Ranking System

Chapter 207 The Pitiful Assassin

"So you brought home another female."

There were now six girls in my room. Once I brought Claire back, everyone gathered in my room. Reina was the first person to take note of this.

"When did you two meet?"

"I was there~!"

Once Reina started questioning us, Nene was the first to speak out. Nene stared at Claire with a playful expression.

"We met at a party~! She was fun to play with~!"

"This was a few days after you and I got engaged."

I had cleared up the date, but the words I had spewed surprised Claire. The word engaged was a shocker.

"Charles, why don't you leave the room for a few hours? We have a lot of things to talk about."

To think I would be kicked out of my room. There was someone that I could meet, but let's check out an old friend.


"Prince. It's been a while."

"C? I haven't seen you in months. How's it been?"

I teleported to the casino and saw Prince playing in the same old slot. Prince is an assassin whom the government hired on this island. To think I would stumble across an assassin out of nowhere. He had casually asked how I had been doing.

"What can I say? Life's been busy for me."

"Seems tough; want to talk about it?"

While Prince's gesture may seem like he didn't care, he listened carefully to my words. There wasn't much to discuss, but I might let him listen in since he was sensible enough to care.

"One of my lovers wouldn't let me leave the bed for a month straight. It was too draining."

Technically, I wasn't lying about what I said. Constance was about too mentally drained and had slept for a while to recover fully.

On the other hand, Prince was too speechless and had stopped playing on his machine. This was the first, considering how he was too addicted to this thing.

"You have more than one lover?" I didn't expect that from you. How come you never told me about them?"

I didn't expect Prince to care for these discussions, but surprisingly, he was interested enough.

"I didn't take you for someone who cares about these types of things. Aren't you sure your magical machine won't get jealous?"

My joke may have gone too far, but Prince didn't mind. His interest had disappeared as I casually dismissed the topic. I wonder what got him so excited.

"What are you talking about? Our relationship wouldn't change just like that."

Yeah, it's not like the machine could even change. Of course, I didn't say that out loud, as I had already made a joke earlier.

"I know, but how about some food? You seem like you haven't eaten in a while. I will treat you."

Looking at Prince, he was skinner than before. Observing Prince's body, I felt he had lost some weight, and if he lost any more, he would be malnourished.

Prince hadn't responded to what I said. Did something happen to him during the past month? Now that I am looking at him, the gambling machine he was playing had a lower bet.

Every second I looked at Prince, I felt he was more pitiful. He felt my glance and sighed at this awkwardness.

"Fine. I will take your offer."

Even if he sounded annoyed, I could tell Prince was grateful. We left the casino and entered a fine-dining restaurant.

"Are you sure you want to take me here?"

"You have treated me to lunch before; besides, I have people that would take care of me even if I were poor."

My words may have made Prince jealous, but he quickly got rid of that thought and thanked me instead.

"Since that's the case, don't blame me for overordering."

I could handle the cost even if Prince ordered everything a million times. I won't say that, but I smiled instead.

"Go ahead."

After getting our orders, the food soon arrived. Prince devoured his food without care. Compared to Nene, he was slower by a long shot.

Prince had ordered five digits worth of food. Since he had ordered a lot, it would take a while for him to finish.

"So, did you lose your job or something?"

My question had come as a surprise to Prince. He had almost choked on a plate that he was eating. There was no shame in admitting that he lost his job. Prince sighed, thinking about what to say.

"That's right. Due to a fuck up, I'm now unemployed."

Prince had ordered an alcoholic drink and downed it like it was nothing. At this rate, he will become a useless man who is in a slump. Since Prince here was an interesting man, I said something that would surprise most people.

"You're an assassin, right?"

The words that came out of my mouth once again surprised Prince. His killing intent has been locked on me, and he's been trying to find a way to silence me.

"You don't need to be wary of me."

Everything coming from my mouth must be bullshit in Prince's eyes. Before he could do anything, I had frozen the assassin's body.

"I have a proposal. What if I hired you to do my work?"

While my power was stupidly overpowered, I couldn't be everywhere at once. While my familiarity with Prince wasn't much, I felt like I could trust him enough.

"Hire me?"

His trust in me was still close to zero. For me, knowing his identity was too risky. But in here, he couldn't make too much of a disturbance.

"Yes. I heard assassins are great handymen."

If you were an assassin, you should be great at many professions. And I plan to make Prince my second pair of eyes.


Prince was contemplating whether I was offering him a real job. Being a handyman was a talent on its own.

"So, how about it? Your job will be to do whatever I order you to. You don't need to worry about my orders. They will be within a reasonable range."


Prince wasn't convinced yet, but I knew him enough to know what he wanted. Before he could say anything, I had used that move against him.

"You will be paid enough to meet your magical girl. Besides, I will give you two days off. Doesn't that sound pretty good?"

"Why hire me? There are many options out there."

"I just need an extra pair of eyes. And the perfect person to do that job would be sitting in front of me."

"Then let's discuss my terms."

Prince had somewhat accepted what I had offered. A little demand wasn't something I cared about. I didn't care what he wanted as long as he didn't ask for anything above his value.

"You said my day off would be two times a day, right?

I nodded and confirmed what he said. Does he want more days off? I was already being lenient with two.

"Instead of two days. I want to have the evening and the whole night off."

The evening? Does he really need that much time? I mean, as long as he does his job. Instead of accepting it, I made an alternate proposal.

"I will accept those terms if you can be called in for any of those times. Just in case of an emergency, I will need your help."

"Just don't call me frequently then."

Prince had accepted those terms. We had a handshake, with me calling for the payment of the food. After paying for the meal, Prince and I exchanged numbers, and we started to get to work.

As the cruel boss, I had already made Prince do his first work. What I had assigned him to do was take notes on anyone I wanted him to.

Knowing my luck, I had never considered involving myself in the world's politics. I knew that someone would try to ruin me if they had the chance to do so politically.

And I wasn't going to take my chance. Knowing that he was poor, I had already paid Prince a large sum of cash. There was a chance that he could run away with them, but I doubt he would, and if he did, I had insurance that he couldn't.

After finishing my meeting with Prince, I returned home and checked if I was allowed to return to my room.

Spying inside the room, I could tell that nothing terrible had happened when Claire was enthusiastic about her story. I was glad I could dodge it, but the girls in the room were dying of boredom.

"Hey, everyone! You look like you guys are enjoying yourselves. Sorry for bothering you."


Showing them my anger, I locked my door, which made Claire continue to talk. They were internally crying, knowing their fate was sealed.

Everyone in the room knew I was petty, and I hoped this message would come across to them.


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