Ranking System

Chapter 248 Unknown (Part VII)

"Joanne, if it makes you feel better, I've got you something."

I had made up something at the moment. We were riding on Melvin with the new saddle I had earned. The ride was much more enjoyable, and I could feel that we were getting closer to Constance.

In searching for what I have, I picked up an artifact from the treasury that improves one's holy power by a long shot. I gave Joanne the crown-like artifact as an offering.

"Does your majesty like your crown?"

I attempted to lighten the mood, which surprisingly worked. Joanne looked at it and touched it with a surprised expression.

"Do you like it?"

"Thank you, but you shouldn't have. While destroying a city out of self-defense isn't unreasonable, if you do too much harm, it will be hard for the civilians."

I did take everything in the treasury room and killed the ruler. The city will be a messy place for a while. It was better not to mention those facts to Joanne.

With the awkward mood gone, we began to talk. For the next four days, Melvin took us to my desired location. I took my compass out, and now we must fly above the ground. I wonder how Constance will be after being taken, hostage.

[Third Person POV]

"Our guest has arrived. Your lover will be here any minute. How do you feel, Constance?"

Inside a room, we could see a vampire with terrible taste. Constance was beside the vampire, staring into space motionlessly.

Hearing the vampire's words, Constance was unresponsive. However, a strong desire was welling inside her, waiting for an opportunity to burst.

"That's right. You can't talk. I want to see how you betray your lover right before him. Imagining it gives me a thrill."

"Your hobbies are sick as usual. But I like it!"

Another group of vampires had arrived on time, waiting for their target to arrive. To them, this matter was the most important.

Capturing Charles was the only way to reach their goals quicker. In this operation, there was no need to go to the trouble of attacking everything in sight.

Their group's name was already compromised, but their goals weren't known to the world. If someone knew, this plan of theirs must be stopped.

Ten vampire leaders were watching underneath where Charles was. Once he enters the invisible sky castle, the ten vampires here will seal him.

[Charles POV]

How long do I have to fly? It's been half an hour since I went above ground. I looked at Joanne, and she was getting tired.

"Want me to carry you up? Falling from this height won't be pretty."

"Please do..."

She was out of breath, and I had to carry her. In another twenty minutes, I had finally seen a floating building.

I could say that this place was well hidden. Going inside the castle seemed like a hassle, but my immortality won't allow Constance to be harmed.

"I'm going to knock down the castle."

Instead of entering, where my enemies could sneak on me at any time, I decided to push this flying castle to the ground.

After I got to the very top of the castle, I put immense gravity pressure on it and pushed it to the ground. Like a meteor, the castle came crashing down at near-light speed.

The castle had crashed, and I was surprised to see it less damaged than I thought. The only damage done to the castle was that it had split in half.


Someone had screamed at me as they exited the castle. It was a vampire with a haggard expression. I couldn't help but be excited to see someone living. This female vampire would be my source of information.

"Tell me where Constance is."

"She's inside the castle's upper floors."

Speaking from my curse, she was forced to tell the truth. The vampire's eyes widened, not expecting to answer my question.

"You seem confident that you can beat me. Why is that?"

"Our group has already planned to seal you. Even with your immortality, it's useless if you're trapped."

That was a huge problem. Being trapped would be troublesome if I couldn't get out. While this was an opportunity to lose dearly in a battle, this wasn't the right time to do so.

Since the vampire had leaked the ideas to her peers, it was time for me to move. I decided against entering the castle, knowing there would be a trap.

As for the vampire, she was chained up, unable to move. It was pretty ironic, considering how she wanted to seal me in with her group, but instead, it was her that was locked in place.

"Joanne, I'm going to try to destroy everything inside the castle."

"What about your lover? Won't she be harmed?"

"Harm? She wouldn't be taken as a hostage if she could be harmed."

Since the sheer force of being crushed couldn't destroy the castle, it was time to do something even more terrifying.

I had lifted the castle and spun it in circles. At this point, it was like a spin top waiting to be ripped.

With my curse, I had made the castle lighter than its actual weight. With the castle spinning at its maximum speed, I kicked it up. I launched it into the sky, even further than its previous location.

Before I kicked it up, I had changed all the luck valuable to negative a hundred, making everyone's luck, including the castle's luck, the worst luck someone could have.

Despite the fog, you could tell that the rain had appeared. A lightning storm had appeared, making a crackling noise and zapping the castle from an even higher altitude.

What made it worse was a magical outburst. It looks like something inside the castle broke. The magic power inside had exploded, killing countless vampires.

Note this: This happened in seconds, so Joanne and the female vampire stared at the sky with their jaws wide open.

And to finish the castle off, I made an even stronger gravity pull, which instantly dropped the castle to the ground in seconds.

The place was already a mess. My first attack had already caused a crater, and this one had even enlarged it. Who knows how long it would take to repair it?

"I doubt your seal will work now. Joanne, bring the vampire. It's time to go in."

After playing around with the building, it was time to go to the castle. Who knew I would enter two different castles within a week?

Being on Earth, Earth had already dissembled them for being a waste of space. The historical value of anything wasn't as significant as how quickly we could reproduce it on a copy machine.


Joanne could only respond with a nervous tone. Listening to my orders, we enter the barely functioning castle.

Upon entering, everything was a mess. I would be surprised if anyone other than Constance would live in a damaged house like this.

The corpses of these vampires were a joy to my eyes. Because of these bloodsuckers, I had to go out of my way to come to this stupid world.

We had finally arrived at the top of the tower, and I saw Constance lying on the floor, dazed.


She remained unresponsive after I called out to her. Should I wipe her memory and reset her? That was one way to heal her.


Instead of Constance, who had spoken, I had heard a third party's voice. An angry vampire screamed my name with a messy appearance. He was barely alive. I should end him now before I wait too long. I don't know why he was so angry when he was the one who messed with me first.

"You will rue the day!!! Goddess IRIS! PLEASE TO YOUR SON'S CALL!"

Before dying, he called upon a goddess. I couldn't stop him. For some reason, he spoke so fast for a dying man. It was like he was taught to do this for the rest of his life. It was pathetic when you think about it.

The pool of blood had transformed into a terrifying woman. What appeared was a goddess with crimson red hair and beady red eyes. What made her terrifying was the power coming off of her. She could crush me in a blink of an eye if she desired.

"Did you kill my son?"

Her voice was calm despite saying those words. When you kill someone's son, you would think their parents would grieve for them. My case was particular, as my parents didn't care for me. The goddess here might be the same.


I felt that lying was pointless. It would have made her impression of me even worse if I did, and it was something I couldn't afford.

"Could you tell me why?"

"Your son has kidnapped my lover and brainwashed her."

"Is that so? Good riddance."


I was relieved to hear those words. If she found his "son," an annoyance, my chances of being unharmed were higher. I hope this conversation will end on a high note.


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