Ranking System

Chapter 296 Complete Takeover (Part III)

Chapter 296 Complete Takeover (Part III)

Seizing the opportunity, Wendy managed to inflict damage on Vega. The blade's sharpness effortlessly sliced through Vega's now-vulnerable skin, leaving him grievously injured. While he wasn't fatally wounded, the pain he endured was intense.

"Stop. Any more, and he will die. Such an easy death isn't deserved for someone like him." Hearing my command, Wendy immediately halted her attack. Given his transgressions, she understood that a quick death was too merciful for Vega.

The discernible change in their demeanor in a short time indicated a more profound reverence toward me. By demonstrating my abilities, I had positioned myself on a near-divine pedestal in their eyes.

I had bestowed upon them blessings while simultaneously cursing their adversaries. Recognizing the vast chasm of power between us, they understood that challenging me would be futile. Instead, they chose allegiance, hoping that aligning with such formidable might would usher in favorable prospects.

"Vega, your current predicament is solely a result of your hubris. I don't believe someone of your merits deserves another opportunity. Henceforth, you will be banished to a realm rife with perilous beasts, bearing the fragility you currently endure. Should fortune favor you, your end will be quick and devoid of suffering." I regarded his bloodied form with indifference, unaffected by the loathing in his eyes.

"Charles, I damn you! May a future of agony await you!" He mustered the last remnants of his strength to utter this curse, his voice weak and raspy.

With a dismissive gesture, I remarked, "If those are your final words, then there's no more need for discussion." With a wave of my hand, I banished him, leaving just the three of us in the chamber.

"Both of you should tell the soldiers outside to disperse. As for the damages to the buildings, I'm taking responsibility and will cover the repairs." Now that I've taken care of Vega, my next step is to restore the city. With the help of William and Wendy, Gontz is now under my command.

"Wendy Axel, I need you to bring the city's administrators to me. And William, please round up the construction teams so they can start fixing the damages." While the city lord manages the city, it isn't like he has the burden of doing everything alone.

"Understood!" Both Wendy and William hurried out of the room.

Once they left, I found myself in this chaotic room, surrounded by the remains of the three unfortunate souls. The thought of cleaning up was too much for me right now.

After getting everything in order here, my next stop will be Chrome. Considering how we seized control, I wouldn't be surprised if the city became a target. However, thanks to our enhanced defense mechanisms, I feel assured of its protection.

Word of my acquisition of Gontz must've spread to neighboring nations by now. Our swift takeover is bound to put them on edge regarding our intentions and capabilities.

I had convinced myself that attacking the people of Etellia was justified due to a broken agreement on their part. But deep down, I knew it was just another excuse for expansion.

"City lord! Everyone's here as you requested." Wendy entered with a group of individuals, each wearing a stern expression.

"Alright, now that we're all gathered, let's address the matter of the city's future," I stated. Heads nodded in agreement, understanding the urgency and importance of this conversation.

"Please introduce yourselves." I directed my attention to the group Wendy had brought. Among them were three men and two women, most appearing to be in their late forties or early fifties.

It was evident that this group was experienced in governing the city. With their expertise, my involvement could potentially be minimal, streamlining the whole process.

The first to introduce himself was a determined-looking man: "I'm Curtis, one of the city's elders. I oversee the military operations here."

From his tone and demeanor, it was clear he held some resentment towards me, likely due to the conflict and the losses his troops endured at my hands.

Following him, another man spoke, "Evans Runica, I'm in charge of the Treasury." A treasury, here in this city? I made a mental note to inspect it after our meeting.

"Petria Vice, overseeing the city's legal matters," she said succinctly. Her brief introduction and stern demeanor painted her as someone meticulous and by-the-book. I wasn't in the mood to tangle with that type of personality just yet.

"Reta Axel, responsible for the city's finances." Her introduction confirmed my thoughts. Given the known wealth of the Axel family, it made sense for a member to hold such a key position within the city.

Next was a man with a poised demeanor: "Cane, in charge of foreign relations." My eyes narrowed slightly as I recalled the past events. Where had he been when Vega and that newcomer made their move on Chrome?

"I'm Charles, the lord of Chrome. I'll be transparent. I don't intend to revamp this nation immediately. My primary interest in invading was the Luminite mine, not a complete overhaul of your ways. So, even though the leadership has shifted, you can expect continuity in the near future." This brought relief to the five. After all, what they were most afraid of was their positions being compromised and the changes that came along with it.

"If there's anything you want to know, now's the time. I prefer not to be bothered later." I made it clear to the gathered elders, giving them an opportunity to address any pressing concerns before we concluded our meeting.

None of the five ventured to challenge or question me. I assumed my earlier statements covered their primary concerns. With that settled, I dismissed four of them, keeping only Evans.

"I'd like to see the Treasury," I stated plainly. Evans seemed hesitant, likely aware of my potential intentions. Regardless of his reservations, he was bound to follow my command, and so he began leading the way.

"I better not be disappointed with what I find in the Treasury. I'm not in the mood for any unpleasant surprises." Upon hearing my words, Evans visibly shuddered. The weight of my expectations and the potential consequences clearly resonated with him.


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