QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System

Chapter 292 My Sister-In-Law Is My Surrogate 51

That night, Chen Meili had to be locked up in her room once more. After finding out that Han Tao hadn't come with the Han servants, she'd caused so much ruckus that Father Chen couldn't bear it anymore.

Early the next day, Gu Longwei showed up in the Chen mansion with a single bag.

Father Chen was on his way to the company and Mother Chen was seeing him off so the both of them were at the door of the mansion when the man walked in through the gates. They both stiffened.

As soon as Gu Longwei spotted the two people at the door, his hold on his bag tightened. He was certain that he was the last person any Chen wanted to see but that wasn't his problem.

With his plan, it was better to act fast and gain the upperhand before any one else so he marched up to the Han parents with a smile. "Mr. And Mrs. Chen."

Mother Chen stared at Gu Longwei with red eyes. This man was much older than herself and yet her daughter had... She still could not believe it.

On the other hand, Father Chen trembled with rage. The disgrace and humiliation he'd been facing everywhere for the past days flashed through his mind one after the other. All these because of this one man and yet the same man had the guts to show up on his home with a smile?!

Angrily, Father Chen marched up to Gu Longwei and held the man by his shirt before gritting out, "What are you doing here?!"

Gu Longwei struggled against Father Chen's hold until he managed to break free. Without missing a beat, he said, "Mr. Chen, it would be better if you are not hasty. It isn't as if I forced your daughter to carry my babies."

Father Chen trembled even more but Gu Longwei ignored that and locked eyes with the man fearlessly. "I had watched another man claim possession to my own children and spend more time with them than I did over the past year . Do you know how that felt?!"

He tugged on his shirt. "If you're not ready to talk things out, then I might as well just carry my children and leave this place!"

Mother Chen's eyes widened and Father Chen froze. 

Two seconds later, the surprise on Father Chen's face turned into a sneer. Did Gu Longwei think he was stupid? Did the idiot think he was as tolerative as the Hans and would let a grown man shamelessly latch onto them?

He took out his phone from his pocket and sent a message to someone. Ten seconds later, two huge men advanced from the back of the Chen mansion.

Father Chen pointed at Gu Longwei. "Throw this idiot out of my mansion!"

Gu Longwei's eyes widened. "You- you what are you doing?!"

The men ignored his words and ruthlessly dragged him to the gates. After giving him a good beating, they threw him out.

Father Chen breathed heavily for a while to calm his rage before continuing to his car. Before he got very far, three men in police uniform walked into the Chen estate. His eyes narrowed.

Next to her husband, Mother Chen stared at the policemen in confusion. Why would they suddenly show up here? Did this have something to do with Han Tao?

The policemen soon got close enough and Father Chen spoke up, "What can I do for you officers?"

With a business-like frown, the policeman at the forefront flashed his ID and presented a warrant. "We are here to arrest Mr. Chen Gong and Mr. Chen Bai under charges of laundering, illegal dealings with questionable organizations..." 

He rapped out a long list and with each word that flew out, the whiter the faces of Father Chen and Mother Chen became.

Father Chen trembled. "Y- You must be mistaken!"

The policeman remained silent and inclined his head at his colleagues. The other two got the message and went into the mansion in search of Chen Bai.

Mother Chen ran after them. "You can't go there! My husband and son have done nothing wrong! Han Tao is doing this on purpose because of what happened with Meili right?!

-You can't do that! He's insulting his position and bullying the common people! That's against the la..." The rest of her words were muffled as she went deeper into the mansion.

Outside, Father Chen tried to coax the policeman.

After watching Father Chen mouth so much nonsense, the policeman suddenly said, "Bribery of an officer of the law." And then he clicked on the recorder in his shoulder to turn it off.

Father Chen turned pale and his legs weakened.

Inside the mansion, Chen Bai looked between the two policemen in confusion. "What's going on?"

One of them quickly read out the offense counts and at the end, Chen Bai turned pale. He had covered his tracks so well so how did they find out?! He hurriedly tried to wheel his chair away but the handle was quickly held by one of the policemen.

Seeing this, Chen Bai lost his mind and leaped from the chair, trying to crawl away instead. "It's all lies! I have no dealings with any organization outside the business world!"

Mother Chen saw this and rushed to hit the back of the policeman as she cried desperately, "Let my son go! He's done nothing wrong!"

The policeman nudged Mother Chen away with his shoulder whilst the other policeman rolled his eyes at Chen Bai and effortlessly picked up the disabled man.

"STOP!" Chen Bai screamed as he tried to resist. "Mother! Fath-" He started convulsing at this point.

