Quick Transmigration: Cannon Fodder Comes to Counterattack

Chapter 21

Tao Yuwei is crying, her body is shaking, her eyes are red, and she looks very pitiful, but the man's eyes are more and more indifferent and disappointed.

Why is it that my mind is full of love for children, and I wave my hand to the people around me and say:

"miss is too sad, take her back to the room to have a rest first."

Tao Yuwei was reluctantly taken to a room and stayed.

There are two aunts taking care of her, but there are bodyguards standing at the door. She can't step out of this room.

Tao Yuwei stayed in this house for a few days. In recent days, Tao Yuwei never gave up to see a man, but she was rejected by the person who took care of her.

The reason is that the man is out.

Tao Yuwei is desperate and sad, but she has no choice but to pay attention to Mingyi's progress.

Mingyi's lawyer has asked Tao Yuwei if there is any way. Tao Yuwei just says powerlessly that she hasn't thought of a way.

The ruthless man didn't want to help her.

The lawyer is very disappointed and tells Mingyi what Tao Yuwei said.

When the last hope is broken, Mingyi really falls into despair. He knows the man and has a strong character.

It has been said that it is impossible to make a move, so it must be impossible.

Mingyi is desperate and scared. His crime is very serious. If it is serious, he can be sentenced to death.

Mingyi closed his eyes in despair, and tried his best. Unexpectedly, the chess piece was abandoned.

The most ridiculous thing is that he also fell in love with chess pieces.

On this day, Tao Yuwei finally met the man again.

The man came to Tao Yuwei and just gave her a piece of information. Then the man opened his arms to Tao Yuwei with a smile and said:

"come on, my dear daughter, let's have a close hug."

"These years, I did not choose to recognize you in time, but also to protect you." The man thought about it and explained.

If they don't recognize each other, even if someone finds out the relationship between them, they will think that he gave up this daughter. No one will threaten him with this daughter.

However, not many people dare to touch his daughter.

The most important thing is to let the child have a peaceful life.

Just did not expect, the fate of the track, they can not escape.

This child, or take the initiative to find him.

Tao Yuwei's dull eyes are staring at the information, which proves that her relationship with men is true. Can't say what she feels, numb?

She can't tell what she's feeling in her heart. Maybe she's already ready. Tao Yuwei quickly accepts the truth.

Eyes also burst out brilliance, expression reluctantly hugged the man, also listen to the man's words, lived in this house.

From the bottom of my heart, I hope that this man is really her own father. Would you mind her relationship and help me?

Tao Yuwei doesn't give up asking men to help Mingyi.

I can't even get up on my knees.

What's more, he took out his dead mother to play the family card.

But let Tao Yuwei extremely desperate thing, she tried all means, the man is still unmoved, still said he has no way to move.

Until the end, Mingyi has been sentenced, Tao Yuwei see things have no turning point, just hate the man is not willing to lend a helping hand.

No good looks for men.

The man just coldly sent Tao Yuwei out of the country, saying that many people at home already knew that he had a daughter who was her, and that he had many enemies. In the name of protecting Tao Yuwei, he sent her abroad.

It is worth mentioning that Tao Yuwei did not return to the Xiao family until she went abroad. Perhaps the decline of the Xiao family makes Tao Yuwei feel that it is meaningless for the Xiao family to go back.

Or Tao Yuwei has been in grief, unable to extricate herself, inadvertently goodbye Xiao family.

Only Tao Yuwei knows why.

Instead, the man gave the Xiao family the news that Tao Yuwei had gone abroad.

He also sent the results of his paternity test with Tao Yuwei to Xiao's home, proving that he has the right to arrange Tao Yuwei's whereabouts.

Xiao's father was not surprised by this. He almost knew that Tao Yuwei was not a member of the Tao family.

I just quietly went to the tombstone of Tao Fu and talked to myself for a long time.

I'm very sorry.

Xiao's mother was very sorry, and the fact was beyond her expectation.

It's a pity that she likes Tao Yuwei very much.

It's just her life experience.

It seems that there is no hope of being her daughter-in-law.

They are honest businessmen who dare not participate in that kind of circle at all.

No, I don't want to.

I just want my family to be safe.

Xiao Xiaofeng can't accept the result. Tao Yuwei has gone abroad and his beloved woman has gone abroad.

He didn't even have a contact information.So I left.

It's cruel.

But Xiao Xiaofeng can't and can only accept that the world is so big that his Yuwei is nowhere to be found.

When the matter is settled, Meng Li also knows that his task has been completed. The whole person completely relaxes, and we all work together to start again.

When Xiaojia company opened again, some employees were willing to come back, but some employees were not willing to come back. It happened that Xiaojia company's strength was damaged, and frankly speaking, it didn't need so many employees.

Meng Li seriously helped Xiao Xiaofeng and Xiao Fu reorganize the company, and the company gradually stabilized.

Tao Yuwei went abroad, after a period of sadness, her mood gradually stabilized. Sometimes when she thought of these years, it was like a beautiful and cruel dream.

She cut off all ties with the past, and through people in China, she found out that Xiao's company was up again, and Xiao's family had a good life.

At the beginning, when the Xiao family was in a desperate situation, she chose to ignore it.

For fear of making Mingyi angry, she chooses to connive at him.

This guilt made her ashamed to see the Xiao family again.

Xiao Xiaofeng often misses Tao Yuwei. Xiao's mother sighs when she sees this, but she really starts to arrange a blind date for Xiao Xiaofeng.

I hope Xiao Xiaofeng can forget Tao Yuwei as soon as possible.

As for this, Xiao Xiaofeng's resistance, in sharp contrast to Xiao's mother's persistence, is also a feature of the Xiao family.

For these, Meng Li just smiles and honestly helps Xiao Fu deal with the company's affairs.

At last, Meng Li managed everything well in the middle of the night. With a movement in his mind, he returned to the system space.

At this time, the system space is not as white as when she came.

In this space, there is a real space. There are walls all around and a big screen on the wall. It's very thin and full of a sense of science and technology. Meng Li tentatively called out:


"I'm here." 6018 came out of the screen.

Meng Li was a little surprised and asked, "do you live in the screen?"

6018:“…… Well

Meng Li: eh?


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