Quick, Hubby, All Aboard

Chapter 8 - Once You Enter the World of Pleasure You’re Sullied For Life

Chapter 8: Once You Enter the World of Pleasure You’re Sullied For Life

Xue Dongting felt it kind of odd. She pushed open the window in the inner room and looked out. She was stunned to see the the sky meet the sea at the horizon line. It was magnificent. She had heard the crashing of waves earlier, but she had just thought it was because they were close to the coast. She never imagined she could just open the window and see the vast ocean. She glanced at the sky, overcast with dark clouds, ominous along with the waves. On such a cold day, and Song Yuming without a brazier on his boat, she figured even if he was cold-resistant he still wouldn’t be able to ward off that cold.

With that thought she decided to go find her fiasherman. If he was busy ferrying she could just deliver his meal to him and they could eat together. Xue Dongting tied on a hood, put the food she had prepared into a basket and covered it with a cloth, then stepped outside.

The house was situated in an area of high terrain. She pushed open the door and was at once met with the sight of the broad river that ran into the sea. She followed it along the bank down the village road.

The winter wind was devastating, stinging her face as she walked along the road. Her face was so red from the cold it looked like she had put rouge on. It was a long walk until she reached the riverbank. There were vessels moored there in twos and threes, but she didn’t see Song Yuming right away.

Suddenly she heard a simpering voice nearby. “You there, are you Fisherman Song’s new wife?”

She turned to see a middle-aged man in sloppy clothes smiling at her inappropriately.

Xue Dongting gave a little nod. Before, at Cloudgem Lodge, she had seen many boorish specimens such as he, as well as that smile. She didn’t let him get to her.

But the man came up to her, grinning. “Young Lady, you used to dance on the stage. I seen you!”

Xue Dongting frowned, a twinge of pain in her heart. Once one entered the world of pleasure she was sullied for life. Even though she had never closed the line of propriety, as far as outsiders were concerned, she was still a tainted woman.

Xue Dongting backed away from the inappropriate man approaching her. In the past, at Third Prince’s manor, she had been shrewd and calculating. She wasn’t incapable of embarrassing him, she just didn’t want to reveal her quick tongue.

She took a few steps back and bumped into someone. Startled, she spun around. It was Song Yuming.

He reached out and put his hand on her shoulder and said to that scoundrel, “Go on!”

The man suddenly noticed it was Song Yuming and he lost his nerve, just curling his lips and mumbling, “What’s so special about a whore?” He skedaddled off.

Xue Dongting was hurt by what he said, but she didn’t let it show. She didn’t look at Song Yuming because she knew the fisherman had heard it too.

Song Yuming didn’t seem to care at all. He looked down at his litlte graceful, bundled-up wife and gently scolded, “What are you out here for?”

That caught her off guard. She raised the bamboo basket and said softly, “It had so long and you hadn’t come back, I thought I’d bring you something to eat.” She looked up at him.

The fisherman was tall. Xue Dongting only came up to his chin. He looked down at her. “I forgot to tell you. You don’t need to wait for me. I bring my own lunch.”

Xue Dongting stressed lightly, “But this is hot food…”

He seemed to smile. “Let’s get in the cabin, it’s too cold out here.”

She followed him into the boat and sat tottering in the narrow cabin. She removed the cloth from the basket and sampled the food. “It’s not very hot, but it’s still warm.” She set a bowl and chopsticks before him.


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