The policemen wasted no time and replaced Chen Bai on his wheelcahir. They'd come prepared and a paramedic was in their van so they began moving the wheelchair.

Mother Chen began wailing loudly. "You can't do that! He's having a seizure! You're going to have him killed. Where's your humanity?!"

She was completely ignored.




15 minutes later, both Father Chen and Chen Bai were secured in the police van and on their way to the station whilst Mother Chen ran upstairs to drag Chen Meili out of her room and follow them.


One week was all it took for the Chens to fall directly to the bottom rung. Chen Bai and Father Chen were both sentenced to 10 and 8 years in prison respectively for their list of crimes. The Chen company, mansion and all of their properties were confiscated by the government.

Mother Chen and Chen Meili had their bank accounts frozen since the government had been able to trace some of the laundered money to their accounts.

At the end of this, the both of them had to shamefully move to a low income living area with the triplets.

The very same day, City Y;

He Yuan was in the park with Xu Cai and Xu Xiaoli when he finally received the prompt to leave the Task realm. His brows raised at the abruptness.

After the banquet almost 2 weeks ago, he'd thought that he was going to receive the prompt the minute he got home but nothing happened. He waited for two more days but still no prompt.

He began going through every detail in the realm with 888 to see what was out of place but couldn't find anything. The only conclusion was that there was a chance that Chen Meili could bounce back from her current situation so he was in the middle of setting up a plan when the prompt suddenly appeared.

He looked at the twins, "Xiaoli, Cai, come over."

Both boys raised their heads at that and began to walk over. When they got close enough, Xu Cai smiled. "Here mama!"

On the other hand, Xu Xiaoli looked around curiously. "Where Ba Ba?"

In the mindspace, a smile tugged at the corners of 888's lips. He'd been out there a while ago but dematerialized when the prompt came.

He Yuan ruffled Xu Xiaoli's hair with a smile. "888 went to get something." And then he began cleaning up the boys' appearance as much as he could whilst they laughed. When he was done, he picked them up and walked over to the car.

10 minutes later, they got home.

He Yuan entered the house with both boys in his hands and called out, " Yin Xin."

"Yes, Miss Xu!" Yin Xin appeared 10 seconds after her reply.

"Here." He extended the boys in his arms to her. "Give them a bath. I need to rest for a while."

Yin Xin tried to take the boys but to everyone's surprise, Xu Xiaoli and Xu Cai avoided her and clutched He Yuan's neck with so much force that he felt it was going to crack.

Yin Xin frowned. This had never happened before. Both boys were well behaved and had never refused her before... She looked at He Yuan helplessly before trying to coax the boys. 

"Alright come on. If you're obedient, I'm sure Miss Xu would let you both have some sweets!" As she said that, she slowly extended her hands.

"Go away!" Xu Cai suddenly screamed and both He Yuan and Yin Xin flinched in surprise.

On the other hand, Xu Xiaoli tightened his hold on He Yuan's neck and looked at him with trembling lips. "Mama~"

And then the faces of both boys turned very red as they began crying.

He Yuan sighed. This was what he'd feared from the moment he took the boys away from the Han mansion. He'd taken care of them and had even spent some sleepless nights watching over them when they fell sick.

He hated having to leave but the truth of the matter was... They weren't his. There was no way he could remain in the realm and most importantly, they were almost 2 years old. He had taken a lot of precious time that Xu Lifen could have spent with them and he already felt guilty for that.

He turned to Yin Xin. "Nevermind. I'll handle them myself." And then he turned around and walked away.

In the bedroom, He Yuan gave both boys a nice bath before drying them up and placing them on the bed. The second he walked away to get some clothes for them, the eyes of both boys widened and they clumsily slid down from the bed, butt naked, and chased after him.

After picking some clothes from the drawer, He Yuan turned around to find the naked boys staring at him with large eyes.


He burst into laughter.




He Yuan decided to hold off on leaving the realm for a couple of hours and instead spent that time playing with the twins. At some point, Xu Cai slowly fell asleep.

On the other hand, Xu Xiaoli tried his best to keep himself awake but lost in the end. Just before he fell asleep, he held one of He Yuan's finger with his little hand and muttered, "Don't go..."

The silence in the room became deafening at that point.

In the mindspace, 888 pursed his lips before materializing next to his host. "He Yuan?"

He Yuan slowly raised his head with a thin smile.

888 sighed and cleared his throat. "There's no more time left."

He Yuan nodded and when his System dematerialized, he placed the twins properly on the bed and laid down next to them.

[[Leave Task Realm, Yes/ No]]



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