QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System

Chapter 285 My Sister-In-Law Is My Surrogate 44

On a cool Friday evening, Han Tao sat in his office, arms folded and eyes focused on the spread of papers on his desk.

He had indeed received some major information and was supposed to be very happy -after all, this case had been slowly collecting dust in the station catalogue- but...

The expression on his face was one of pure shock. It turned out that Chen Bai and the Chen company had been deeply entrenched in the underground mafia.

The list of crimes committed ranged from things like sending goons to sabotage their business rivals to more intense crimes like money laundering, tax evasion and possibly.. murder.

The last one wasn't clear because the evidence wasn't conclusive but Han Tao had enough experience as a policeman to know.

He ran a hand over his face in distress. What was he supposed to do with this information? If it was reported then that would be the end of the Chens.

He thought of his wife of one month, Chen Meili. He couldn't let her go through the pain of having everything she had grown up with and held dear ripped from her -especially when she was already seven months pregnant with his babies. She didn't deserve that.

On the other hand, he was an officer of the law and was bound by oath. What to do?

Knock! Knock!

A young lady in a police uniform opened the door and peeked in after the knock. "Team leader, it's already so late, when do you plan on leaving?"

Han Tao raised his head and looked out the window then. He was surprised. When did it get so dark? He turned back to nod at the female officer before gathering the papers on the table.




The lights were already off in the Han home when Han Tao returned. This week alone, he could count the number of times he'd actually closed his eyes to sleep on one hand. Only to come up with such a result in the end....

With a tired sigh, he directly turned to the stairs and went to his wing.

As soon as Han Tao stepped into the master's bedroom, his body automatically moved until he was standing next to the sleeping figure on the bed.

Chen Meili had her long hair spread on the pillow like an ink frame. Her chest moved up and down steadily as she slept and her lashes fluttered once.

Han Tao's eyes went down to her protruding stomach. It was protected under the blanket but she still had a hand over it protectively. He smiled softly and went to stroke her hair.

After a while, he straightened and looked down at the file in his hand. Sigh~ He couldn't do it. He couldn't afford to hurt Meili like that. She had lived in a protected shell all her life, how could he be the one to destroy that?

No way.

With that thought, Han Tao walked over to place the file in a safe where he kept his other confidential work files. He was too tired to take a shower so he simply changed out of his clothes and joined the beautiful woman in bed.

The dip on the bed finally woke Chen Meili up. "Ah, hubby?" She exclaimed softly as she rubbed her eyes. "I waited so long for you to return, I had no idea when I slept off."

Han Tao had a gentle smile on his face. She looked so precious rubbing her face like a child would do. Not to mention... he looked down at the slowly forming tent in his pants... he really liked it when she called him hubby.

Chen Meili was still trying to get her bearings right when Han Tao suddenly towered over her and trapped her in his arms. She blinked.

Han Tao grinned. "Did you miss me?" Seeing the blush on her cheeks, he laughed and lowered his head to kiss her.

Things were getting heated and Chen Meili felt that she should be happy about this but... She was not. This was because, the more time she spent with uncle Gu, the more lackluster and boring Han Tao became.

It was always one serious position or the other when having sex with him. No roleplay, no toys, no dirty talk, no excitement. Just a boring policeman.

Soon enough, Han Tao inserted his tool but then noticed that there was absolutely no reaction from his wife. Due to the pregnancy, they were lying sideways and he was behind her so he couldn't see her face. He frowned. "Meili?"

Chen Meili came out of her thoughts then and her eyes widened when she realized the point they were at. She quickly, "Aaaahhh~" Gave out a loud moan and followed up with, "Hubby, you're so big, I'm breathless."

A smirk came upon Han Tao's face. He was initially worried that she'd been hurt but it seemed he'd overthought. With a chuckle, he began dishing out steady strokes.

Han Tao carried on for a good 15 minutes before fatigue got the best of him and he dozed off.

Five seconds later,



"Brother Tao?"

Steady breathing.

Chen Meili closed her eyes and grit her teeth. What was this? If brother Tao knew he was tired and wouldn't be able to keep up then why begin at all?!

Angrily, she detached herself from him, grabbed her phone and walked off to the bathroom. Inside she stared at her phone and bit her lips contemplatively for 2 minutes.

Should she or should she not?

After 2 more minutes, she lifted her hands in the air and groaned. This wouldn't have happened if Han Tao hadn't aroused her in the first place!

In the end, Chen Meili gritted her teeth and calmly sent Gu Longwei a text.


The low sound woke Gu Longwei up. He eyed Han Rong's head in his arms before gently detaching himself and picking up his phone. 

After reading Chen Meili's text, he chuckled. Actually, Han Tao lasting as long as 15 minutes despite being tired was commendable. That was more than twice the average but after slowly training Chen Meili in his ways, of course that little bit of time wouldn't be enough for her.

He laughed softly as he replied,

[[Be in Han Jinhai's wing in 5 minutes.]]

A smile bloomed on Chen Meili's face when she saw the reply. As she snuck out of the room, she eyed Han Tao one last time. 

Truthfully, she loved her husband very much but she also couldn't deny her needs. Rather than get into an argument with him over this, wasn't it better if she got satisfied elsewhere so they could both be happy?

After that thought, Chen Meili raised her head higher, placed a hand on her round stomach and walked off to the next wing.


Meanwhile in City Y:



"Harder Uncle Gu-"

He Yuan went out of the video feed and threw Xu Lifen's phone across the bed. When he left the Han mansion months ago, he hadn't done so with the cameras so his phone still received video feed from it even an entire city away.

He decided to do a random check a while ago and what he was met with was a tied up and very pregnant Chen Meili kneeling with her back to Gu Longwei.

Chen Meili and Han Tao had definitely gotten together by now so he had no idea that Chen Meili and Gu Longwei would continue doing this after the first few times.

He absolutely did not see it coming.

Although Han Tao did not have the halo of a special one, he was still someone who got together with a special one so He Yuan liked to believe the man wasn't lacking.

Now though....



He Yuan frowned thoughtfully. "Do you think I might have mistakenly made Han Tao impotent instead of infertile?" If not, why else would Chen Meili keep running to Gu Longwei on a regular basis?

888 shook his head. [Don't overthink.] He was sure his host did the job right. He eyed the phone on the other side of the bed. Some addictions were just too hard to give up once they began.

He Yuan's lips arched and he threw his doubt to the back of his mind. Next, he looked over to wall.

One week after he returned from his little mission, he had gotten a new house and moved to a new part of City Y with the twins. This house was much smaller but the area was upscale and had more security so it was good.

He also ended up hiring a live-in helper. Juggling caring for the twins with house work, going to the shop and monitoring his stocks everyday just felt unnecessary to him.

Although Xu Lifen's body now had twice the stamina of a normal inhabitant, he still considered it unnecessary.

At the moment, the eight-month-old twins were in the very next room, sleeping. Both babies were already crawling and Xu Xiaoli took his first step three days ago.

Admittedly, He Yuan had been more excited than he expected and had spent the entire day trying to coax the eldest to do it again but, of course, he was blatantly ignored -much to 888's amusement.

Anyways, since the twins were much bigger and the room He Yuan was currently occupying did not have a lot of space, he had gotten a baby recorder and placed a receiver in his room so he would be able to dash over to the babies the minute they made any uncomfortable noise.

All in all, things were going quite good on his end.




A month and two weeks later, Chen Meili was in the middle of one of her rendevouz with Gu Longwei on a bright afternoon when she suddenly entered labour.


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