Re: Evolution Online

Chapter 1242 Trapped

Chapter 1242 Trapped

A hundred thoughts were racing in Liam's mind as he pondered how to deal with the person. In all honestly, he did not know Dante that much. The guy wasn't that memorable and he didn't have any particular grudges with him.

Except for the few times they had clashed, mainly in the field of alchemy, they didn't have any specific interactions. Of course, this was only if he was being generous. 

Liam naturally remembered the many times when the guy had issued a ban on Crimson Abyss guild preventing them from buying and selling herbs and potions from his distributors. 

He had also contributed the most in a guild war against their guild when he brewed attribute-boosting potions en masse and offered them to a rival guild.

Liam only did not hold any grudge because Crimson Abyss had already settled all the tabs with him right then and there by dealing him crushing blows one after the other.

In the end, he did achieve a small victory by becoming the first alchemy grandmaster in the tutorial.

Liam had never stopped to think about this guy specifically but it looked like he had achieved far more than a Grandmaster title. He had somehow gained a token to another world.

Even he hadn't achieved such a feat back in the tutorial. Liam suddenly remembered the Milky Way auction house token. 

His eyes widened as he considered a frightening possibility. Could he have perhaps used that token to head over to that place if he still had it?

Liam then shook his head. It was pointless to think about ifs and buts. He had lost most of the stuff in his inventory so that token was probably back in the tutorial world along with the rest of the items. So there was no point in thinking about that.

While he had missed that opportunity, there was a big opportunity right in front of him that he did not want to miss at any cost. But will it go over smoothly?

Liam thought about Dante and the interactions they had in the past. What were the chances of him helping them out willingly?


Liam knew that the guy would be here soon so he tried to rack his brain to see how to go through with this. No matter how he thought about it he was drawing a blank.

Dante had gotten out of earth before any of the shit hit the fan. He had been here in this prosperous world for a long time now and he has amassed a lot of wealth and resources.

Even someone without talent could use all of this and become stronger. Not to mention Dante was a talented alchemist. He would have become tremendously stronger now. Perhaps rivaling his strength.

Liam clenched his fists as he mentally prepared himself to go all out. With the assistance of his soul-blood beasts, he was confident enough to at least buy enough time to escape from here.

While Liam was contemplating his options, all of a sudden the door of the room creaked open and a familiar figure showed up.

And just like he thought, the guy wasn't all that pleased to see him. Liam could tell that much just from the way his face was becoming constipated.

At the same time, Liam also noticed something else. His soul… was on the verge of disintegration. The guy in front of him was barely level 143. 

In other words, he was no match for him.

This was not very shocking as it was very difficult to progress with such a weak soul. Liam was impressed that he had leveled up so much. 

If he was not wrong, the guy should be possessing a Dao seed related to alchemy. That was the only way this was possible. 

Just as Dante's face became ugly, Liam's lips curled up into a smile. Finally, he had opened a door into this world.

"Dante... it's been a long time." Liam slowly spoke, a mock smile appearing on his face. "You look well, considering everything. I must say, I didn't expect to find you in a place like this."

Liam reacted fast as the next several seconds were a blur. 

Dante tried to get the hell out as soon as he realized who he was facing but Liam did not give him a chance.

While his soul may be heavily injured, handling the guy's almost fully disintegrated soul was nothing for Liam. If he couldn't even do this much then his progress in Soulmancer class would be for nothing.

Liam gripped the guy's soul tightly as Dante stared at him like a deer caught in headlights, his face contorted in shock and pain. "Don't fight it, Dante. It's pointless," Liam's voice was calm and cold.

Dante stood frozen, a look of utter dread appearing on his face. What was going to happen now?

"I don't want to harm you, Dante. I've come for your help," Liam continued. "All I need is your help a few days and then I will be out of your hair leaving you and your paradise alone."

As Dante stood unblinkingly a system soul contract flashed in front of him. It was a contract of servitude for a period of 10 years.

"Yes. Yes. I mentioned only a few days but the actual contract is for ten years." Liam smiled. "I have to take a few precautions you know." 

"What if you backstab me the moment I turn my back and the contract is completed?" 

This way, we can ensure smooth cooperation. And don't worry, I won't keep you for the whole time if things go well. Consider it an insurance policy. Enough time for me to get some things in motion."

Dante's mind was a whirlwind of fear, anger, and desperation. He was trapped, and he knew it. Liam held all the cards, his soul in his grasp, and the contract was his only way out. 

Reluctantly, Dante gave his mental acceptance. The soul contract flared with a light, signifying his agreement, and then faded away.


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