Security was also present, acting as an intermediary for Vince Dalton, as one of his responsibilities was to play the politics game in the Middle East. At the same time, the young CEO did the same stateside.

These men were discussing the current condition of Afghanistan's government and potential modifications in its military strategies.

Due to the imprisonment of numerous corrupt Afghan National Army (ANA) officers that didn't care enough to hide their crimes, Hamid Karzai dissolved the Army altogether. So instead, he established the Afghan Armed Forces (AAF) in its place.

It was estimated the ANA consisted of over 200,000 fighters in early 2013, and many of them survived the year thanks to the destruction of Al-Qaeda's local chapter during Operation Quicksand.

Many fighters, especially the young teens and women, were allowed to retire from combat duties, return to civilian life, and contribute to the local prosperity away from war.

The Afghan Armed Forces retained the battle-hardened veterans who refused to leave as many believed their skills honed throughout the years fighting the Taliban would be more useful in the military, led by the highly respected Horse Warlord of Bescham, General Dostum.

The aging Uzbek general began his illustrious career at 16 years old by fighting against the Soviet Union during their invasion of Afghanistan in the early 80s.

He experienced the Russian's way of war, gassing entire villages and running them over with T-55 Battle Tanks.

Living under communist rule until the dissolution of the USSR wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. Still, communism exposed their tribes to alternative socio-political concepts like equality and secularism, an idea separating religious institutions from civil affairs.

His community in Bescham was highly progressive in the 1990s as they broke the chains of Fundamental Islam by educating girls and improving women's rights, among other positive changes.

Though Dostum disliked Russians, he hated the Taliban even more with deep vitriol for invading Bescham, massacring his family members, executing married women, and abducting young girls to serve Al-Qaeda during the aftermath of 9/11.

Director Price initiated the meeting after the formal introductions by humbly saying, "I thank you all for having me here to represent Future Tech."

General Dostum who was sitting next to Price gave him a good smack on the back as he laughed before saying in banter, "I don't remember you acting so proper while we fought for the Northern Alliance against those bastards in 2001. Just those memories of you swearing and cussing as you mowed down one Taliban insurgent after another."

Director Price bantered back, "I was only 19 then, and I've changed the past decade, but it seems like you haven't at all."

President Karzai joined in the laughter as they reminisced of the stressful yet impactful times the three veterans shared before convening the meeting by seriously saying, "The people of Afghanistan appreciate everyone gathered here today. The first order of business is the United States' decision regarding the military occupation of this nation."

General Dolan began by saying, "President Obama was impressed by Afghanistan's rebuilding efforts since the arrival of Future Tech, and due to the looming conflicts in Syria and Korea, the Department of Defense has decided to pull out the majority of US military assets in the region. Our remaining troops will be stationed at the military base across the river from Kandahar in exchange for an annual lease cost of $300 million."

It was standard protocol for the United States to expand its imperial influence worldwide through leasing bases in strategic locations like the Philippines, South Korea, and Panama.

Karzai's Popalzai Tribe culturally owned the lands surrounding Kandahar and accepted and approved General Dolan's offer on its behalf. His country needed all the profit it could get after taking out a loan of 5 billion Bitcash from Future Tech.

The Horse Warlord Dostum interjected by inquiring, "Will your Air Force garrison the base, General Dolan? The skies will be paramount in maintaining Afghanistan's sovereignty."

Dostum had first-hand experience of aerial bombardment's effectiveness in the battlefield during his counter-offensive in the earliest days of the US invasion of Afghanistan.

The classified US operation involved twelve Special Forces soldiers providing Air Strike assistance to clear the way for Dostum's mounted warriors to retake fortified Taliban positions, including his home, Bescham.

It was considered the most significant Al-Qaeda defeat and spawned its own movie in 2018 starring Chris Hemsworth after the operation's declassification called "12 Strong".

General Dolan reassured Dostum by explaining, "My department will assign a USAF Wing consisting of fifty F-16 Flying Falcons and two B-52 bombers complimented with Future Security ground forces. Our pilots will also provide training to your military as per agreement to prepare them for the arrival of their own F-16s."

The US government allowed the sale of the multi-role fighter jet to numerous countries worldwide, including Pakistan, so it was only natural to balance air power in the region by gradually selling a total of 120 Flying Falcons to the AAF.

