Ranking System

Chapter 235 In Laws

[Reina's POV]

"Reina, my dear. Your fiancee had defeated all of the monsters. It's impressive how you hooked up with him. As expected of my daughter."

I couldn't help but become flustered by my mother's self-praise. My father and brother joined in as we began to talk.

"Reina. How's Celestial? It's been a week since you went there, is it a great place?"

"It's much more normal than I thought it would be. There are neighbors I get along with very well. The place we bought also has a pleasant atmosphere. While it has a nice atmosphere, the place is never dull."

I was telling my family, who had asked how I was doing. I could see that they were attentively listening.

"Then how's your relationship with Charles? Are you both getting married any time soon?"

"If we were going to get married, he would do it in a year."

"I'm so happy for you!"

"Congrats, little sis."

Hearing how supportive my family was, my heart felt warm. I then looked at Tristan and wondered if his mental state was acceptable. Having to die twice and return was something no one, but my brother had achieved in this world. If you think about it, it was a unique achievement.

"Thank you all for your blessing."

"We should leave. The crisis is over."

Being stuck underground was uncomfortable. We have avoided the calamity, and outside should now be safe.

"I wonder if our staffs are fine. It would be terrible if we had to replace them."

Getting a bunch of new workers did seem like a hassle. Let's hope that not many of the family's employees were harmed.


Leaving our bunker, I saw Charles waiting outside for us. Seeing him unharmed brought a smile to my face. I knew he was powerful, but there was still some concern knowing that he had to fight an unknown enemy.

"Did you find Constance's location?"

"I know where she is. But it will take a few days before I can get to her."

It was great that Constance's location was found. I wonder how she was holding up. Before I could say even more, my mother interrupted.

"Charles, is it true? That you're going to marry in a year from now?"

I saw Charles overwhelmed by my mother's enthusiasm. I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of them being uncomfortable.

"Yes, I did say that."

"Great! You don't mind if I make some plans, do you?"

"Go ahead."

"Mom, do you mind if I talk to Charles briefly? He seems like he has something to talk about."

Even when Charles tried his best to be patient, I could see his breaking point. Before he got antsy, I told my mother to stop.

"It's okay. Everyone can hear about it. I will be busy for the week. I won't be home much, so please do spend your time with your family."

"Do you need me to help?"

"No. The place I will be going will be too dangerous. I won't have time to watch over anyone."

I wanted to protest, but deep down in my heart, I knew I would only be a hindrance. Charles kissed me on the lips, attempting to cheer us up.

"Before you leave, could you give your immortality to my family? I don't want Tristan to die for the third time."

"Hey! I heard that!"

Everyone chuckled at Tristan's protest. It was weird how we got over his death so quickly. But what mattered, in the end, was that everyone was safe. Charles has done that and apologized.

"Sorry for leaving so early, but I have some important business I have to do. Tristan, Jennifer, and Matthew, I will visit you back in a week."

"Don't worry about it. We have all the time we need."


And just like that, Charles left. There was a bit of loneliness when he was gone, but when I turned back to my family, the loneliness filled up a little.

"Reina, let's catch up on everything."

Sensing how I felt, my mother welcomed me with her warmest welcome. Spending time with my family for a while had a refreshing taste.


[Charles POV]

Jennifer was too excitable for romance-related topics. Facing something out of my element had me exhausted.

It hurts to say this, but anyone coming with me would be a hindrance. I left Reina here with her family, allowing them to catch up.

When you think of it, it's like a husband going to war for his wife. Did I just give myself a death flag? No, that wouldn't happen. I needed to prepare.

Returning to the Celestial world was easier, considering I already had a residence there. Before I did anything else, I met with all the girls living in this house.

After I called Nene, Courtney, Rose, and Claire, they arrived in the living room, confused about why I called them.

"Master, is there something wrong?"

"I don't know if you know this, but Constance has been kidnapped."

Some of the girls hadn't noticed this. Rose asked out of concern, seeing Reina and Constance weren't there.

"She got kidnapped?"


"Then is Reina also kidnapped?"

"No. I told her to spend her time with her family."

Before anyone here got the wrong idea about Reina's absence, I clarified what she was doing.

"I have found Constance's location, but it will take me a week to have her return. I'm telling you this because I will be busy for the week."

"Master~! Can I help~?"

"Sorry, but this mission is too dangerous. I can't look out for anyone. I will be going to an enemy world that is a fifth rank world."

Nene had asked whether they could help. I couldn't risk anyone else being captured under my watch. Those who wanted to help looked dejected once I rejected their assistance.

"Don't look so down; before I leave. I will satisfy your desire."

While this wasn't the time, I did my best to make these girls happy. I took them to bed and exhausted all their energy.


Having to finish making all of them go to sleep, I left the house and went to the library. The library should have all kinds of information.

"Excuse me, but do you know where I could get a universal map of this world?"

I needed to find the location first. I didn't want to waste any time, so I asked the librarian for an answer.

"I have one on me. Do you want to take it out?"

"No, I just want to take a glance."

"Here. Return it to me after you are finished."

It was pretty nice of him to give me the map. He seemed pretty busy, so I didn't interrupt him any further.

I sat down at a table and looked at the world's map. The map gave me a general idea of how big the world is.

Considering its size, I wouldn't be surprised if some of these places changed. There's no telling how big the world is.

Looking at all the places, I couldn't find the gateway to Hell. This map didn't have much detail. I returned it after I finished looking.

"I know this is weird to ask, but do you know where the gate to Hell is?"

"Are you planning on entering that place? I suggest you don't."

It's great that someone was worried about me, but now was not the time.

"I don't plan on entering. I was just curious where it could be located. I didn't see it on the map."

"Sigh... To get there, you would have to take Destiny Road. Destiny Road is a gateway that connects to most fifth-rank worlds."

That information blew my mind. I could now see why Sasha said it was dangerous. Only those strong enough would go to Destiny Road.

"Then how do I get to Destiny Road? That also wasn't included in the map."

"There are a bunch of teleportation scrolls that allow you to go there. Let me tell you this. It leaves me with a bad taste to let someone go to their death. And now that I told you how to get there, it would make me somewhat responsible. Take this."

The librarian handed me an artifact. It was an essential protective barrier. It was a one-time use but applicable in certain situations.

"I didn't take you for someone to do something like this. We're practically strangers."

"Like I said, leading someone to die leaves a bad taste. This isn't much anyway."

"Thank you. I'm Charles."

Meeting an old man this nice was rare. I took the artifact and introduced myself.

"I will tell it to you when you come back alive."

He said nothing else and returned to his work. I also had to find a teleportation scroll connecting to Destiny Road.

Since I had no reason to stay here, I left the library and went around town to search for everything I needed.


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