Director Price added, "Other contingencies to protect this rapidly growing nation includes the US Navy's Carrier Strike Group patrolling the Persian Gulf and Future Tech's continued support as part of the ongoing security contract paid by the Pentagon."

As the primary financer of Afghanistan's economy, Future Tech was heavily invested in Afghanistan's success, so it ensured authority through politics. It would gladly spend resources on maintaining the country's industrial operations like prospecting, mining rare earth metals, and producing petroleum.

The US military shared the sentiment as many American citizens and businesses operated in Afghanistan to fuel its economic renaissance. The situation also enabled the legal sale of valuable weapons, armor, and ammunition from Future Tech and its many partners to Karzai's administration.

General Dostum nodded in delight after hearing about the continued military assistance in the coming years. Then Director Price inquired, "Rais, what's your administration's progress in ratifying the new constitution?"

President Karzai proudly answered, "My staff has finished compiling the constitution's seventh draft revision with the approval and guidance of all fourteen tribal chiefs within the country. We're making good progress and will most likely submit the final version in three weeks to Future Tech as requested by Director Alexis for the multi-media campaign."

Karzai manipulated the touch screen interface on his Infinity Watch to NetServ-share the constitution draft with everyone at the meeting.

General Dostum was familiar with the draft because of his involvement in writing, advising, and revising the renewed constitution as the Uzbek minority's government representative.

Future Tech had also contracted social, economic, and civic scholars from widely successful nations like Norway to provide Karzai's administration with differing perspectives.

The US Air Force General Dolan curiously opened the secure document on his military-spec Infinity Tablet. He was surprised to read the cover page title, "Consitution Rev.7 - The United Afghan Tribes".

Dolan sincerely asked, "Rais, is it truly a necessary decision to change the country's official name and remove its Islamic ties?"

Karzai gave a discerning look toward his Uzbek comrade across the table and said, "Not everyone who lives in these lands is Muslim like not everyone is Pashtuns. Ethnic and cultural divides within Afghanistan have led our people to a lifestyle of constant war against each other and foreigners. The situation will spiral into chaos, resulting in further suffering like in Syria. We will not make the same mistake, and Afghans will learn to acknowledge each other as equals and neighbors!"

The only primary suggestion provided by the scholars was to keep the government structure limited to a specific size to reduce the risk of mismanagement.

Karzai provided a quick overview of the fourteen official tribes and their nuance opinions regarding the proposed laws and legislation through the NetServ Closed-Ballot System or NetServ CBS, the auditable blockchain voting system built as pro bono work by Bitcash Director Dollar.

While the attendees were skimming and reading the draft, Director Price voiced his concerns by saying, "Future Tech would be very appreciative if your administration can hasten its pace to finish the initiative in two weeks. Let's just say certain entities are attempting to disrupt Bitcash operations, and Afghanistan's international status will significantly help during a sudden economic war."

The US Air Force General interjected by explaining, "Another note to keep in mind is the United Nations General Assembly at the end of the month. President Obama would highly appreciate the ratification of Afghanistan's new government and announcing the allied strategic victory against the local Taliban and Al-Qaeda cells before the event."

The political ramifications of the US winning the long and drawn-out war through a bloody operation and diplomacy was endless. Still, it was sure to propel President Obama's career and cement his legacy.

Stats last time checked:

Future Tech current valuation - $300 billion

15 million BTC (currently trades at $25,000)

$10 Billion cash in Future Tech

105,000+ employees (FT Broadcasting, FT Softworks, FT AI, Future Studios, Future Records, FT Manufacturing, FT Micro Devices, BitCash, FT VR, FT F1, FT Investments, Future Arms, Future Med, Future Tech Robotics, Future Education, Epic Games, 60% of SpaceX, 10% of Tesla, 10% of Koenigsegg)

20,000+ operators under Future Security

Personal Vehicles: Klassen Phantom, Agera R, Agera SFV, Boeing Luxury 787 Dreamliner, The Longhorn, Flyga

Collaborators (Epic, Koenegisegg, SpaceX, Tesla, Hyundai C&E, Disney, Lockheed Martin, Alibaba)

Numerous subsidiaries under Future Tech Holdings (i.e., Instagram, Twitch, Big Hit Entertainment)


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